In this episode, I am going to teach you about a new expression. This expression has only been around for a few years, I think.
And, if you spend a lot of time online, you might have seen this expression. The expression is "Touch grass." Touch grass. That's t-o-u-c-h g-r-a-s-s. Touch grass.
如果您花很多时间上网,您可能已经看到过这种表达方式。这种表达方式是“Touch grass”。
You might also see this expression as "You should touch grass" or "You need to touch grass." What does this expression mean, and why does it mean that?
您可能还会看到这种表达方式是“You should touch grass”或“You need to touch grass”。这种表达方式是什么意思,为什么是这个意思?
When people say, "Touch grass," what they are saying is: I think you should turn your computer off and go into the real world.
当人们说“Touch grass”时,他们的意思是:我认为你应该关掉电脑,去现实世界。
I think you should turn your computer off and go outside. Go experience nature. Experience something away from the computer. I think you should leave the online world and enter the real world, the natural world."
If someone says, "You should touch grass," they mean something like: You should go out in nature.
如果有人说“You should touch grass”,他们的意思是:你应该到大自然中去。
You should go sit down on the grass. You should go sit down outside and experience the real world.
They say that because sometimes when people spend a lot of time online, when they spend a lot of time on social media, when they spend a lot of time arguing with people, they might forget about the things that really matter.
Or they might forget what the real world is like. They might be so focused on these internet arguments that they have forgotten what life is really all about.
Or, they have forgotten what the real world is like. If somebody tells you to touch grass, they are probably telling you that you are spending too much time on the computer.
或者,他们已经忘记了现实世界是什么样的。如果有人告诉你touch grass,他们可能是在告诉你,你在电脑上花了太多时间。
You are spending too much time on the internet. I think this is a very interesting expression that you should know.