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来源:可可英语 编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

1 却说陈宫欲下手杀曹操,忽转念曰:“我为国家跟他到此,杀之不义,不若弃而他往。”插剑上马,不等天明,自投东郡去了 01 却说陈宫欲下手杀曹操,忽转念曰:“我为国家跟他到此,杀之不义,不若弃而他往。”插剑上马,不等天明,自投东郡去了。

Translation 1:

His arms raised to strike, Chen Gong reflected, “I followed Cao Cao for the good of the Emperor. But killing him only adds another wrong. Better simply to leave.” Having come to that decision, he put away his sword and, without waiting for daybreak, rode toward Dongjun, his familys home district.

(Translated by Moss Roberts)

(译文紧扣原文,但将国家译成了the Emperor,将东郡译成了Dongjun, his familys home district。)

Translation 2:

Having raised his sword at Cao Cao, but on the second thought, Chen Gong believed: “For the sake of the empire, I followed him here. Killing him would be an unfriendly act. Better to spare him and leave for another place.” Then he put the sword away and left for Dongjun when it was not daybreak yet.


2 却说张飞拍马赶到关下,关上矢石如雨,不得进而回。八路诸侯,同请玄德、关、张贺功,使人去袁绍帐中报捷。袁绍移檄孙坚,令其进兵。

Translation 1:

Zhang Fei raced ahead to the pass, but volleys of stones and arrows forced him back. The eight lords hailed the victory of the three brothers and reported it to the war-ruler. Yuan Shao called Sun Jian to renew the attack.

(Translated by Moss Roberts)

(译文紧扣原文,但将袁绍译成了the war-ruler。)

Translation 2:

When Zhang Fei spurred his horse to the pass, volleys of stones and arrows forced him back. The eight lords hailed the victory of the three brothers and sent to report it to Yuan Shao, commander in general of the allied forces. Yuan Shao then sent his summon to Sun Jian, ordering him to attack again.

(译文紧扣原文,遣词造句有别于前译,将袁绍译成了commander in general of the allied forces。)

3 却说孙坚被刘表围住,亏得程普、黄盖、韩当三将死救得脱,折兵大半,夺路引兵回东吴,自此孙坚与刘表结怨。

Translation 1:

By dint of the heroic efforts of his three commanders, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and Han Dang, Sun Jian broke out of the trap. Half of his men were lost, however, as they struggled to get back to the land south of the Great River. Liu Biao and Sun Jian became mortal enemies.

(Translated by Moss Roberts)

(译文紧扣原文,但将东吴译成了the land south of the Great River。)

Translation 2:

As Sun Jian was surrounded by Liu Biao, three of his generals, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and Han Dang, fought desperately to bring him out. However, more than half of the men were killed. Then Sun Jian led his army back to Dongwu, a dead enemy of Liu Biaos ever since.


4 貂蝉跟允到阁中,允尽叱出妻妾,纳貂蝉于座,叩头便拜。貂蝉惊伏于地曰:“适间贱妾曾言,但有使令,万死不辞。”

Translation 1:

Diaochan followed Wang Yun to the room. Impatiently he dismissed the waiting maids and servants and conducted Diaochan to a seat. Then he touched his head and hands to the floor in front of her. At once Diaochan prostrated herself in astonishment. “My lord,” she said, “what is the meaning of this?”

(Translated by Moss Roberts)

(译文紧扣原文,但将阁中译成了the room,将妻妾译成了the waiting maids and servants,最后一句的翻译有别于作者的原意。)

Translation 2:

Showing Diaochan to the inner hall, Wang Yun yelled away his wife and concubines, seated Diaochan on the seat for the lord of the family and prostrated himself in front of the girl. Shocked, Diaochan lost no time in prostrating herself on the floor, vowing: “As I have just promised, if I can do anything for you, my lord, I certainly will, even at the risk of my life.”


5 却说那撞倒董卓的人正是李儒。当下李儒扶起董卓,至书院中坐定。卓曰:“汝为何来此?”儒曰:“儒适至府门,知太师怒入后园,询问吕布。因急走来,正遇吕布奔走,云:‘太师杀我!’儒慌赶入园中劝解,不意误撞恩相。死罪!死罪!”

Translation 1:

The man who plowed into Dong Zhuo was none other than his most trusted adviser, Li Ru. Horrified, Li Ru scrambled to help Dong Zhuo into the library, where the preceptor sat down and composed himself. “Whatever brought you here?” gasped Dong Zhuo. “I came in through the main gate,” Li Ru replied. “They told me youd charged off into the rear garden looking for Lü Bu. I rushed over, too, and saw him bounding away, crying, ‘The preceptors after me!’ So I headed into the garden to try and smooth things over, but I have only offended Your Worship and made things worse. I deserve to die.”

(Translated by Moss Roberts)


Translation 2:

Who bumped into Dong Zhuo but Li Ru. Having helped Dong Zhuo on him feet, Li Ru accompanied him to his library. Having sat, Dong Zhuo asked: “What has brought you here?” “Passing by the gate of your mansion, I was informed that greatly vexed, Your Lord had rushed to the backyard. I was looking for Lü Bu to see what had happened when Lü Bu was running away, shoutingThe Lord is killing me!’ I hurried to the yard to do my part but only to have bumped into Your Lordship unexpectedly. I deserve death punishment! I deserve death punishment!”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

supreme [sju:'pri:m]


adj. 最高的,至上的,极度的

pare [pɛə]


v. 剥,削,消减

unfriendly [,ʌn'frendli]


adj. 不友好的;不利的 adv. 不友善地

smooth [smu:ð]


adj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可

unexpectedly ['ʌnik'spektidli]


adv. 未料到地,意外地

guarded ['gɑ:did]


adj. 谨慎的,提防的,被防卫的 动词guard的过去

mansion ['mænʃən]


n. 大厦,豪宅,楼宇

ignite [ig'nait]


vi. 着火,发光
vt. 点燃,使 ...

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯


关键字: 三国演义 翻译 诗词




