“I have things”毛病出在哪儿?
Things在英语里和中文一样,既可以指实体的东西,也可以指抽象的事情。但是“I have things.”在英语中指的就是实体物品。
1) 第一种方式就是刚才介绍的:加动词。
I have things to do.
I have some things to do.
I have a few things to do.
I have a lot of things to do.
I have a bunch of things to do.
I have some stuff to do.
I have a lot of stuff to do.
I have a bunch of stuff to do.
2) I have +具体的事情
I have some work to do: 我有些工作要做。
I have some errands to run: 我要办点杂事(errrands涵盖范围很广,但基本指日常生活的杂事,比如买菜、修东西等)。
*大家有没有发现,在上述所有的句子里,我们都用到了many、some、a lot of等量词。因为,量词在口语中能软化语气,让句子听起来更客气。
3) 忙、没时间
通过“忙”也能表达“我有事”。但是如果你只说“I'm busy.”就太直接了、太强硬了。不妨试试下面的表达:
I'm a bit busy right now: 我现在有点儿忙。
I'm a bit tied up right now: 同上 (tied up是忙、无法分身的意思)
I have a lot of things going on: 我有很多事情 (have things going on在口语中常用来表达很多事情在进行、在发生、在展开)。
I have a lot on my plate: 我最近事情很多 (have a lot on one's plate也是一个表达忙的高频说法)。
I don't have a lot of time right now: 我现在没那么多时间。
*平时这些句子里还常出现 kind of (口语常缩略为kinda):
I'm kinda busy this weekend.
I'm kinda tied up right now.
4) 不方便
It's not very convenient right now: 现在不是很方便。
It's not the most convenient: 意思同上,但语气更客气。
The timing isn't great: 时间不是很搭(timing与time的区别是更侧重于时间是否合适、能凑上)。
The timing isn't all that great 或者 The timing isn't all that convenient: 时间不是最方便。(Isn't all that...表达方式非常婉转、非常客气。)
Euphemistic: 婉转的、委婉的