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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • And the side effect of that environment was that they ended up establishing this hierarchy to survive these kind of torturous situations.
  • 狗为在痛苦的环境下生存下来,最终建立了这种等级制度,这是环境附带的后果。
  • Dogs are very social creatures. They live in families.
  • 狗是社会性动物,它们以家庭为单位生活。
  • So if you think of a family, you know, so you've got maybe some parents, you've got some kids, like is there an alpha there?
  • 可以想象一个家庭,家庭里可能会有父母,会有孩子,会有一个带头的?
  • I mean, there's maybe somebody who's a little more in charge and they've got a different personalities, but you're all kind of coexisting together.
  • 也许这个带头的掌控权多一点,性格也不同,但你们都能和平共处。
  • And that's really what dogs want to do.
  • 这就是狗想要过的生活。
  • So if you try to adopt this kind of aggressive, like I am the alpha, you will do what I say, whatever, pin them down, do all of that stuff.
  • 如果试图采取这种侵略性的做法,比如说,我是老大,你们要照我说的做,不管怎样,要制服他们,让他们照做所有的事情。
  • Sure. I mean, dogs are smart and they'll respond to that, but it's not their natural way of doing it.
  • 诚然如此,但狗很聪明,它们会对此做出反应,但这种侵略性做法并不是它们自然的方式。
  • They want to have a, you know, respectful, gentle, caring relationship.
  • 它们想要一种尊重、温柔、关心的关系。
  • You know, you got to keep your dog in line sometimes, right?
  • 有时候你得让你的狗守规矩,对吧?
  • Sometimes we kill our dogs. No, you have to yell at them.
  • 有时候,我们会折磨我们的狗。你不得不对它们吼叫。
  • It's not like, oh, don't ever say anything bad to them, but you don't need to be this really dominating force.
  • 这并不是说,永远不要对它们说任何不好的话,但你并不需要成为真正的主导力量。
  • And I think a lot of people have that Alpha idea left over.
  • 我想很多人都有做老大的想法。
  • And the science is really clear that that's not the way that it works.
  • 科学清晰地表明这不是小狗关系运作的方式。
  • Yeah, I think that's great to get across to people.
  • 对,我觉得让人们明白这一点很好。
  • So to kind of wrap, I wanted to ask, what do you want people who maybe already have a dog or thinking about getting a dog to really take away from the book?
  • 作为总结,我想问问,你想让那些可能已经养狗或正在考虑养狗的人从这本书中学到什么?
  • We talked about making a PowerPoint to go with the book for people who are trying to convince their family members to get a dog and just be like, here is all the ways, right? Like presentation time.
  • 我们讨论了如何为那些试图说服家人养狗的人群做一个与书配套的幻灯片,下面是所有的方法,对吧? 比如,演讲时间。
  • So if you are thinking about getting the dog, then you need evidence.
  • 如果你在考虑养狗,那你需要证据支持。
  • That's all this book is, is like evidence that the dogs have been good and like pretty much any aspect you care about.
  • 整本书的内容是关于狗狗一直都很好以及你所关心的任何方面的证据。
  • But you know, I think probably our main audiences, people who have dogs already, I don't think there's anything in there that's going to be earth shattering for them.
  • 不过,我想可能我们的主要读者,那些已经养狗的人,我觉得书里不会有什么对他们来说是惊天动地的内容。
  • I think what it's really going to be is recognizing a lot of your own experience.
  • 我认为真正重要的是认可你自己与狗狗的许多经验。
  • And then what you're going to find is here is all this really rigorous science that backs up your own experience.
  • 你会发现所有这些严谨的科学都可以支持你自己的经验。
  • One of the takeaways that I've heard a lot of people say is that I just felt so validated because sometimes people treat us like we're little crazy or loving dogs as much as we do right?
  • 我听到很多人会说的一个收获是,他们觉得自己很被认可,因为有时人们会把爱狗如命的他们当作疯子,对吧?
  • And this is going to give you all the scientific evidence that, like, you're not making it up. All of this is real. It's really profound.
  • 这将会为你提供所有的科学证据,比如,你不是在编造谎言。这一切都是基于真相,很深奥。
  • It has a great impact on you and you're going to feel validated and you hopefully find out some new things about just how deep that relationship goes.
  • 这会对你产生很大的影响,你会感到被认可,你可能会有一些关于这段关系有多深的新发现。
  • I could have used that PowerPoint when I was a kid trying to convince my parents together.
  • 当我还是个孩子的时候,我就可以用这个幻灯片来说服我的父母。
  • Maybe I'll still make it. I'll take some time for kids.
  • 也许我还能成功说服,我要花点时间照顾这些毛孩子。
  • Science, Quickly is produced by Jeff DelViscio and Tulika Bose. Our show was edited by Ella Feder and Alexa Lim. Our theme music was composed by Dominic Smith.
  • 《科学快播》 栏目由杰夫·德尔维西奥和图里卡·博斯制作。本期栏目由以拉·菲德尔和亚历克莎·林编辑,主题音乐由多米尼克·史密斯创作。
  • Don't forget to subscribe to Science, Quickly wherever you get your podcasts.
  • 无论你从哪里收听播客,都不要忘记订阅《科学快播》。
  • For Science, Quickly, I'm Andrea Thompson.
  • 感谢收听《科学快播》,我是安德里亚·汤普森。


