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NEWS Plus慢速英语:收藏家从日本购回唐代佛首促成首身合一 可可西里申遗实地资源调查启动

来源:可可英语 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Now the news continues.
  • 现在继续报道新闻。
  • A Chinese collector found the head of a Buddha statue in Japan,
  • 一名中国收藏家在日本发现了一尊佛首,
  • and has taken it back to north China's Hebei province, where it has been reunited with the body.
  • 并将其购回捐献给中国北部省份河北省,佛首与佛身合一。
  • The white marble, headless statue in the provincial museum is 70 centimeters in height.
  • 河北博物馆中的汉白玉无头佛像高约70厘米。
  • It was unearthed in 2006, and has a history of more than 1,500 years.
  • 这座佛像于2006年出土,拥有1500余年历史。
  • Former professor of art at Hebei Normal University, 41-year-old Guo Peng found the statue at an exhibition in Japan in 2013
  • 2013年,曾任河北师范大学教授的郭鹏在一个日本展览中发现了这尊佛首,
  • and was impressed by its fine craftsmanship.
  • 对佛首的精湛工艺印象深刻。
  • After negotiations with the Japanese collector, Guo bought the head in October last year, for a sum of money he declined to disclose.
  • 在和日本收藏家商谈之后,去年10月郭鹏出资将这尊佛首购回,但他并未透露具体数额。
  • The curator of the museum said the head and the body of the statue were probably separated in the late Tang Dynasty some 1,000 years ago, when Buddhism suffered a setback in China.
  • 河北博物馆负责人表示,距今1000余年前的唐代末年发生废佛运动,造成佛首和佛像分离。
  • It is not known when the head was taken to Japan.
  • 目前并不清楚该佛首是何时被带到日本的。
  • This is NEWS Plus Special English.
  • 这里是NEWS Plus慢速英语。
  • The largest field survey in China's remote western Hoh Xil Nature Reserve has begun
  • 位于中国偏远西部地区的可可西里自然保护区启动成立以来规模最大的一次实地调查工作,
  • with a goal to evaluate the area's natural resources.
  • 本次调查将对该保护区境内的自然资源进行全面评估。
  • The survey involves evaluation of bio-diversity, geographical and geological conditions as well as water resources in the reserve.
  • 调查涵盖该保护区境内的生物多样性、地理地质、水资源等。
  • Researchers will also inspect the safety of the region's infrastructure
  • 调查人员将检查该地区基础设施的安全状况,
  • amid fears that an increasing number of newly formed lakes in the area might flood nearby roads and affect power transmission lines.
  • 有人担心不断增加的新形成湖泊可能会淹没附近的道路,并对输电线路造成影响。
  • The survey results will provide data support to Hoh Xil's application for world natural heritage status.
  • 调查结果将为可可西里申报世界自然遗产工作提供数据支持。
  • The application process started last November.
  • 申遗工作已于去年11月启动。
  • The reserve covers an area of 45,000 square kilometers that encompasses China's largest area of uninhabited land.
  • 可可西里自然保护区面积4.5万平方公里,是中国最大的一片无人区。
  • The nature reserve is home to the Tibetan antelope,
  • 该自然保护区是藏羚羊的家园,
  • one of the most endangered species under top-level state protection.
  • 濒危物种藏羚羊是国家一级保护动物。



Now the news continues.
A Chinese collector found the head of a Buddha statue in Japan, and has taken it back to north China's Hebei province, where it has been reunited with the body.
The white marble, headless statue in the provincial museum is 70 centimeters in height. It was unearthed in 2006, and has a history of more than 1,500 years.



Former professor of art at Hebei Normal University, 41-year-old Guo Peng found the statue at an exhibition in Japan in 2013 and was impressed by its fine craftsmanship.
After negotiations with the Japanese collector, Guo bought the head in October last year, for a sum of money he declined to disclose.
The curator of the museum said the head and the body of the statue were probably separated in the late Tang Dynasty some 1,000 years ago, when Buddhism suffered a setback in China. It is not known when the head was taken to Japan.



This is NEWS Plus Special English.
The largest field survey in China's remote western Hoh Xil Nature Reserve has begun with a goal to evaluate the area's natural resources.
The survey involves evaluation of bio-diversity, geographical and geological conditions as well as water resources in the reserve.
Researchers will also inspect the safety of the region's infrastructure amid fears that an increasing number of newly formed lakes in the area might flood nearby roads and affect power transmission lines.
The survey results will provide data support to Hoh Xil's application for world natural heritage status. The application process started last November.
The reserve covers an area of 45,000 square kilometers that encompasses China's largest area of uninhabited land. The nature reserve is home to the Tibetan antelope, one of the most endangered species under top-level state protection.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
evaluation [i.vælju'eiʃən]


n. 估价,评价

separated ['sepəreitid]


adj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

survey [sə:'vei]


v. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视



adj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的

remote [ri'məut]


adj. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的,(感情等)距离很大

exhibition [.eksi'biʃən]


n. 展示,展览

potentially [pə'tenʃəli]


adv. 潜在地

provincial [prə'vinʃəl]


n. 乡下人,地方人民
adj. 省的,地方的

marble ['mɑ:bl]


n. 大理石
vt. 使有大理石的花纹





