Unsinkable Sam, the cat, the myth, the legend. Some people are dog people, and some are cat people. When it comes to seafarers and the Navy, they are most definitely cat people.
So much so that cats are time-honored passengers aboard ships of all types, and their habit of sailing alongside humans can be dated back to antiquity.
The day-to-day life of a ship's cat doesn't vary very much from one on land.
They wake up, stretch and go about their business much like a cat on land, deciding when and where they will decide to notice the humans around them, or not.
And so starts the legend of Unsinkable Sam. An ordinary cat who defied extraordinary odds at sea to live a long and healthy life.
Unsurprisingly, Unsinkable Sam didn't start life with this moniker.
Originally, he was known as Oscar and began his sea journey on the broad back of the Bismarck, a German battleship heading towards the worst war humanity has ever known.
Most stories of life during World War II focus on the deeds and exploits of humanity.
This fails to account for all the brave animals who are also thrown into war alongside humans, including horses, bomb-sniffing dogs, and of course seafaring cats like Unsinkable Sam.
And being a cat, Oscar or Unsinkable Sam thought May 26th 1941 was just an ordinary day upon the Bismarck.
He had no idea his life was about to change forever and spark a legend that would be told on ships long after he hacked up his final hairball.
That's why Oscar began his day like any other, winding through the ship's crew, chasing down a few rats that were going for the food supplies and being admired by those he happened upon on the magnificent ship he called home.
Named after the German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, the battleship launched on February 14th 1939, spanning 241 meters and weighing approximately 43,978 tons.
Thickly armored, there were 8.38cm guns in four twin turrets along its first battery length, a further 12.15cm guns in twin turrets in its second battery,
and an anti-aircraft battery of 16 heavy 10.5cm guns, 16 medium 3.7cm guns and 12 light 2cm guns.
But Oscar didn't care about how well defended the Bismarck was, nor that it could chug along at a speedy 30 knots.
All Oscar cared about was whether he had caught enough rodents for the day or if there was an incoming storm which he could.
Yet another reason sailors loved having a feline companion on board.
Cats like Oscar could actually predict the weather, meaning that they had their own version of the weather forecast.
That's because cats can actually sense barometric pressure and changes in the atmosphere that forewarn of shifts in the weather pattern.
If the onboard cat starts to act differently, maybe hiding away or sticking to sheltered parts of the ship, then sailors could be almost certain that a storm was coming.