And the side effect of that environment was that they ended up establishing this hierarchy to survive these kind of torturous situations.


Dogs are very social creatures. They live in families.


So if you think of a family, you know, so you've got maybe some parents, you've got some kids, like is there an alpha there?


I mean, there's maybe somebody who's a little more in charge and they've got a different personalities, but you're all kind of coexisting together.


And that's really what dogs want to do.


So if you try to adopt this kind of aggressive, like I am the alpha, you will do what I say, whatever, pin them down, do all of that stuff.


Sure. I mean, dogs are smart and they'll respond to that, but it's not their natural way of doing it.


They want to have a, you know, respectful, gentle, caring relationship.


You know, you got to keep your dog in line sometimes, right?


Sometimes we kill our dogs. No, you have to yell at them.


It's not like, oh, don't ever say anything bad to them, but you don't need to be this really dominating force.


And I think a lot of people have that Alpha idea left over.


And the science is really clear that that's not the way that it works.


Yeah, I think that's great to get across to people.


So to kind of wrap, I wanted to ask, what do you want people who maybe already have a dog or thinking about getting a dog to really take away from the book?


We talked about making a PowerPoint to go with the book for people who are trying to convince their family members to get a dog and just be like, here is all the ways, right? Like presentation time.

我们讨论了如何为那些试图说服家人养狗的人群做一个与书配套的幻灯片,下面是所有的方法,对吧? 比如,演讲时间。

So if you are thinking about getting the dog, then you need evidence.


That's all this book is, is like evidence that the dogs have been good and like pretty much any aspect you care about.


But you know, I think probably our main audiences, people who have dogs already, I don't think there's anything in there that's going to be earth shattering for them.


I think what it's really going to be is recognizing a lot of your own experience.


And then what you're going to find is here is all this really rigorous science that backs up your own experience.


One of the takeaways that I've heard a lot of people say is that I just felt so validated because sometimes people treat us like we're little crazy or loving dogs as much as we do right?


And this is going to give you all the scientific evidence that, like, you're not making it up. All of this is real. It's really profound.


It has a great impact on you and you're going to feel validated and you hopefully find out some new things about just how deep that relationship goes.


I could have used that PowerPoint when I was a kid trying to convince my parents together.


Maybe I'll still make it. I'll take some time for kids.


Science, Quickly is produced by Jeff DelViscio and Tulika Bose. Our show was edited by Ella Feder and Alexa Lim. Our theme music was composed by Dominic Smith.

《科学快播》 栏目由杰夫·德尔维西奥和图里卡·博斯制作。本期栏目由以拉·菲德尔和亚历克莎·林编辑,主题音乐由多米尼克·史密斯创作。

Don't forget to subscribe to Science, Quickly wherever you get your podcasts.


For Science, Quickly, I'm Andrea Thompson.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
profound [prə'faund]


adj. 深奥的,深邃的,意义深远的

composed [kəm'pəuzd]


adj. 镇静的,沉着的

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

yell [jel]


v. 大叫
n. 大喊

theme [θi:m]


n. 题目,主题

adopt [ə'dɔpt]


v. 采用,收养,接受

rigorous ['rigərəs]


adj. 严厉的,严酷的,严格的,细致的





