Adam has been with OpenLanguage for almost 10 years: Adam与开言一起走过了近10年的时光
He never would have thought it would be a decade long journey: 他当时完全没想到这会成为一段近10年的旅程
He is such a natural. It's almost like he was born for this role: 他的主持浑然天成,似乎是为此而生的
Supremely talented: 才华横溢
He has such immense passion to share his knowledge and linguistic and cultural observation with the listeners: 他热爱与听众们分享自己的知识、对语言和文化的观察和见解
The dedication to listeners and users has been the primary source of motivation for him: 对于听众、用户的用心和投入是这么多年来Adam最大的动力来源
Over the past almost 10 years, there has never been a time when Adam and Jenny got tired of recording for the listeners: 在过去将近10年的时间里,Adam和Jenny从来没有对录音、做节目厌倦过
Adam has decided to transition into the next stage of his life: Adam决定过渡进入人生的下一个阶段
He has gone back to school, pursuing a master's degree in counselling: 他重返校园,目前正在攻读心理咨询师硕士学位
He wants to help those who are struggling after finishing his degree: 他希望毕业后能帮助在挣扎的人们
To be a good listener: 成为一名好的倾听者
Life has different seasons. It's a new season for Adam: 人生有不同的季节, Adam进入了一个新的季节
There will never be someone as talented and dedicated as Adam: 再也不会有像Adam这么有才华、这么用心投入的主播
He is irreplaceable and inimitable: 他是无法被取代、无法比拟的
But as Adam enters a new season of life, what surpasses our sorrow is our deepest gratitude and best wishes for him: 但是在Adam迈入人生新季节时,超出我们的忧伤和不舍的是我们对他深深的感恩和祝福
OpenLanguage will always be your home. Come back anytime: 开言永远是你的家,欢迎你随时回来