Blossoms Shanghai: 《繁花》的官方英语剧名。而金宇澄同名原著小说的官方书名则是"Blossoms"
Blossoms: 盛开的花
TV drama/drama series: 电视连续剧
Period drama: 年代剧,指不是发生在当代,而是过去年代的戏
Blossoms is set in Shanghai in the 90's: 《繁花》的故事发生在90年代的上海。Set这个动词常用来描述艺术作品发生的年代和地域
The series has two versions, one in Shanghainese, the other in Mandarin: 这部戏有两个版本,沪语版和普通话版
Mandarin: 普通话
Dialect: 方言
Topolect: 也是方言的意思。但它与dialect的区别在于:不同topolect之间无法理解。中国很多方言之间差异巨大、互相无法理解,因此严格意义上说是topolect
Blossoms Shanghai is adapted from the novel of the same name: 《繁花》改编自同名小说
The novel was written in Shanghainese, in Hanzi, but mostly comprehensible to non-Shanghainese speakers: 小说以沪语写作,但非沪语使用者也能理解
It started as an online novel: 这本书刚开始是网络小说
Fan fiction: 指某本书,通常是受欢迎的书,其读者粉丝受启发自己创作的衍生作品
Plot summary from Wikipedia: 来自维基百科的《繁华》剧情概述
Shanghai in the 1990's was full of opportunities and hope: 90年代的上海充满机遇和希望
A Bao took advantage of the reform and opening up and through his own hard work to become a rising star in the business world: 阿宝抓住改革开放的机遇和自身不懈的奋斗,成为商场上冉冉升起的新星
A Bao's transformation is inseparable from his mentor Uncle, an elderly man who was once a business legend in his own days: 阿宝的蜕变离不开他的导师,爷叔的帮助。爷叔曾经也叱咤商场
But a newly opened restaurant on Huanghe Road and its mysterious owner Lili threw A Bao’s successful career into turmoil, and put his relationships with the people around him to the test: 但随着神秘女子李李空降黄河路并开设至真园饭店,搅动整条街,同时他与身边人的关系也将经受前所未有的考验
Cast: 演员阵容
Huge cast: 大牌演员阵容(开个玩笑,胡歌名字的拼音"Hu ge"恰好是huge)
Insane cast: 虽然insane字面意思是“疯狂的”,但它常用来形容极度精彩、好到难以置信
Famous director Wong Kar Wai is at the helm of the production: 著名导演王家卫掌舵、监制整部戏
The appeal of someone or something: 一件人事物的魅力、吸引力
Nostalgia: 怀旧
The show is steeped in nostalgia: 整部戏充满浓浓的怀旧气息
It makes audiences nostalgic of the a bygone era: 使观众怀念那已经逝去的时光
*注意,nostalgia是个名词,形容艺术作品怀旧,可以说full of nostalgia。而形容人怀旧的情绪则用feeling nostalgic这个形容词
The show quite successfully captures the essence and vibe of Shanghai: 这部戏也很好地捕捉了上海的精髓和气息
It's a city full of energy and buzz: 这是一座充满活力、能量的城市
But it's not just glitz and glamour, audiences also see details of everyday life in Shanghai: 但戏里不只是魔都的繁华和绚丽,也有日常生活的细节
Feels quite authentic: 比较原汁原味地呈现
Stylistically and aesthetically distinct and alluring: 从风格、审美角度而言,这部戏展现了上海的特色和魅力
Shanghai is the ultimate star of the show: 其实上海是这部戏的终极主角
虽然表面来说是silent, 但是“不响”意味深长,包含了丰富的态度,比如:
Unwilling to voice your opinion: 不愿意说出真实的想法
Having reservations: 有所保留
Reticent: 沉默不语、不愿表达
Close-lipped: 很形象吧,就是“不响”