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第十章 驯养山羊(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


But being now in the eleventh year of my residence, and as I have said, my ammunition growing low, I set myself to study some art to trap and snare the goats, to see whether I could not catch some of them alive, and particularly I wanted a she-goat great with young.


For this purpose I made snares to hamper them, and I do believe they were more than once taken in them, but my tackle was not good, for I had no wire, and I always found them broken and my bait devoured.


At length I resolved to try a pitfall, so I dug several large pits in the earth, in places where I had observed the goats used to feed, and over those pits I placed hurdles of my own baking too, with a great weight upon them;


and several times I put ears of barley, and dry rice, without setting the trap, and I could easily perceive that the goats had gone in and eaten up the corn, for I could see the mark of their feet.


At length I set three traps in one night, and going the next morning I found them all standing, and yet the bait eaten and gone: This was very discouraging.


However, I altered my traps, and not to trouble you with particulars, going one morning to see my traps, I found in one of them a large old he-goat, and in one of the others, three kids, a male and two females.


As to the old one, I knew not what to do with him, he was so fierce I durst not go into the pit to him; that is to say, to bring him away alive, which was what I wanted.


I could have killed him, but that was not my business, nor would it answer my end. So I even let him out, and he ran away as if he had been frighted out of his wits: But I did not then know what I afterwards learned, that hunger will tame a lion.


If I had let him stay three or four days without food, and then have carried him some water to drink, and then a little corn, he would have been as tame as one of the kids, for they are mighty sagacious, tractable creatures where they are well used.


However, for the present I let him go, knowing no better at that time; then I went to the three kids, and taking them one by one, I tied them with strings together, and with some difficulty brought them all home.


It was a good while before they would feed, but throwing them some sweet corn, it tempted them and they began to be tame;


and now I found that if I expected to supply myself with goats' flesh when I had no powder or shot left, breeding some up tame was my only way, when perhaps I might have them about my house like a flock of sheep.


But then it occurred to me that I must keep the tame from the wild, or else they would always run wild when they grew up, and the only way for this was to have some enclosed piece of ground, well fenced either with hedge or pale, to keep them in so effectually, that those within might not break out, or those without break in.


This was a great undertaking for one pair of hands, yet as I saw there was an absolute necessity for doing it, my first work was to find out a proper piece of ground, viz. where there was likely to be herbage for them to eat, water for them to drink, and cover to keep them from the sun.


Those who understand such enclosures will think I had very little contrivance, when I pitched upon a place very proper for all these, being a plain open piece of meadow-land, or savanna, (as our people call it in the western colonies,) which had two or three little drills of fresh water in it, and at one end was very woody.


I say they will smile at my forecast, when I shall tell them I began my enclosing of this piece of ground in such a manner, that my hedge or pale must have been at least two miles about.


Nor was the madness of it so great as to the compass, for if it was ten miles about I was like to have time enough to do it in.


But I did not consider that my goats would be as wild in so much compass as if they had had the whole island, and I should have so much room to chase them in, that I should never catch them.


My hedge was begun and carried on, I believe, about fifty yards, when this thought occurred to me, so I presently stopt short, and for the beginning I resolved to enclose a piece of about 150 yards in length, and 100 yards in breadth,


which as it would maintain as many as I should have in any reasonable time, so as my stocking increased, I could add more ground to my enclosure. This was acting with some prudence, and I went to work with courage.


I was about three months hedging in the first piece, and till I had done it I tethered the three kids in the best part of it, and used them to feed as near me as possible to make them familiar;


and very often I would go and carry them some ears of barley, or a handful of rice, and feed them out of my hand; so that after my enclosure was finished, and I let them loose, they would follow me up and down, bleating after me for a handful of corn.


This answered my end, and in about a year and half I had a flock of about twelve goats, kids and all; and in two years more I had three and forty, besides several that I took and killed for my food.


After that, I enclosed five several pieces of ground to feed them in, with little pens to drive them into, to take them as I wanted, and gates out of one piece of ground into another.


But this was not all, for now I not only had goats' flesh to feed on when I pleased, but milk too, a thing which indeed in the beginning I did not so much as think of, and which, when it came into my thoughts, was really an agreeable surprize.


For now I set up my dairy, and had sometimes a gallon or two of milk in a day. And as Nature, who gives supplies of food to every creature, dictates even naturally how to make use of it;


so I, that had never milked a cow, much less a goat, or seen butter or cheese made only when I was a boy, after a great many essays and miscarriages, made both butter and cheese at last, also salt (though I founded partly made to my hand by the heat of the sun upon some of the rocks of the sea), and never wanted it afterwards.


How mercifully can our great Creator treat His creatures, even in those conditions in which they seemed to be overwhelmed in destruction. How can He sweeten the bitterest providences, and give us cause to praise Him for dungeons and prisons.


What a table was here spread for me in the wilderness, where I saw nothing at first but to perish for hunger.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
residence ['rezidəns]


n. 住处,住宅,居住

enclosure [in'kləuʒə]


n. 附件,围墙,围绕

mighty ['maiti]


adj. 强有力的,强大的,巨大的

sweeten ['swi:tn]


v. (使)变甜,使愉悦,净化

destruction [di'strʌkʃən]


n. 破坏,毁灭,破坏者

perceive [pə'si:v]


vt. 察觉,感觉,认知,理解

corn [kɔ:n]


n. 谷物,小麦,玉米
v. 形成(颗粒状),

chase [tʃeis]


n. 追求,狩猎,争取
vt. 追捕,狩猎



adj. 被附上的;与世隔绝的 v. 附上(enclos

plain [plein]


n. 平原,草原
adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简


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