Paris Hilton is sharing traumatic details about the abuse she endured at a youth residential treatment center when she was a teenager.
The reality star testified to a U.S. House committee on Capitol Hill June 26 as she "strongly advocated" for the federal bipartisan Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act
and urged lawmakers to "improve care for the nearly 400,000 children" who are living in the foster care system.
In her opening remarks, Paris acknowledged that while she herself was not in foster care, she experienced abuse during her time at youth treatment facilities as a teen.
"When I was 16 years old, I was ripped from my bed in the middle of the night and transported across state lines to the first of four youth residential treatment facilities.
These programs promise healing, growth and support but instead, did not allow me to speak, move freely or even look out a window for two years.
I was forced fed medications and sexually abused by the staff.
I was violently restrained and dragged down hallways, stripped naked and thrown into solitary confinement."
Paris has previously spoken out about the abuse she claims she endured at Provo Canyon School.
NBC News reported that the facility had said it was sold in 2,000 and cannot comment on operations before then.
NBC News报道称,以前的所有者于2000年出售了该寄宿学校,所以现在的校方无法对出售前发生的事情置评。