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NEWS Plus慢速英语:北京公布地铁禁止携带物品名录 彭丹再次夺冠中美国际电视节

来源:可可英语 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
  • 您正在收听NEWS Plus慢速英语,马克·格里菲思从北京为您报道新闻。
  • Beijing's transportation authorities have issued a new list of items that subway passengers are banned from carrying onto the network.
  • 北京交通部门发布北京地铁禁止携带物品目录。
  • For the first time, the list rules out several everyday household items,
  • 新规首次禁止乘客携带日常家居用品乘坐地铁,
  • including containers of 2 liters or more of white spirit, perfume, hair gel and more than five cigarette lighters per person.
  • 包括禁止携带2000毫升以上白酒、香水、发胶、5个以上打火机等。
  • Viruses or bacteria being used for research are also banned from entry onto the system.
  • 用于研究的病毒及细菌也禁止携带。
  • Folding bicycles are not on the list, but passengers cannot clear them through the security check.
  • 虽然名单上并不包括折叠自行车,但是乘客无法携带折叠自行车通过安检。
  • The authorities explained that large or bulky items are banned because they are an inconvenience to other passengers.
  • 有关部门解释称,地铁禁止携带大型物品是因为这些物品给其他乘客造成了不便。
  • Since the start of this year, public transport authorities have seized more than 73,000 prohibited items,
  • 今年初以来,公共交通部门共查获7300余件违禁物品,
  • including 25,000 knives or daggers and 20,000 flammable or explosive items.
  • 包括刀具类2.5万件,易燃易爆物品2万件。
  • University student Zheng Bei-xi commutes on the Beijing subway every day;
  • 大学生郑北希(音译)每天都会乘坐北京地铁,
  • he said a more efficient checking procedure is needed,
  • 他表示北京地铁需要更有效的安检程序,
  • as he is often held up in long queues before the security check, especially at peak times.
  • 他在过安检前经常要排很长时间的队,尤其是高峰时间。
  • Compared with Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou ban far fewer items from their subway systems.
  • 上海和广东的地铁系统禁止携带的物品要少于北京地铁。
  • This is NEWS Plus Special English.
  • 这里是NEWS Plus慢速英语。
  • Chinese actress Peng Dan has won the Most Popular Actress Award at the Sino-American International TV Festival in Los Angeles, USA.
  • 中国女演员彭丹在美国洛杉矶举行的中美国际电视节上荣获最受欢迎女演员奖。
  • In her acceptance speech, Peng said Los Angeles is her lucky place.
  • 彭丹发表获奖感言时表示,洛杉矶是她的福地。
  • She said in fluent English that she won the titles of Best Actress and Best Director in the Sino-American Film Festival last year in the city.
  • 她用流利的英语说道,去年她在洛杉矶举行的中美电影节上获得了最佳女演员奖和最佳导演奖。
  • Peng was an art student in a U.S. university several years ago and has performed on Broadway and at the Lincoln Center in New York.
  • 彭丹从小就读于美国一所艺术大学,多次在百老汇剧院和林肯中心演出。
  • She has long craved recognition in the U.S. for her role in a home-made Chinese TV drama.
  • 长期以来,她一直希望凭借一部自己主演的中国题材电视剧在美国获得认可。
  • She said today it was like a dream come true to be in Beverly Hills,
  • 她表示,今天这个梦想终于在比佛利山庄实现,
  • and expressed gratitude to the directors she had worked with and her mother, as the event coincided with Mother's Day in the United States.
  • 并感谢了和她合作过的导演,颁奖礼当天正值母亲节,她也借此机会感谢了她的母亲。



You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
Beijing's transportation authorities have issued a new list of items that subway passengers are banned from carrying onto the network.
For the first time, the list rules out several everyday household items, including containers of 2 liters or more of white spirit, perfume, hair gel and more than five cigarette lighters per person.
Viruses or bacteria being used for research are also banned from entry onto the system.
Folding bicycles are not on the list, but passengers cannot clear them through the security check. The authorities explained that large or bulky items are banned because they are an inconvenience to other passengers.
Since the start of this year, public transport authorities have seized more than 73,000 prohibited items, including 25,000 knives or daggers and 20,000 flammable or explosive items.
University student Zheng Bei-xi commutes on the Beijing subway every day; he said a more efficient checking procedure is needed, as he is often held up in long queues before the security check, especially at peak times.
Compared with Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou ban far fewer items from their subway systems.




This is NEWS Plus Special English.
Chinese actress Peng Dan has won the Most Popular Actress Award at the Sino-American International TV Festival in Los Angeles, USA.
In her acceptance speech, Peng said Los Angeles is her lucky place. She said in fluent English that she won the titles of Best Actress and Best Director in the Sino-American Film Festival last year in the city.
Peng was an art student in a U.S. university several years ago and has performed on Broadway and at the Lincoln Center in New York. She has long craved recognition in the U.S. for her role in a home-made Chinese TV drama.
She said today it was like a dream come true to be in Beverly Hills, and expressed gratitude to the directors she had worked with and her mother, as the event coincided with Mother's Day in the United States.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
flammable ['flæməbl]


adj. 易燃的,可燃性的 n. 易燃品

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

efficient [i'fiʃənt]


adj. 效率高的,胜任的

delivery [di'livəri]


n. 递送,交付,分娩

coincide [.kəuin'said]


vi. 同时发生,符合,一致

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

acceptance [ək'septəns]


n. 接受(礼物、邀请、建议等),同意,认可,承兑

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

departure [di'pɑ:tʃə]


n. 离开,出发,分歧





