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编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


‘Fine, fine,’ said the troll. ‘Hopefully, your sister is less annoying…’


‘Yay! Thank you, Mr. Troll!’


The youngest sister crossed to the other side.


Next, the middle goat crossed the narrow bridge. She worried that the bridge might break, but it didn’t. When the troll jumped out, she was quite surprised.


‘Oh! I thought the bridge was breaking, but it’s just a rabbit or something.’


‘A rabbit?’ said the troll. ‘I’m not a rabbit!’


‘Alright, alright. Maybe a cat? Look, we live in a small field. I don’t know what other animals look like!’


‘That doesn’t matter!’ said the troll. ‘Because I’m going to eat you!’


‘Oh!’ said the middle goat. ‘Please tell me you ate my younger sister? She’s so annoying.’


‘I did not!’ said the troll. ‘Because I am going to eat YOU! And I can see that you are bigger than your sister, and so I will not be hungry afterwards.’


‘Oh, you poor thing!’ said the goat. ‘You must have so little food. You think I will be enough food for you? You probably have been eating too little all your life.


Listen, my older sister is coming after me, and she’s really fat. She’s the biggest goat I’ve ever seen! She would really make a better meal.’


‘And why can’t I eat you both?’ said the troll.


Right now, he was thinking that maybe he should start eating grass.


Grass didn’t talk when you tried to eat it. Grass wasn’t annoying like these goats. And his stomach was so empty…


‘Well, first, that would be greedy. But also, my older sister is very fast. If you eat me, you’ll be tired, and my sister will be too fast for you.


But if you wait for her, you’ll be able to catch her! Also, I ate some really bad grass earlier, so you really don’t want to eat me.’


‘Fine, fine,’ said the troll. ‘Go on.’


‘Thanks!’ said the middle goat. She crossed over the bridge.


Finally, the eldest goat crossed the narrow bridge. The bridge made some noises, but it did not break.


When the troll jumped out, the eldest goat was not surprised.


‘I remember you!’ she said. ‘It’s been years, hasn’t it?’


‘I don’t know what you’re talking about!’ said the troll. ‘I’ve never met you.’


‘Oh, silly me. It was your mother I killed, wasn’t it? You were just a little baby then.’


‘What are you talking about?’ said the troll.


But it was too late for him. The eldest goat jumped and hit the troll with her head. The troll fell off the bridge and into the river.


‘Ahh!’ cried the troll.


‘Bye!’ said the eldest goat. ‘Oh, and if you have any babies, I’ll kill them, too! I’ll drown them one by one!’


The waters flowed quickly, and the troll drowned. But at least his stomach wasn’t empty. It was full of water!


The eldest goat crossed the bridge and found her sisters.


‘Oh,’ said the middle goat. ‘What did you tell the troll? Did you tell him that another troll was coming?’


‘Oh, don’t worry,’ said the eldest goat. ‘I was very nice to him.’


‘Really?’ said the youngest goat. ‘Is he still on the bridge?’


‘No, no,’ said the eldest. ‘We decided that he should leave. He lives somewhere much… wetter now.


Now come on, we’ve got all this grass to eat! You won’t grow up to be big and strong like me if you don’t eat your grass.’


Now there were no trolls on the bridge, so the three goats could cross it easily.


When there was no more grass in the field, the three goats crossed the bridge one by one and went to the other field.


And so they happily ate grass for the rest of their lives.


The End


重点单词   查看全部解释    
annoying [ə'nɔiiŋ]


adj. 恼人的,讨厌的

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮





