1. 社交不是social
现在常听到“最近很多social”;或者描述一个人“很social“、“很不social’ 。但其实这样的用法在英语里是错误的。
Social events: 社交活动
Social gatherings:社交聚会
Lots of social events/gatherings: 很多社交活动、社交聚会
A busy social calendar: 社交日历繁忙,也就是社交活动很多
An active social life: 社交生活活跃
There're lots of social gatherings around Chinese New Year: 快到春节了,社交聚会特别多
Someone is or isn’t very sociable: 一个人很会、很喜爱社交、或反之
I'm not a very sociable person: 我不是很擅长交际
He's super sociable: 他是个社牛
Socialize: 开展社交活动、交际
I used to love to socialize, but I don’t like doing too much socializing now: 我以前很喜欢交际,但现在不那么多了
Lots of socializing: 很多社交(加ing, 变为动名词)
2. 应酬
Entertain: 应酬、招待、社交,是个动词。跟entertainment/entertaining侧重点不同,entertain突出的不是娱乐搞笑,而是社交属性
Entertain guests/entertain clients: 招待客人、应酬、招待客户
I need to do a lot of entertaining for my job: 我工作常要招待应酬
可以说entertain friends and family吗?
3. 吃吃喝喝
Wining and dining: 没错,就是这个很形象的短语,也可以变成动词:
To wine and dine: 吃喝招待、享受美酒美食
There’s a lot of wining and dining at the end of the year: 年底有很多吃喝应酬
To wine and dine clients: 招待客户
But don't forget to wine and dine your wife/husband: 但也别忘了请太太/先生吃顿好的
4. 聚会、组局
Gather: 相聚、聚会,是动词
Gathering: 聚会、聚餐,名词
To gather with friends: 跟朋友聚聚
End-of-year gatherings: 年底聚会
Going to a gathering: 去参加一场聚会
Family gathering: 家庭聚会、家庭聚餐
I look forward to family gatherings this Chinese New Year: 我期待过年跟家人团聚
5. 约起来、聚一聚!
Get together: 约起来!它既是动词,又是名词(作为名词时会加连字符:get-together)
We haven't seen each other for a long time. Let’s get together: 很久没见了,咱们聚聚吧
To get together with friends: 跟朋友聚
We are having a get-together this weekend: 我们这周末会组织一场聚会
We got together last night: 我们昨晚聚了
6. 见个面
这里就可以用大家最熟悉的meet或者meet up
I'm meeting a couple of coworkers for drinks later: 我晚点儿会跟几个同事出去喝几杯
It's been too long. We should meet up! 我们太久没见了,应该见个面!
I met up with some old college friends last week: 我上周见了大学老同学
7. 派对
I partied a lot in college. As I got elder, I don't do it much anymore: 我大学时玩儿得很多,年纪大了,就不太参加了
8. 业务、工作应酬
I have a bunch of work functions next month: 我下个月有好几个工作应酬
The restaurant is closed to public due to a private function: 饭店今天不对外营业,因为有私人宴会