We all know smartphones can lead to distraction and stress. But can they also help improve your mental health?
Your phone can be a huge source of distraction, but if you put it into airplane mode and use a timer, it can be an amazing tool for Focus.
Think about doing one thing for 2 minutes, 5, 10, or 20 and only focusing on that task until your timer goes off. You might be surprised at how simple this little trick can be.
It helps me to get unstuck with my thoughts and understand what's really going on in my life, so I can find a new way forward.
Something I've learned about myself when I'm endlessly scrolling in an app is I'm probably dealing with a lot of thoughts and worries that are going on in my head.
So I switch to an app that allows me to write a private note and then I Journal about what's going on.
I love telling everyone to create a distraction folder on your phone and fill it up with your favorite memes, great music and funny videos.
This helps you to lock in good coping skills right now when you're thinking clearly, so you can use them later when you might be overwhelmed and not sure how to cope.