The male initiative in courtship is a pretty indiscriminate affair, something that is tried on with any remotely plausible woman who comes within range and, of course, with all degrees of tentativeness.
词汇突破:courtship 求爱期
Initiative 主动性;
Indiscriminate不加选择的,不分青红皂白的; 随意的,任性的,任意的;
try on 耍花招, 哄骗
remotely plausible 不合理的
tentativeness 试探性的
主干识别:The male initiative in courtship is apretty indiscriminate affair
其他成分: something thatis tried on with any remotely plausible woman who comes within range and, ofcourse, with all degrees of tentativeness. (something 前面句子的同位语,后面加上定语从句)
参考译文: 男性在求爱时的主动是一件很随意之事, 就是哄骗和戏弄那些进入他们视野而没有合理借口的女人,当然这一切都只是试探性的程度。
说明: 这个句子难是在单词上,还有就翻译为中文上。同时这句话对于男人确实是非常不好的评价,有一定道理,不过好男人应该还是有的。碰了很多渣男以后总是会遇到的,不过说不定这个人之前也是个渣男。