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1 却说秦氏听宝玉梦中唤他的乳名,心中纳闷,又不好细问。彼时宝玉迷迷惑惑,若有所失,遂起身解怀整衣,袭人过来给他系裤带时,刚伸手至大腿处,只觉冰冷粘湿的一片,吓的慌忙退回手来,问:“是怎么了?”宝玉红了脸,把他的手一捻,袭人本是个聪明女子,年纪又比宝玉大两岁,近来也渐省人事,今见宝玉如此光景,心中便觉察了一半,不觉把个粉脸羞的飞红,遂不好再问。

Translation 1:

Chin Ko-ching was amazed to hear Pao-yu call her childhood name in his dream, but she could hardly question him. As for Pao-yu, he felt as bemused as if he had lost his wits. Attendants promptly brought him a longan decoction and after sipping a couple of mouthfuls he got up to adjust his clothes.

As Hsi-jen reached out to fasten his trousers for him, she touched his thigh and found it cold and sticky. She drew back in alarm and asked what was the matter. Flushing crimson, Pao-yu simply squeezed her hand.

Now Hsi-jen was an intelligent girl, and being a couple of years older than Pao-yu she already knew the facts of life. She guessed from the state he was in what must have happened and blushing herself helped him to tidy his clothes without any further questions.

(Translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang)


Translation 2:

Qin-shi was surprised to hear Bao-yu call out her childhood name in his sleep, but did not like to pursue the matter. As she stood wondering, Bao-yu, who was still bemused after his dream and not yet in full possession of his faculties, got out of bed and began to stretch himself and to adjust his clothes, assisted by Aroma. As she was doing up his trousers, her hand, chancing to stray over his thigh, came into contact with something cold and sticky which caused her to draw it back in alarm and ask him if he was all right. Instead of answering, he merely reddened and gave the hand a squeeze.

Aroma had always been an intelligent girl. She was, in any case, a year or two older than Bao-yu and had recently begun to have some understanding of the facts of life. Observing the condition that Bao-yu was in, she therefore had more than an inkling of what had happened. Abandoning her question, she busied herself with his clothes, her cheeks suffused by a crimson blush of embarrassment.

(Translated by David Hawkes)


Translation 3:

On hearing Baoyu calling her milk name, Qin Keqing felt puzzled but was embarrassed to track it down. Dizzy and bewildered, Baoyu felt something had lost. He got up to put his dress right when Xiren came over to help him fasten his trousers. Having reached his thighs, she felt a patch of wet sticky thing on his underwear. Having drawn her hands in hurry, she asked: “What’s the matter?” Blushed, Baoyu pressed her hand with fingers naughtily. Being quick and bright, and two years elder than Baoyu, Xiren recently came to know something about that. On sensing Baoyu in such a state, she guessed it must have been that which had happened to Baoyu. Face reddened all over, she gave up any further questioning.


2 话说周瑞家的送走了刘姥姥去后,便上来回王夫人话,谁知王夫人不在上房,问丫鬟们,方知往薛姨妈那边说话儿去了。周瑞家的听说便出东角门,过东院,往梨香院来。

Translation 1:

After seeing off Granny Liu, Mrs. Chou went to report to Lady Wang. On being told by her maids that their mistress had gone to chat with Aunt Hsueh, she made her way through the east side gate and the east courtyard to Pear Fragrance Court.

(Translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang)


Translation 2:

When Zhou Rui’s wife had finished seeing off Grannie Liu, she went to Lady Wang’s place to report. Lady Wang, however, was not in her apartment. The maids said that she had gone off to visit Aunt Xue. Zhou Rui’s wife accordingly went out by the gate in the east corner of the compound, crossed the eastern courtyard, and made her way to Pear Tree Court.

