朱莉真好 送鸡蛋给我们吃
I don't care. I'm still having cereal tomorrow.
才不稀罕 我明早还吃麦片
Yeah, how do we know there's no chicks in one of those eggs?
I used to eat farm-fresh eggs when I was a kid. They were delicious.
我小时候常吃农场的新鲜土鸡蛋 非常好吃
Yeah, well, that's all well and good...but what if we crack one open and a dead chick falls out?
好吧 是非常好 但万一敲开 结果出来一只死小鸡怎么办
Do they have a rooster?
If they don't have a rooster the eggs can't be fertile.
如果没有公鸡 那蛋就不会受精
And if they had a rooster, we'd know.
如果他们养了公鸡 我们会知道的
The whole neighborhood would know.
Maybe they got it de-yodeled.
You know. De-cock-a-doodle-doo'd.
What the hell are you talking about?
Like they de-bark dogs.
Bryce, why don't you just ask Juli?
布莱斯 你干嘛不直接问朱莉呢
I don't think that... What?
我不觉得... 什么
You afraid to talk to her? I'm not afraid to talk to her.
你怕和她说话吗 我才不怕和她说话
I know you are, but what am I?
我知道那是你 那我是什么
Okay. Just talk to her and find out.
好了 问问她就知道了
How do you tell if one's a rooster?
Well, a rooster's bigger. Longer feathers.
公鸡更大 羽毛更长
They've got that red stuff growing out of their head.
And around their neck too.
That shouldn't be too hard to spot.
Although, come to think of it,chickens have the rubbery red stuff too.
不过话说回来 其它鸡也有那种红色肉瘤
Just not as much.
Garrett's expertise in roosters...was the cornerstone of our plan to avoid contact with Juli Baker.
伽利特对公鸡的精通 是我们避免与朱莉·贝克接触的基石
The balance of which involved spying over her back fence.