The journey is tough but the going's good.
旅途艰苦,但过程还算顺利 。
Tamsen Donner writes in her journal:I could never believe we could have traveled so far with so little difficulty.
塔姆森·唐纳在日志中写道:我简直不敢相信,虽然行进了如此之远,途中却鲜有磨难 。
Indeed if we do not experience anything worse, I shall say the trouble is all in getting started.
要是前方没有更大的磨难的话,我不得不说这一路也就启程之时最为艰难 。
But as leader of the wagon train, Tamsen's husband, George Donner, is aware there's one final obstacle to their journey. The Sierra Nevada.
然而,作为马车队的队长,塔姆森的丈夫乔治·唐纳知道最后一道天险横亘在他们的旅途上,那就是内华达山脉 。
Peaks up to 14,000 feet. Fail to clear the mountain passes before the first snow falls and the consequences are terrifying.
海拔高达14000英尺,若在初雪之前不能穿过山路后果将不堪设想 。
But as the Donner Party approaches Utah, George Donner makes a fateful decision, leading a splinter group off from the main party.
但当唐纳一行快到犹他州时,乔治·唐纳作出了一个致命的决定,脱离大队另辟蹊径 。
He's read one of the many new trail guidebooks, showing a shortcut that claims to shave two weeks off the journey time. Hastings Cutoff is said to be a saving of 400 miles.
当时路线指南盛行,他读过其中一本书,书上介绍了一条捷径声称能够缩短两周的行程,据说黑斯廷斯捷径可以缩短400里的脚程 。
We are informed it is a fine, level road with plenty of water and grass. But Donner's information is wrong.
书中说那条路平坦易行并且沿途水草丰美,然而唐纳的信息大错特错 。
In fact, the "Shortcut" adds 100 miles to the journey.
实际上,这条所谓的捷径反而增加了100里的行程 。
High in the Sierra Nevada, the Donner Party ente rs the Truckee Pass.
They're only 30 miles from the California plains.
But supplies are dangerously low, and traveling through the mountains is taking its toll.A broken axle.
但是食物已经所剩无几,并且长期的山路颠簸也初现恶果,一根车轴断了 。
The Donner Party stops to make repairs. But that night... 5 feet of snow falls.
唐纳一行停下来修理马车,但就在那天晚上大雪从天而降,积雪足有5英尺 。
adj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,