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第45期 美国住房短缺问题到底有多严重?

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  • This is THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY. I'm Adrian Ma. And I'm Wailin Wong.
  • 这里是THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY。我是Adrian Ma。我是Wailin Wong。
  • One of the hot topics of the U.S. presidential campaign was housing affordability. Both candidates talked about what they would do to boost the supply of homes and bring prices down.
  • 美国总统竞选的热门话题之一是住房负担能力。两位候选人都谈到了他们将采取哪些措施来增加住房供应并降低价格。
  • The search for affordable housing is a major concern for a lot of people in the U.S., people like Olivia Garcia (ph).
  • 寻找经济适用房是许多人在美国的主要关注点,比如Olivia Garcia。
  • She's from Los Angeles. And earlier this year, Olivia and her fiancé opted to sell their stuff and travel overseas instead of paying LA rents.
  • 她来自洛杉矶。今年早些时候,Olivia和未婚夫选择卖掉东西去海外旅行,而不是支付洛杉矶的租金。
  • We did our traveling because we were like, oh, my God, it's so expensive. Just, like, living here, being in LA, you know, might as well go spend our savings doing this because it'll be cheaper anyways.
  • 我们去旅行是因为我们觉得,哦,天哪,那里太贵了。就像住在这里,在洛杉矶,不妨花掉我们的积蓄去做这件事,因为无论如何它都会更便宜。
  • We're making - girl math would state that I am making money traveling. Do you have to take a course in girl math to do it? Some of us are born doing girl math, Adrian. OK.
  • 女孩数学会说我通过旅行赚钱。你必须参加女孩数学课程才能做到这一点吗?我们中的一些人天生就擅长做女孩数学,Adrian。好吧。
  • But, you know, Olivia and her fiancé did eventually return to the U.S. so that Olivia's fiancé could start a new job. And back in LA, the apartment search was grim.
  • 但是Olivia和未婚夫最终还是回到了美国,这样Olivia的未婚夫就可以开始一份新工作了。回到洛杉矶后,找房子是一件非常可怕的事情。
  • It's just all around really nightmarish. Like, the options are pretty slim.
  • 一切都像噩梦一样。选择非常少。
  • Olivia was feeling what politicians have identified as a housing shortage. But how many homes would it take to fix the problem?
  • Olivia感受到了政客们所说的住房短缺。但需要多少套房子才能解决这个问题呢?
  • This gets us into another kind of mathematical conundrum. A girl math conundrum? No. Housing math this time.
  • 这让我们陷入了另一种数学难题。女孩数学难题?不。这次是住房数学。
  • It turns out trying to calculate the size of the problem is a bit of an economic brain teaser. So today on the show, we explain the tricky business of quantifying the U.S. housing shortage.
  • 事实证明,试图计算问题的规模有点像经济脑筋急转弯。今天在节目中,我们解释了量化美国住房短缺的棘手问题。
  • In the early 2000s, the problem with the U.S. housing market was that there were too many homes.
  • 在21世纪初期,美国住房市场的问题是房屋太多。
  • This supply glut eventually led to a bust in home prices, and that contributed to the great financial crisis.
  • 这种供应过剩最终导致房价暴跌,并导致了金融危机。
  • Now the consensus among politicians, as well as people in the housing and construction industries, is that we have the opposite problem - not enough homes.
  • 现在,政界人士以及住房和建筑行业的人士一致认为,我们面临的问题恰恰相反——住房不足。
  • But calculating the shortfall has yielded really different figures. David Wessel studies fiscal and monetary policy at the Brookings think tank.
  • 但计算短缺量得出的数字却大相径庭。大卫·韦塞尔(David Wessel)在布鲁金斯智库研究财政和货币政策。
  • I kept hearing people on the campaign trail throwing out all these numbers about how many houses we were short - 1.5 million, 3.8 million, 5.5 million.
  • 我在竞选过程中不断听到人们抛出所有这些关于我们缺少多少房屋的数字——150万、380万、550万。
  • David looked into where these numbers come from. And he says a common approach to coming up with the housing shortage number is to use something called the vacancy rate.
  • 大卫调查了这些数字的来源。他说,得出住房短缺数字的一种常见方法是使用空置率。
  • You take all the housing units in the United States, apartments, single-family houses, town houses, and you say from government surveys what percentage of them are vacant.
  • 你把美国所有的住房单元,公寓、独栋住宅、联排别墅,从政府调查中得出其中有多少百分比是空置的。
  • Now, that might sound pretty straightforward, but David says it's not clear-cut what counts as a vacant home. Like, think about a vacation home.
  • 现在,这听起来可能很简单,但大卫说,什么才算空置房屋并不明确。比如度假屋。
  • Some of the estimates count, you know, the cottage on the lake that you only use six months a year. If they do their survey in February and it's empty, they count it as vacant.
  • 有些估算会计算您一年只使用六个月的湖边小屋。如果他们在二月份进行调查,发现小屋空置,他们就将其算作空置。
  • But other estimates leave that lake cottage out of the equation. Another example of an ambiguous case is a house that's vacant but unavailable.
  • 但其他估算将湖边小屋排除在外。另一个模棱两可的例子是空置但无法使用的房屋。
  • Let's say your mother died, and you're still cleaning out the house, so there's nobody living there, but it's not available for sale or rent.
  • 假设您的母亲去世了,您仍在清理房子,因此没有人住在那里,但房子无法出售或出租。
  • So just this first step in quantifying the housing shortage - calculating the current vacancy rate - can be tricky.
  • 量化住房短缺的第一步——计算当前空置率——可能会很棘手。
  • The next step is comparing the current vacancy rate to a historical vacancy rate that's considered normal.
  • 下一步是将当前空置率与被视为正常的历史空置率进行比较。
  • If the current rate is lower than the so-called normal rate, that is considered an indicator of a housing shortage.
  • 如果当前空置率低于所谓的正常空置率,则被视为住房短缺的指标。
  • But, as David explains, determining the normal rate opens up another can of analytical worms.
  • 但是,正如大卫所解释的那样,确定正常空置率又会带来另一个分析难题。
