CRI News Report:天津一女医生被砍致死 重庆法院约谈李庄
天津某医院一女医生被一名男性砍死。据悉,被害医生为康红千,为该医院针灸科主任医师。凶手行凶后跳楼逃走,目前已被警方控制。 -
CRI News Report:京广高铁年底全线贯通 兰州公布PM2.5指数
京广高铁北京至郑州段开始转入运行试验阶段。中国污染最严重的西北部城市兰州计划于12月公布PM2.5指数。 -
CRI News Report:中国掌握舰载战斗机着舰技术 贵州矿难致20人死亡
A senior navy officer says China is now capable of deploying fighter jets on the country's first aircraft -
CRI News Report:俄罗斯反对土耳其要求北约部署导弹 欧盟开始预算谈判
Russia is voicing opposition to the potential deployment of NATO's missiles near Turkey's border with Syria.俄罗斯表示,反对北 -
CRI News Report:毕节启动流浪儿童救助机制 塑化剂风波再引食品安全担忧
Authorities in Bijie, Guizhou Province have launched a new initiative to help street children, after five boys were -
CRI News Report:湖南警方悬赏10万缉拿嫌犯 阿里巴巴欲入股新浪微博
Police have offered rewards to anyone providing information of an armed robber in central China's Hunan Province.位于中 -
CRI News Report:印度东部踩踏事件致20人死亡 哥伦比亚反政府武装单方面宣布停火
At least twenty people, including women and children have been killed in India, and several others injured followin -
CRI News Report:温家宝呼吁东亚加强合作 联合国安理会商谈加沙声明
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is calling on members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, plus China,Japan an -
CRI News Report:巴勒斯坦呼吁以色列停止袭击 日本政府继续刺激经济
The Palestinians are appealing to the UN Security Council to take action to stop Israreli airstrikes in the Ga -
CRI News Report:利比亚新政府宣誓就职 奥巴马谈前中情局长性丑闻
Libya's newly-formed government has been sworn in, with some ministers under investigation by the discipline authority,&n -
CRI News Report:以军空袭哈马斯火箭发射场 埃及召回驻以大使表抗议
以色列军方对哈马斯政府的中程火箭弹发射场发动猛烈空袭。一名以色列国防军发言人说,空袭打击了哈马斯的军事设施,严重摧毁了哈马斯的火箭弹发射能力。埃及总统穆罕默德·穆尔西决定召回埃及驻以色列大使,以抗议以色列对加沙地带的军事行动。 -
CRI News Report:美支持叙反对派新联盟 湖北破获特大盗墓案
Both Arab League and the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council have recognized the new opposition coalition as "the&n -
CRI News Report:新一届中央领导集体15日与中外记者见面 中国明年推低空空域改革
The new slate of the Communist Party of China top leadership will meet the press Thursday morning.中国共产党新一届领导集体将于周四上午 -
CRI News Report:十八大代表团酝酿中央委员名单 中国银行业情况良好
Delegations to the 18th Party Congress have begun to deliberate on a proposed name-list of nominees for the ca -
CRI News Report:发改委:2012年全国GDP增长达到7.5% 证监会主席:继续扩充QFI
China's top economic planner says China is able to achieve the target of 7.5-percent economic growth this year&
南方各州是美国最贫穷的地方,而富豪大多居住在东北部和大西洋中部地区。 -
周一,美国,日本和其他十个国家签署了庞大的贸易协议。该协议将降低贸易壁垒 - 3
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