Japan temperatures hit record high
日本遭遇创纪录高温 数十人中暑
Japanese children cool off at a water park in Tokyo as a heatwave sweeps the country. On Monday, residents in the southern Kochi prefecture sweltered in temperatures of 41 degree Celsius - the highest temperature since records began in 1872.Temperatures were marginally cooler back in the capital, where 52 people have been treated for heat stroke. Parents say the unusually hot weather has made it difficult to find outdoor summer activities for their children.
热浪席卷日本各地,孩子们在水上乐园避暑Kochi)被41摄氏度的高温炙烤——自1872年有记录以来的最高气温 。首都气温稍有回落,这里已有52人因中暑接受治疗 。家长们表示,罕见的高温让孩子们难以找到合适的夏季户外活动 。 。周一,南部高知县(
(SOUNDBITE) (Japanese) 34-YEAR-OLD MIYUKI TAKAMATSU, SAYING: "My children really want to go out and play, but it's just too tiring in this heat. They're so hot sometimes they just slump down and fall asleep. So I'm making them cool down and drink water."
34岁的MIYUKI TAKAMATSU说:“我的孩子非常想出去玩,但是笼罩在热浪里让人非常疲惫 。有时他们一躺下就睡着了 。所以我想办法让他们避暑,并且多喝水 。”
The heatwave is expected to mostly break in Japan's east later on Monday, while the country's western region is likely to see temperatures of 35 degrees Celsius for another week.
预期周一晚些时候热浪将到达日本东部,接下来的一周西部地区仍有可能持续遭遇35摄氏度的高温 。
Search for volcano victims
印尼火山喷发 数千人撤离
Mount Rokatenda on the Indonesia island of Palue sent a cloud of ash two kilometres into the sky and was spewing rocks and lava on Saturday. Petrus was one of at least six people injured. He was caught in lava floods as he walked along the side of a river. Search teams found him at his home and brought him to safety. He's been taken to hospital for treatment. At least five people have been killed and two are still missing, feared dead. More than 3,000 people whose homes are within three kilometres of the crater were evacuated from their homes on Monday. They're facing a stay in tents at this camp but others have not been so willing to flee their homes. Authorities raised the warning status to high alert as the volcano became increasingly active last October.
周六,印尼帕卢厄岛上的罗卡滕达火山(Mount Rokatenda)喷发,喷射出高达2000米的火山灰与烟雾,炽热岩浆不断涌出 。至少6人受伤,Petrus就是其中之一 。他在河边行走时被岩浆灼伤 。搜救队在家中找到他,把他带到安全地带,并送往医院接受治疗 。至少5人遇难,还有2人失踪,可能已经不幸遇难 。周一,居住在火山口附近3千米范围以内的超过3,000人已经被疏散 。他们暂时居住在这个营地的帐篷里,但是其他人不愿意离开家园 。当局已经发布高级预警,因为这座火山从去年十月开始已经越来越活跃 。
Greek police seek escaped migrants
移民拘留中心暴乱 希腊警方寻找逃逸人员
Greek police were still looking for migrant detainees who escaped during rioting at this holding centre late on Saturday. The violence erupted when the 1,620 detainees were told they'd be held for up to 18 months instead of a year. Police said 10 of the detainees escaped. They said guards came under a hail of water bottles and stones from the detainees who set fire to rubbish bags and mattresses. Ten guards were wounded. The unrest was quelled by riot police who fired tear gas to disperse the crowds. Most of the detainees are from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Greece has long been criticised by human rights groups over the poor conditions at such reception centres. It also approves very few asylum applications. Anti-foreigner sentiment has been rising since the country's economic crisis erupted, pushing up unemployment to 25 per cent of the workforce.
周六晚些时候,这个拘留中心发生暴动,一些移民被拘留者逃跑,希腊警方仍在搜寻 。这1,620名囚犯被告知他们将被拘留18个月,而不是一年,因此引发了暴力 。警方表示,其中10名囚犯逃跑 。他们说,囚犯向他们扔了大量水瓶和石头,并点燃了垃圾袋和床垫 。十名守卫受伤 。防暴警察施放了催泪弹驱散人群,平息了暴动 。大部分被拘留者来自阿富汗和巴基斯坦 。希腊一直因为拘留中心环境糟糕而受到人权组织的批评 。而且希腊很少批准收容申请 。自希腊爆发经济危机,失业率上升到25%以来,希腊的反外国人情绪不断滋长 。