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小故事背诵达人 第116期:Hand Gliding

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  • Unit 19 Hand Gliding
  • 第19单元 驾驶滑翔翼
  • Peter is a hand gliding instructor in California. People come from all over the world to learn how to hand-glide.
  • 彼得是加州一名滑翔翼教练,世界各地的人都来向他学习如何驾驶滑翔翼。
  • He also teaches movie stars that need to know how to hand glide for movies.
  • 他也教那些需要知道如何在电影里驾驶滑翔翼的电影明星。
  • Today, Peter was teaching a very famous person who was making an action movie.
  • 今天,彼得正在教一个很有名气的人,他正准备拍一部动作片。
  • Peter strapped the movie star into the glider.
  • 彼得把这个电影明星绑在滑翔翼上。
  • They had spent all afternoon practicing and now the movie star was going up all by himself.
  • 他们整个下午都在练习,现在这个电影明星要一个人试试看。
  • The movie star was doing exactly what he has learned that day when something went wrong.
  • 虽然他完全按照他那天学到的方法去做,结果还是出了事;
  • The glider began slowly to fall. Peter had to save him.
  • 他的滑翔翼开始慢慢往下掉。彼得必须去救他才行。
  • He jumped onto his own glider and few over to where the man was. The movie star was panicking.
  • 他跳上自己的滑翔翼往电影明星那边飞过去,那个人一阵惊慌失措,
  • Peter unstrapped the man and told him to hang on to him.
  • 彼得则帮他解开绳子,叫他抓住他。
  • The man did what he was told just in time to watch his glider fall into the valley below.
  • 那个人按照彼得的话去做,及时抓住彼得,然后看着自己的滑翔翼掉进下面的山谷。
  • To thank him for saving his life, the movie star cast him a part in his movie.
  • 为了感谢彼得的救命之恩,这个电影明星便替他在自己的电影里安排了一个角色。


Unit 19 Hand Gliding

第19单元 驾驶滑翔翼
Peter is a hand gliding instructor in California. People come from all over the world to learn how to hand-glide. He also teaches movie stars that need to know how to hand glide for movies.

Today, Peter was teaching a very famous person who was making an action movie.

Peter strapped the movie star into the glider. They had spent all afternoon practicing and now the movie star was going up all by himself.
The movie star was doing exactly what he has learned that day when something went wrong. The glider began slowly to fall. Peter had to save him.
He jumped onto his own glider and few over to where the man was. The movie star was panicking. Peter unstrapped the man and told him to hang on to him.
The man did what he was told just in time to watch his glider fall into the valley below.
To thank him for saving his life, the movie star cast him a part in his movie.

【美】 Tara McAteer 著 黄惟郁 译上海交通大学出版社出版

重点单词   查看全部解释    
glide [glaid]


n. 滑动,滑过,流水
v. 滑动,滑翔,溜走

cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目





