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小故事背诵达人 第117期:The Lion Sleeps Tonight

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 20 The Lion Sleeps Tonight
  • 第20单元 狮子今晚睡着了
  • Danwa crouched down in the trees. He did not want the lion to se him. The lion was sick.
  • 丹瓦蹲在树林里躲着不想让狮子看见他。那只狮子病了,
  • Danwa was a veterinarian. There was a rare and infectious disease spreading among the lions in this part of Africa.
  • 而丹瓦是一名兽医;目前非洲这个地区有一种罕见的传染病正在狮子之间蔓延。
  • In order to help the lions he needed to examine them. He had to inject it with drugs so the lion would fall asleep.
  • 为了帮助狮子,他必须检查他们的情况,所以得注射麻醉剂让狮子睡着才行。
  • Usually, he used a special gun to shoot an animal but this time Danwa had to put the needle in the lion's ear.
  • 他通常会用一种特别的枪来射动物,不过这回丹瓦必须把注射的针刺进狮子的耳朵才行。
  • He crept closer to the lion. She was lying down alone, barely moving. Danwa saw his chance; he moved in quickly.
  • 他悄悄走进狮子,它正独自躺在地上,几乎动也不动。丹瓦发现机不可失,便快速向狮子靠近;
  • The lion heard his footsteps and roared. She was too sick to get up. Her teeth were sharp and Danwa was scared.
  • 结果狮子听到他的脚步声便大吼一声。虽然狮子因为病得太重而站不起来,但它那尖锐的牙齿还是会让丹瓦害怕。
  • Luckily, the lion could not get up. He must move forward.
  • 幸好狮子站不起来,他得再向前一步才行,
  • With one quick lunge Danwa stabbed the lion with the needle. She roared and swung her paw at Danwa. He fell backward.
  • 于是丹瓦快速往前冲,把针刺进了狮子身上。狮子一边吼一边对着丹瓦挥舞爪子,害丹瓦向后跌倒在地。
  • But he had done it. Soon she would be sleeping and they could take her back to the lab for tests.
  • 不过他成功了,狮子很快就会睡着,然后他们就可以把狮子带回实验室进行检验。


Unit 20 The Lion Sleeps Tonight

第20单元 狮子今晚睡着了
Danwa crouched down in the trees. He did not want the lion to se him. The lion was sick. Danwa was a veterinarian. There was a rare and infectious disease spreading among the lions in this part of Africa.

In order to help the lions he needed to examine them. He had to inject it with drugs so the lion would fall asleep. Usually, he used a special gun to shoot an animal but this time Danwa had to put the needle in the lion's ear.

He crept closer to the lion. She was lying down alone, barely moving. Danwa saw his chance; he moved in quickly. The lion heard his footsteps and roared. She was too sick to get up. Her teeth were sharp and Danwa was scared.
Luckily, the lion could not get up. He must move forward. With one quick lunge Danwa stabbed the lion with the needle. She roared and swung her paw at Danwa. He fell backward.
But he had done it. Soon she would be sleeping and they could take her back to the lab for tests.

【美】 Tara McAteer 著 黄惟郁 译上海交通大学出版社出版

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

rare [rɛə]


adj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的

needle ['ni:dl]


n. 针
vt. 用针缝,激怒,嘲弄

inject [in'dʒekt]


v. 注射





