北京师范大学的演讲 (中译英)P83页
第二段:教育的重要性 (培养人才、增强民族创新力、实施科教兴国战略)
第三段:对教师的期望 (志存高远、爱国敬业,为人师表、教书育人,严谨笃学、与时俱进)
第四段:教师的奉献(学生感激爱戴、教师无私奉献的崇高精神) 第五段:展望未来(现代化建设新阶段、青年大有作为)
北京师范大学 Beijing Normal University
京师大学堂 Faculty of Education of the Metropolitan University
招生 recruit students
开启先河 usher in (a new period of )
高等师范教育 training of teachers at the higher level
民族独立 national independence
崇高的爱国主义精神 lofty patriotism
阵地 launching pad
新文化运动 New Culture Movements
学为人师、行为示范 studying to teach and acting to example
为人师表 role model/paragon in virtue and learning
说到底 boil down to
科教兴国战略 revitalize the country through science and education
高素质人才 high-caliber talents
cream 精华、精髓
the cream of a class 班级的尖子学生 the cream of the joke 笑话的妙处
launching pad 发射台(本义),(喻)起点、跳板、阵地
use university as a launching pad into a political career 把大学当作进入政界的跳板
boil down to 归结为,表明是,意味着
It all boils down to this. 问题的要点就在于此。
ubiquitous 普遍存在的,无所不在的
a ubiquitous trend 普遍存在的趋势
Is there no escape from the ubiquitous cigarette smoke in restaurants? 餐厅里吸烟的烟雾就没有地方躲得过去吗?
You’ve taken the words out of my mouth! 这正是我想说的。
Could you enlighten me a little? 能否介绍一下?
Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened. 兼听则明
During the New Culture Movements, Beijing Normal University became a launching pad for new ideas and new cultures.
The competition among nations, in the final analysis, boils down to competition of their talents and their abilities to innovate.
As the basis for nurturing talents and enhancing national innovativeness, education must be put at a pivotal place in our overall strategy of the modernization program. (因果关系)
In the last one hundred years, the faculty and students of the Beijing Normal University, motivated by a strong sense of responsibility for the nation and the people, have strived to live up to the motto of “studying to teach and acting to example” and cultivated a fine tradition of patriotism, progress, honesty,
innovation, truth-seeking and being a paragon in virtue and learning.
(介词转化为动词:“以” motivate)
(形容词转化为名词:“爱国进步、诚信质朴、求真创新” patriotism, progress,honesty,innovation, truth-seeking )
n. 带位员,招待员 vt. 引导,护送 vi. 做招待