(Translated by David Hawkes)


Translation 3:

Having seen off Granny Liu, Mrs. Zhou went to Lady Wang, reporting Granny Liu’s departure, to find that Lady Wang was not in. Asked, the maids informed her that she had gone to Aunt Xue’s for a chat. Then Mrs. Zhou went through the east corner gate, crossed the east yard and went to Lixiang Yard.


3 话说宝玉和凤姐回家,见过众人,宝玉回明贾母要约秦钟上家塾之事,自己也有个伴读的朋友,正好发奋;又着实称赞秦钟人品行事,最是可人怜爱的。

Translation 1:

After Hsi-feng and Pao-yu reached home and had paid their greetings, Pao-yu told the Lady Dowager of Chin Chung’s eagerness to attend their clan school, and the incentive it would be for him to have a friend and companion in his studies. He painted a glowing picture of the other boy’s admirable character and lovable qualities.

(Translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang)


Translation 2:

When Bao-yu and Xi-feng were back and had seen the others, Bao-yu told Grandmother Jia of his wish to have Qin Zhong admitted to the clan school. He pointed out that a congenial study- companion would stimulate him to greater effort and gave her a glowing account of Qin Zhong’s amiable qualities.

(Translated by David Hawkes)


Translation 3:

Having returned home with Sister Xifeng and exchanged greetings with the waiting crowd, Baoyu reported to Granny Jia that he would like to invite Qin Zhong to the clan school, saying that with a friend to accompany him, he would make greater endeavors in his studies. In addition, Baoyu praised Qin Zhong for his morality and conducts, and his most lovable personality.


4 话说秦邦业父子专候贾家人来送上学之信。原来宝玉急于要和秦钟相遇,遂择了后日一定上学,打发人送了信。到了这天,宝玉起来时,袭人早已把书笔文物收拾停妥,坐在床沿上发闷;见宝玉起来,只得服侍他梳洗。

Translation 1:

Chin Yeh and his son did not have long to wait for a message from the Chia family telling them the date on which to start school, for Pao-yu was so eager to be with Chin Chung he could think of nothing else. He sent a servant with a note asking his friend to come to his house in two days’ time, in the morning, to go to school together.

On the day appointed, while Pao-yu was still asleep, Hsi-jen made a neat package of his books and writing materials, then sat down dejectedly on the edge of the kang. When he woke, she helped him with his toilet.

(Translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang)


Translation 2:

In the last chapter we left Qin Bang-ye and his son waiting for a message from the Jia household to tell them when Qin Zhong was to begin school. Bao-yu was impatient to see Qin Zhong again and sent word to say that it was to be the day after next.

When the appointed day arrived, Bao-yu rose in the morning to find that Aroma had already got his books, brushes and other writing materials ready for him and was sitting disconsolately on the side of his bed. Seeing him get up, she roused herself and helped him to do his hair and wash.

(Translated by David Hawkes)


Translation 3:

Qin Bangye and his son were awaiting message from the Jia family, informing the son of the date to attend the clan school. Just then Baoyu sent the message, informing them that Qin Zhong was expected to attend the school two days later, for Baoyu was very eager to have Qin Zhong’s company. On the day, Xiren had everything for schooling ready before Baoyu got up. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she felt depressed. However, the moment Baoyu got up, she came to help him with his morning wash.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
hardship ['hɑ:dʃip]


n. 艰难,困苦

gossip ['gɔsip]


n. 流言蜚语,闲话,爱说长道短的人

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

apologize [ə'pɔlədʒaiz]


vi. 道歉,谢罪

invitation [.invi'teiʃən]


n. 邀请,招待,邀请函,引诱,招致

observe [əb'zə:v]


v. 观察,遵守,注意到
v. 评论,庆

compound ['kɔmpaund]


n. 混合物,复合词
n. 院子(用围墙圈起来

embarrassment [im'bærəsmənt]


n. 困窘,尴尬,困难

compliance [kəm'plaiəns]


n. 顺从,遵从,灵活

leather ['leðə]


n. 皮革,皮制品
adj. 皮革制的





