She gets on my nerves all the time.
【Andrew’s Note】
This is a very American phrase. I use it almost every day.
[1] One of my friends got married to a perfectly beautiful lady last year, but his wife gives him no comfort but only uneasiness. He was quite fed up with their conjugal(婚姻的)conditions because she got on his nerves, often kicking him out of the door and verbally abusing him by yelling, "Goddamned idiot! Get lost !" whenever he irritated her. As it stood, they, living a cat-and-dog life, would split up.
[2] Every now and then he called me and confided to (向某人吐露某事) me about his evil wife and his decision to divorce her. He repeatedly told me he couldn’t stand the continuation of their marriage. They couldn’t live in harmony with one another almost from day one. And they had squabbled with one another all along, leaving no space for mediation and reconciliation. The sooner they got divorced, the more conducive it would be to their happiness.
[1] 我一位朋友去年和一绝色美女完婚,但他的这位太太可没让他过上舒坦日子,总是闹腾,他过得很不安宁。他对他们的婚姻生活感到厌倦,因为她这样闹下去,他被弄得心烦意乱;每次惹怒了她,她就把他踢出门外,骂得狗血喷头的,不停地嚷嚷:“ 该死的白痴!滚开!”照眼前看,他们过着吵吵闹闹,鸡犬不宁的日子,早晚是要分道扬镳。
[2] 他不时会打来电话向我诉苦,抱怨他那邪恶的妻子,并决定和她离婚。他反复告诉我,他再也忍受不了这种婚姻。他们从一开始就不能和睦相处。整天争吵不休,他们之间已没有任何调解和重归于好的余地了!越早离婚,越有助于他们各自的幸福。