无为而治 govern by non-interference
污水处理 sewage treatment/disposal
无风不起浪 there are no waves without wind/there is no smoke without fire
网上交易平台 online trading platform
网瘾 Internet addiction /cyber addiction
百闻不如一见 seeing is believing
摆架子 put on airs
摆谱 show off
摆脱贫困 shake off poverty
拜把子兄弟/哥们 sworn brothers/buddies/very close friends
拜金主义 money worship
拜年 pay a new year's visit
斑马线/人行横道 pedestrian crossing/cross walk/cross zone /zebra crossing
板寸 crew cut
版权法 copyright law
emergency medical care 急救治疗
epidemic meningococcal diseases 流行性脑膜炎球菌病
fertility rate 生育率
food-borne disease 食源性疾病
general practitioner 全科执业医师
concessionary loans 优惠贷款
corporate bond 公司债券
corporate identity 企业标识
cost of living index 生活成本指数
currency appreciation 货币升值
a theme park 主题公园
a travel buff 旅游爱好者
audio guide 电子讲解机
automatic deposit box 自动寄存箱
a vacation wonderland 度假的天堂
美国润滑脂协会NLGI(National Lubricating Grease Institute)
美国船舶制造商协会NMMA(National Marine Manufacturers Association)
美国石油炼制协会NPRA(National Petrochemical And Refiners Association)
磁带MT(Magnetic Tape)
平均时间MT(Mean Time)