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  • That's a way that this produce can become contaminated.
  • 这是农产品可能受到污染的一种方式。
  • It's disgusting.
  • 这真令人恶心。
  • Also other ways that food can get contaminated, which is just in the supply chain, if food gets left out on a loading dock for too long, but it's a food that needs to be refrigerated, that sort of thing, as well.
  • 食物在供应链中也会受到污染,如需要冷藏的食物却在装卸码头放置时间过长,诸如此类。
  • Well, one thing I'm fascinated by is how the government even knows that these are the cucumbers that made these people sick.
  • 我感兴趣的是政府如何知道是这些黄瓜让人生病的。
  • I think it would be helpful to walk through an example of an outbreak and a recall.
  • 我认为举个细菌感染和食物召回的例子会帮助理解。
  • Let's start with the McDonald's quarter pounders.
  • 我们从麦当劳的四分之一磅汉堡说起。
  • People who ate them were sick in this fall.
  • 今年秋天,吃了它们的人生病了。
  • When I first heard about it, I thought, it's got to be the beef patties.
  • 当我第一次听说这件事时,我想,一定是牛肉饼的问题。
  • But no, it was the onions and the onions were part of an E.Coli outbreak.
  • 但并不是,而是洋葱,洋葱是导致大肠杆菌感染的原因之一。
  • How does the government even figure out it's not the meat, it's not the cheese, it's the onions?
  • 政府是如何发现不是肉,不是奶酪,而是洋葱的问题呢?
  • I thought onions were safe, Rachel, to be honest.
  • 老实说,瑞秋,我也曾以为洋葱是安全的。
  • Now I'm worried about my onions.
  • 现在我却担心我的洋葱。
  • How did they know?
  • 他们是怎么知道的?
  • Putting onions on all your salads?
  • 你在所有的沙拉里都放洋葱吗?
  • Yeah.
  • 是的。
  • It's interesting disease detective work.
  • 这是有趣的疾病侦探工作。
  • That's how it's approached.
  • 是这样处理的。
  • This fall, people who got sick went to their doctor.
  • 今年秋天,生病的人去看了医生。
  • If it came back that they had a food borne illness, that information would be put into a system maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • 如果他们患有食源性疾病,这些信息会被录入疾病控制和预防中心维护的系统。
  • Essentially, in conjunction with the state public health and local public health, they figured out that the source was likely McDonald's and likely McDonald's quarter pounder.
  • 最终,他们与州公共卫生部门和当地公共卫生部门一起,发现疾病源头可能是麦当劳,并且很有可能是麦当劳的四分之一磅汉堡。
  • But how did they do that?
  • 但是他们是怎么做到的呢?
  • How did they figure out that it was McDonald's onions?
  • 他们是怎么发现源头是麦当劳的洋葱的?
  • Once you have that cluster of cases, state and local health departments will go and interview the people who got sick.
  • 一旦出现了这样的聚集性病例,州和地方卫生部门就会去采访那些生病的人。
  • If I was sick, they would ask me a long list of questions, basically, trying to figure out everything that I ate.
  • 如果我生病了,他们会问我一长串问题,基本上,试图弄清楚我吃的所有东西。
  • With the McDonald's instance, out of the 81 people they interviewed 80, so like 99% reported eating McDonald's.
  • 以麦当劳为例,在他们采访的81人中,有80人,也就是99%的人表示吃过麦当劳。
  • Seventy-five people were able to remember the menu items that they ate of McDonald's.
  • 七十五个人能够记住他们在麦当劳吃的食物。
  • Then the vast majority of those reported eating a menu item containing fresh slivered onions.
  • 然后,绝大多数人表示吃了含有新鲜洋葱丝的食物。
  • Then what did the CDC do with that information?
  • 那么,疾控中心是如何处理这些信息的呢?
  • The CDC was doing the human illness investigation, and then the FDA was investigating the onions and what ended up happening is Taylor Farms initiated a recall of the onions.
  • 当时疾控中心在进行人类疾病调查,食品药品监督管理局则在调查洋葱,最终结果是泰勒农场召回了洋葱。
  • The onions were taken off the menu.
  • 洋葱从菜单上撤下。
  • McDonald's then had to find another supplier of the onions and the outbreak investigation has since closed.
  • 麦当劳随后不得不寻找另一家洋葱供应商,此后疾病调查结束。
  • It actually closed on Tuesday.
  • 麦当劳实际在周二关门了。
  • Well, Rachel, one of my first reactions when I hear about another recall is, should I trust the food I'm buying or how can I trust the food I'm buying?
  • 瑞秋,当听到又一次召回时,我的第一反应是,我应该相信正在购买的食品吗,或者该如何相信正在购买的食品?
  • Because these recalls are happening after the food is already out in the system.
  • 因为这些召回都是发生在食品已经进入流通系统后。
  • But hearing you explain this story about the McDonald's quarter pounders, it makes me also think about, well, maybe a recall is a sign that the food systems are working because is there a world in which we wouldn't have known about this at all?
  • 但听完你介绍麦当劳四分之一磅汉堡的来龙去脉,这也让我想到,嗯,也许召回是食品系统在发挥作用的一个标志,否则我们根本不会了解这件事。
  • Like, people wouldn't even know that there's some issue with these slivered onions and the McDonald's quarter pounders.
  • 就像,人们根本不会知道洋葱丝和麦当劳的四分之一磅汉堡有什么关系。
  • I think you talked to some experts, and they say that that is good public health work, being able to track down these genetic fingerprints of certain bacteria, but to a point on public confidence, there was a Gallop poll from September that showed public confidence in the government's ability to protect the food supply is at an all time low.
  • 你曾与一些专家进行了交谈,他们说能够追踪某些细菌的基因指纹,是良好的公共卫生工作,但就公众信心而言,9月份的一项盖洛普民意调查显示,公众对政府保护食品供应能力的信心处于历史最低点。
  • Fifty-seven percent of people surveyed expressed at least a fair amount of confidence, 28% of Americans did not have much confidence, and 14% had none at all.
  • 57%的受访者表示至少有相当程度的信心,28%没有太多信心,而14%的人完全没有信心。


