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2024年12月英语六级听力真题(第2套) 长对话(2)

编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Conversation Two
  • 长对话二
  • Have you decided yet what your end-of-semester business project will be on?
  • 你决定好你的期末商业项目主题了吗?
  • Yes. How about you? Yes. Go on. You go first. I am going to do it about beef. Beef?
  • 决定了,你呢?我也决定了,继续,你先说。我打算写以牛肉主题的。牛肉?
  • Yeah, beef. I'm going to design a business case study for a cow farm that supplies beef for the domestic market.
  • 对,牛肉。我要为一个给国内市场供应牛肉的奶牛场设计一份商业案例研究。
  • Well, that sounds very interesting and original. Where ever did you get that idea?
  • 哇,听起来很有趣,很有创意。你是怎么想到的?
  • I don't know. It just came to me, I guess. But think about it. Beef consumption has been rising strongly over the past 20 years.
  • 我也不知道,大概是突然想到的吧。但你想想看,在过去20年里,牛肉消费量一直在强劲增长。
  • As the economy continues to grow, consumer demand is expected to continue to increase for the foreseeable future.
  • 随着经济的持续增长,在可预见的未来,消费者的需求预计会继续增加。
  • And currently, most of the beef is imported, which brings with it added fees. So why not raise cattle here?
  • 目前,大部分牛肉都是进口的,这就带来了额外的费用。那么,为什么不在这里养牛呢?
  • Of course. Makes perfect sense. There's plenty of land out west. So, if done right, it should be very profitable to raise our own cattle. Exactly.
  • 当然,非常合理。西部有很多土地,如果操作合理,我们自己养牛应该很赚钱。没错。
  • Seriously, that sounds like a great idea. You should genuinely look into it once we get our degrees.
  • 说真的,这听起来是个好主意。等我们拿到学位后,你真该好好研究研究。
  • Thanks. So, your turn now. What are you doing your case study on?
  • 谢谢。那现在该你说了,你打算做什么案例研究?
  • I was thinking about a car wash, but it now seems like such a boring notion after hearing your brilliant idea.
  • 我本来想做洗车场,但听到你的主意这么棒,我觉得洗车场太无聊了
  • That's cool. I could see that working. After all, there's plenty of cars about and those aren't going away any time soon.
  • 这很酷,我觉得可行。毕竟,现在有很多汽车,而且这些汽车也不会很快消失。
  • While many people don't care how their car looks, many other people do. You got yourself a vast and continual market.
  • 虽然很多人并不在意汽车的外观,但也有很多人是在意的。你已具备了一个广阔而持续的市场。
  • Right. So the idea is a large self-cleaning car wash, but I mean really big and well-outfitted like they have in America.
  • 没错,所以我的想法是建一个大型的自动清洗洗车场。但我指的是真正的大型洗车场,设备齐全,就像美国的那样。
  • I was thinking of having it cater to high-end consumers in large cities. It could charge a profitable markup by offering just a bit more technical equipment and professional service than competitors.
  • 我想让它面向大城市的高端消费者。洗车场可以通过提供比竞争对手更先进的技术设备和更专业的服务来赚取高额利润。
  • Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  • 请根据刚刚听到的对话回答问题5至问题8。
  • Question 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about in the conversation?
  • 问题5. 对话中说话者主要谈论什么?
  • Question 6. What does the man say makes perfect sense?
  • 问题6. 男士说的哪句话很有道理?
  • Question 7. What business does the woman say has a vast and continual market?
  • 问题7. 女士说的什么生意有广阔而持续的市场?
  • Question 8. Who would theman's imagined business cater to?
  • 问题8. 男人想象中的生意会迎合谁的需要?


Conversation Two


Have you decided yet what your end-of-semester business project will be on?


Yes. How about you? Yes. Go on. You go first. I am going to do it about beef. Beef?


Yeah, beef. I'm going to design a business case study for a cow farm that supplies beef for the domestic market.


Well, that sounds very interesting and original. Where ever did you get that idea?


I don't know. It just came to me, I guess. But think about it. Beef consumption has been rising strongly over the past 20 years.


As the economy continues to grow, consumer demand is expected to continue to increase for the foreseeable future.


And currently, most of the beef is imported, which brings with it added fees. So why not raise cattle here?


Of course. Makes perfect sense. There's plenty of land out west. So, if done right, it should be very profitable to raise our own cattle. Exactly.


Seriously, that sounds like a great idea. You should genuinely look into it once we get our degrees.


Thanks. So, your turn now. What are you doing your case study on?


I was thinking about a car wash, but it now seems like such a boring notion after hearing your brilliant idea.


That's cool. I could see that working. After all, there's plenty of cars about and those aren't going away any time soon.


While many people don't care how their car looks, many other people do. You got yourself a vast and continual market.


Right. So the idea is a large self-cleaning car wash, but I mean really big and well-outfitted like they have in America.


I was thinking of having it cater to high-end consumers in large cities. It could charge a profitable markup by offering just a bit more technical equipment and professional service than competitors.


Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


Question 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about in the conversation?

问题5. 对话中说话者主要谈论什么?

Question 6. What does the man say makes perfect sense?

问题6. 男士说的哪句话很有道理?

Question 7. What business does the woman say has a vast and continual market?

问题7. 女士说的什么生意有广阔而持续的市场?

Question 8. Who would theman's imagined business cater to?

问题8. 男人想象中的生意会迎合谁的需要?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
cattle ['kætl]


n. 牛,家畜,畜牲

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

cater ['keitə]


v. 备办食物,迎合,满足

vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石

continual [kən'tinjuəl]


adj. 不断的,频繁的

profitable ['prɔfitəbl]


adj. 有益的,有用的

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

foreseeable ['fɔ:si:əbl]


adj. 能预测的;可预知的

cow [kau]


n. 母牛,母兽
vt. 恐吓