  • What is a normal or healthy vacancy rate isn't fixed in time. So think of it - think about this. We have a lot better listing services on real estate, and you can do a lot of shopping online.
  • 正常或健康的空置率并不是一成不变的。我们在房地产方面有更好的上市服务,你可以在网上购物。
  • So maybe houses stay vacant less often because it's easier - thanks to the technology - for a buyer and seller to find themselves.
  • 也许房子空置的频率会降低,因为买家和卖家更容易找到自己——这要归功于技术。
  • So you might, over time, see a falling vacancy rate, and these estimates kind of ignore that possibility.
  • 随着时间的推移,空置率可能会下降,而这些估计忽略了这种可能性。
  • Big players in the housing industry use the vacancy approach as the basis for calculating the size of the housing shortage.
  • 住房行业的大公司使用空置率方法作为计算住房短缺规模的基础。
  • But David says variations in how they crunch the vacancy numbers sometimes results in different figures.
  • 但大卫说,他们计算空置率的方式不同,有时会导致不同的数字。
  • And then there are economists that take a completely different approach to quantifying the housing shortage.
  • 还有一些经济学家采取了完全不同的方法来量化住房短缺。
  • For instance, back in 2022, researchers now with the American Enterprise Institute and George Mason University, they estimated how many housing units they think would have been built in the U.S. if zoning regulations and other restrictions did not exist.
  • 例如,早在2022年,现在美国企业研究所和乔治梅森大学的研究人员就估计了如果没有分区法规和其他限制,他们认为美国会建造多少套住房。
  • Basically, they say that if we hadn't had so many restrictive zoning rules, we would have had 20 million more houses in 2021 than we actually had. So... That's a huge number. Right. It's 14% of the national housing stock.
  • 基本上,他们说,如果我们没有那么多严格的分区规则,2021年我们的房屋数量将比实际多2000万套。这是一个巨大的数字。是的。它占全国住房存量的14%。
  • So we get all these different estimates for the housing shortage, which could make you think, like, OK, well, what's it all for?
  • 我们得到了关于住房短缺的所有不同估计,这可能会让你想,好吧,那这一切是为了什么?
  • And David himself actually questions the usefulness of a national number for the housing shortage because, well, he points out that housing largely is a local issue.
  • 大卫实际上质疑全国住房短缺数字的实用性,因为他指出住房在很大程度上是一个地方问题。
  • So a national figure glosses over the differences in housing markets from state to state, city to city, sometimes even down to the neighborhood level.
  • 全国数字掩盖了各州、各城市住房市场的差异,有时甚至深入到社区层面。
  • If anything in the world is not national, it's housing. The policies we need are probably very much at the state and local zoning level. And so in some respects, the national thing is almost meaningless.
  • 如果世界上有什么不是全国性的,那就是住房。我们需要的政策很可能是在州和地方分区层面。在某些方面,全国性的东西几乎毫无意义。
  • In California - where Olivia Garcia lives - Governor Gavin Newsom has described housing affordability as the state's original sin. Olivia and her fiancé did find a place to live in Los Angeles through a website for furnished rentals.
  • 在加利福尼亚州——Olivia Garcia居住的地方——州长加文·纽森将住房负担能力描述为该州的原罪。Olivia和未婚夫确实通过一个带家具的出租网站在洛杉矶找到了一个住处。
  • It's only 400 square feet because it's a converted garage attached to a single-family home. Although it does have its own entrance.
  • 它只 400平方英尺,因为它是一个改建的车库,附在一栋独栋住宅上。虽然它有自己的入口。
  • The cost - $2,000 a month, which is actually less than the rent they paid on their previous place.
  • 费用是每月2000美元,实际上比他们之前住的地方的租金还低。
  • It's the smallest of all the ones we looked at. We were like, OK, well, this is going to be, like, tight living, but, you know, we're making it work for sure.
  • 这是我们看过的所有房子中最小的。我们觉得这样生活会很紧凑,但我们肯定会让它发挥作用。
  • This converted garage is a kind of housing called an accessory dwelling unit. They're also called coach houses or granny flats or casitas.
  • 这个改建的车库是一种称为附属住宅单元的住房。它们也被称为马车房、奶奶房或casitas。
  • And they've emerged as one way to address the gap in affordable housing. California passed legislation back in 2016 that required cities and counties to allow these units on most residential lots.
  • 它们已经成为解决经济适用房缺口的一种方式。加州于2016年通过立法,要求城市和县允许在大多数住宅地段建造这些单元。
  • Olivia's father, who also lives in the LA area, actually rents out his own accessory dwelling unit to a family of five.
  • Olivia的父亲也住在洛杉矶地区,他实际上将自己的附属住宅单元出租给了一个五口之家。
  • Olivia says her father's tenants are in tight quarters but making the best of it, just like she and her fiancé are adapting to their small space.
  • Olivia说,她父亲的房客住房面积很狭小,但他们尽力而为,就像她和未婚夫正在适应他们的小空间一样。
  • We have, like, our own little patio area. There's, like, a barbecue and a ton of seating. Like, it really just expands the space.
  • 我们有自己的小露台区。有烧烤架和大量座位。就像真的扩大了空间一样。
  • Like, you don't feel like you're cooped up in a small 400-square-foot little unit, so I think that's been the best part.
  • 你不会觉得自己被关在一个400平方英尺的小单元里,所以我认为这是最好的部分。
  • We may see more of these accessory dwelling units popping up as state and local governments change laws to allow them.
  • 随着州和地方政府修改法律允许建造,我们可能会看到更多这样的附属住宅单元涌现。
  • David Wessel at Brookings says that home prices and rents - not the vacancy rate - should signal whether these kinds of housing policies are effective.
  • 布鲁金斯学会的David Wessel表示,房价和租金(而不是空置率)应该表明这些住房政策是否有效。
  • And speaking of housing policies. Tomorrow's episode, we'll talk about what the president-elect, Donald Trump, says he wants to do about making homes more affordable.
  • 说到住房政策。明天的节目,我们将讨论候任总统唐纳德·特朗普表示希望做些什么来让住房更便宜。


