We saw a lot of coverage about, for example, geopolitics, China and United States.
But in the spotlight of international media, especially from Global North, if I could use that general term, how much really is focusing on the progress that countries like yours and mine have been making?
And how much synergy there could be rather than sarcastically say it is almost impossible?
Sometimes you need to make your voice louder for you to be heard because those other people that will feel that their voices are louder are being loud to the point that is so penetrating that we're not hearing anything anymore, not that we can't be as loud as they are.
We may not have what they have but the ones we have we can advance and promote what we have.
So I think even as media people, the honest is enough to you know sell the narrative a lot more.
Because you see even the narrative of Africa in the west is that of poverty, is that of cholera, is that of monkeypox, is that of...
But there a lot of good things, great things coming out of Africa. And I think China has also done that very well, which I think that Africa can actually also learn from.
So I'm not surprised that part of what our president is also talking about is media exchanges.
How you are dealing with the thorny issues of poverty? So definitely I think a lot of African countries look to China on how China has been able to pull billions of its own people out of poverty.
And one of the things that facilitates poverty reduction of course is trade open and fair trade. So I think that's why China is such an important partner on the continent.
We saw that last week during the FOCAC, one of the focal issues was elevating trade relations between African countries and China.
So that the goods which are exported to China are manufactured goods and not only raw products are transferred out of the African continent.
And in that way, we elevate the trade and we improve relations with one another and that has dominant effects in that. It reduces poverty and it helps the respective economies grow.