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小故事背诵达人 第118期:Yellow Submarine

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 21 Yellow Submarine
  • 第21单元 黄色潜水艇
  • The class loaded into the submarine. "Be careful," said their teacher Mrs. Teller.
  • 全班同学都进入了潜水艇。“小心。”他们的老师泰勒女士说道。
  • The class was going on to a school field trip under the ocean. Everyone was very excited.
  • 这一班要在海底进行学校的实地考察旅行,每个人都兴奋极了。
  • When everyone was in and the doors were locked the submarine started to move.
  • 大家都就定位后,门便锁了起来,潜水艇于是开始出发。
  • The captain was at the front. There were many windows in the submarine and the students looked out the window at all the interesting things.
  • 船长在潜水艇最前面的位置。潜水艇有很多扇窗户,学生们都看着窗外许许多多有趣的东西。
  • "Look over here," one boy shouted. "It's an octopus! Wow. It is so big."
  • “看这里,”一名男孩大喊:“是章鱼耶!哇,好大只哦!”
  • All the students ran over to where the boy was standing.
  • 于是所有的学生都跑到男孩站的那个地方。
  • The octopus was bigger than the sub. It s long legs could have wrapped around it.
  • 那个章鱼比潜水艇还大,它的脚还可以把整艘潜水艇给包起来。
  • The sub kept going deeper into the water. "Look at the school of fish,"
  • 潜水艇继续往更深的水域前进。“看那群鱼,”
  • said another student as the sub sailed through a school of thousands and thousands of fish.
  • 另外一名学生在潜水艇行经数不清的一大群鱼时说道。
  • The students looked out and the fish looked in. At the bottom of the ocean the students saw something very interesting.
  • 学生们都向外看,鱼群则向内看。学生们看到海底有个东西很有趣,
  • It was a sunken warship. The teacher told them it was from World War 2.
  • 原来是一艘沉没的军舰。老师告诉大家那是第二次世界大战时留下来的。
  • And then it was time to go home. When they got back to school the students wrote a paper about their adventure under the sea.
  • 接着也差不多该回家了。当大家回到学校后,每个学生都写了一篇关于海底探险的报告。


Unit 21 Yellow Submarine

第21单元 黄色潜水艇
The class loaded into the submarine. "Be careful," said their teacher Mrs. Teller. The class was going on to a school field trip under the ocean. Everyone was very excited. When everyone was in and the doors were locked the submarine started to move.
The captain was at the front. There were many windows in the submarine and the students looked out the window at all the interesting things. "Look over here," one boy shouted. "It's an octopus! Wow. It is so big." All the students ran over to where the boy was standing.
The octopus was bigger than the sub. It s long legs could have wrapped around it. The sub kept going deeper into the water. "Look at the school of fish," said another student as the sub sailed through a school of thousands and thousands of fish.
The students looked out and the fish looked in. At the bottom of the ocean the students saw something very interesting. It was a sunken warship. The teacher told them it was from World War 2.
And then it was time to go home. When they got back to school the students wrote a paper about their adventure under the sea.

【美】 Tara McAteer 著 黄惟郁 译上海交通大学出版社出版