This is THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY. I'm Adrian Ma. And I'm Wailin Wong.


One of the hot topics of the U.S. presidential campaign was housing affordability. Both candidates talked about what they would do to boost the supply of homes and bring prices down.


The search for affordable housing is a major concern for a lot of people in the U.S., people like Olivia Garcia (ph).

寻找经济适用房是许多人在美国的主要关注点,比如Olivia Garcia

She's from Los Angeles. And earlier this year, Olivia and her fiancé opted to sell their stuff and travel overseas instead of paying LA rents.


We did our traveling because we were like, oh, my God, it's so expensive. Just, like, living here, being in LA, you know, might as well go spend our savings doing this because it'll be cheaper anyways.


We're making - girl math would state that I am making money traveling. Do you have to take a course in girl math to do it? Some of us are born doing girl math, Adrian. OK.


But, you know, Olivia and her fiancé did eventually return to the U.S. so that Olivia's fiancé could start a new job. And back in LA, the apartment search was grim.


It's just all around really nightmarish. Like, the options are pretty slim.


Olivia was feeling what politicians have identified as a housing shortage. But how many homes would it take to fix the problem?


This gets us into another kind of mathematical conundrum. A girl math conundrum? No. Housing math this time.


It turns out trying to calculate the size of the problem is a bit of an economic brain teaser. So today on the show, we explain the tricky business of quantifying the U.S. housing shortage.


In the early 2000s, the problem with the U.S. housing market was that there were too many homes.


This supply glut eventually led to a bust in home prices, and that contributed to the great financial crisis.


Now the consensus among politicians, as well as people in the housing and construction industries, is that we have the opposite problem - not enough homes.


But calculating the shortfall has yielded really different figures. David Wessel studies fiscal and monetary policy at the Brookings think tank.

但计算短缺量得出的数字却大相径庭。大卫·韦塞尔(David Wessel)在布鲁金斯智库研究财政和货币政策。

I kept hearing people on the campaign trail throwing out all these numbers about how many houses we were short - 1.5 million, 3.8 million, 5.5 million.


David looked into where these numbers come from. And he says a common approach to coming up with the housing shortage number is to use something called the vacancy rate.