That's a way that this produce can become contaminated.


It's disgusting.


Also other ways that food can get contaminated, which is just in the supply chain, if food gets left out on a loading dock for too long, but it's a food that needs to be refrigerated, that sort of thing, as well.


Well, one thing I'm fascinated by is how the government even knows that these are the cucumbers that made these people sick.


I think it would be helpful to walk through an example of an outbreak and a recall.


Let's start with the McDonald's quarter pounders.


People who ate them were sick in this fall.


When I first heard about it, I thought, it's got to be the beef patties.


But no, it was the onions and the onions were part of an E.Coli outbreak.


How does the government even figure out it's not the meat, it's not the cheese, it's the onions?


I thought onions were safe, Rachel, to be honest.


Now I'm worried about my onions.


How did they know?


Putting onions on all your salads?




It's interesting disease detective work.


That's how it's approached.


This fall, people who got sick went to their doctor.


If it came back that they had a food borne illness, that information would be put into a system maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Essentially, in conjunction with the state public health and local public health, they figured out that the source was likely McDonald's and likely McDonald's quarter pounder.


But how did they do that?


How did they figure out that it was McDonald's onions?


Once you have that cluster of cases, state and local health departments will go and interview the people who got sick.


If I was sick, they would ask me a long list of questions, basically, trying to figure out everything that I ate.


With the McDonald's instance, out of the 81 people they interviewed 80, so like 99% reported eating McDonald's.


Seventy-five people were able to remember the menu items that they ate of McDonald's.


Then the vast majority of those reported eating a menu item containing fresh slivered onions.


Then what did the CDC do with that information?


The CDC was doing the human illness investigation, and then the FDA was investigating the onions and what ended up happening is Taylor Farms initiated a recall of the onions.


The onions were taken off the menu.


McDonald's then had to find another supplier of the onions and the outbreak investigation has since closed.


It actually closed on Tuesday.


Well, Rachel, one of my first reactions when I hear about another recall is, should I trust the food I'm buying or how can I trust the food I'm buying?


Because these recalls are happening after the food is already out in the system.


But hearing you explain this story about the McDonald's quarter pounders, it makes me also think about, well, maybe a recall is a sign that the food systems are working because is there a world in which we wouldn't have known about this at all?


Like, people wouldn't even know that there's some issue with these slivered onions and the McDonald's quarter pounders.


I think you talked to some experts, and they say that that is good public health work, being able to track down these genetic fingerprints of certain bacteria, but to a point on public confidence, there was a Gallop poll from September that showed public confidence in the government's ability to protect the food supply is at an all time low.


Fifty-seven percent of people surveyed expressed at least a fair amount of confidence, 28% of Americans did not have much confidence, and 14% had none at all.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
detective [di'tektiv]


adj. 侦探的
n. 侦探

genetic [dʒi'netik]


adj. 基因的,遗传的,起源的

conjunction [kən'dʒʌŋkʃən]


n. 连词,结合,关联,(事件等的)同时发生

supplier [sə'plaiə]


n. 供应者,供应厂商,供应国

vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

confidence ['kɔnfidəns]


adj. 骗得信任的
n. 信任,信心,把握

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

produce [prə'dju:s]


n. 产品,农作物
vt. 生产,提出,引起,

poll [pəul]


n. 投票,民意测验,民意,票数
v. 做民意