You take all the housing units in the United States, apartments, single-family houses, town houses, and you say from government surveys what percentage of them are vacant.


Now, that might sound pretty straightforward, but David says it's not clear-cut what counts as a vacant home. Like, think about a vacation home.


Some of the estimates count, you know, the cottage on the lake that you only use six months a year. If they do their survey in February and it's empty, they count it as vacant.


But other estimates leave that lake cottage out of the equation. Another example of an ambiguous case is a house that's vacant but unavailable.


Let's say your mother died, and you're still cleaning out the house, so there's nobody living there, but it's not available for sale or rent.


So just this first step in quantifying the housing shortage - calculating the current vacancy rate - can be tricky.


The next step is comparing the current vacancy rate to a historical vacancy rate that's considered normal.


If the current rate is lower than the so-called normal rate, that is considered an indicator of a housing shortage.


But, as David explains, determining the normal rate opens up another can of analytical worms.


What is a normal or healthy vacancy rate isn't fixed in time. So think of it - think about this. We have a lot better listing services on real estate, and you can do a lot of shopping online.


So maybe houses stay vacant less often because it's easier - thanks to the technology - for a buyer and seller to find themselves.


So you might, over time, see a falling vacancy rate, and these estimates kind of ignore that possibility.


Big players in the housing industry use the vacancy approach as the basis for calculating the size of the housing shortage.


But David says variations in how they crunch the vacancy numbers sometimes results in different figures.


And then there are economists that take a completely different approach to quantifying the housing shortage.


For instance, back in 2022, researchers now with the American Enterprise Institute and George Mason University, they estimated how many housing units they think would have been built in the U.S. if zoning regulations and other restrictions did not exist.


Basically, they say that if we hadn't had so many restrictive zoning rules, we would have had 20 million more houses in 2021 than we actually had. So... That's a huge number. Right. It's 14% of the national housing stock.


So we get all these different estimates for the housing shortage, which could make you think, like, OK, well, what's it all for?


And David himself actually questions the usefulness of a national number for the housing shortage because, well, he points out that housing largely is a local issue.


So a national figure glosses over the differences in housing markets from state to state, city to city, sometimes even down to the neighborhood level.


If anything in the world is not national, it's housing. The policies we need are probably very much at the state and local zoning level. And so in some respects, the national thing is almost meaningless.


In California - where Olivia Garcia lives - Governor Gavin Newsom has described housing affordability as the state's original sin. Olivia and her fiancé did find a place to live in Los Angeles through a website for furnished rentals.

在加利福尼亚州——Olivia Garcia居住的地方——州长加文·纽森将住房负担能力描述为该州的原罪。Olivia和未婚夫确实通过一个带家具的出租网站在洛杉矶找到了一个住处。

It's only 400 square feet because it's a converted garage attached to a single-family home. Although it does have its own entrance.

它只 400平方英尺,因为它是一个改建的车库,附在一栋独栋住宅上。虽然它有自己的入口。

The cost - $2,000 a month, which is actually less than the rent they paid on their previous place.


It's the smallest of all the ones we looked at. We were like, OK, well, this is going to be, like, tight living, but, you know, we're making it work for sure.


This converted garage is a kind of housing called an accessory dwelling unit. They're also called coach houses or granny flats or casitas.


And they've emerged as one way to address the gap in affordable housing. California passed legislation back in 2016 that required cities and counties to allow these units on most residential lots.


Olivia's father, who also lives in the LA area, actually rents out his own accessory dwelling unit to a family of five.


Olivia says her father's tenants are in tight quarters but making the best of it, just like she and her fiancé are adapting to their small space.


We have, like, our own little patio area. There's, like, a barbecue and a ton of seating. Like, it really just expands the space.


Like, you don't feel like you're cooped up in a small 400-square-foot little unit, so I think that's been the best part.


We may see more of these accessory dwelling units popping up as state and local governments change laws to allow them.


David Wessel at Brookings says that home prices and rents - not the vacancy rate - should signal whether these kinds of housing policies are effective.

布鲁金斯学会的David Wessel表示,房价和租金(而不是空置率)应该表明这些住房政策是否有效。

And speaking of housing policies. Tomorrow's episode, we'll talk about what the president-elect, Donald Trump, says he wants to do about making homes more affordable.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
mason ['meisn]


n. 泥瓦匠 Mason: 共济会会员

bust [bʌst]


n. 半身像,胸部,萧条,破产 v. 打碎

accessory [æk'sesəri]


adj. 附属的(副的,辅助的)
n. 附件,



adj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id

dwelling ['dweliŋ]


n. 住处

survey [sə:'vei]


v. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视

shortfall ['ʃɔ:tfɔ:l]


n. 不足之量,差额

estate [is'teit]


n. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产

monetary ['mʌnə.teri]


adj. 货币的,金融的

sin [sin]


n. 原罪
v. 犯罪,违反(教规)





