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第九章 一只船(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Alas! There the nasty sorry useless stuff lay; I had no more manner of business for it; and I often thought with myself, that I would have given a handful of it for a gross of tobacco pipes, or for a hand-mill to grind my corn;


nay, I would have given it all for six-penny-worth of turnip and carrot seed out of England, or for a handful of peas and beans, and a bottle of ink:


As it was, I had not the least advantage by it, or benefit from it; but there it lay in a drawer, and grew mouldy with the damp of the cave, in the wet seasons; and if I had had the drawer full of diamonds, it had been the same case; they had been of no manner of value to me, because of no use.


I had now brought my state of life to be much easier in itself than it was at first, and much easier to my mind, as well as to my body.


I frequently sat down to meat with thankfulness, and admired the hand of God's providence, which had thus spread my table in the wilderness.


I learned to look more upon the bright side of my condition, and less upon the dark side; and to consider what I enjoyed, rather than what I wanted; and this gave me sometimes such secret comforts, that I cannot express them;


and which I take notice of here, to put those discontented people in mind of it, who cannot enjoy comfortably what God has given them; because they see, and covet something that he has not given them:


All our discontents about what we want, appeared to me, to spring from the want of thankfulness for what we have.


Another reflection was of great use to me, and doubtless would be so to any one that should fall into such distress as mine was; and this was, to compare my present condition with what I at first expected it would be;


nay, with what it would certainly have been, if the good providence of God had not wonderfully ordered the ship to be cast up nearer to the shore, where I not only could come at her, but could bring what I got out of her to the shore, for my relief and comfort;


without which, I had wanted for tools to work, weapons for defence, or gun-powder and shot for getting my food.


I spent whole hours, I may say whole days, in representing to myself in the most lively colours, how I must have acted, if I had got nothing out of the ship.


How I could not have so much as got any food, except fish and turtles; and that as it was long before I found any of them, I must have perished first.


That I should have lived, if I had not perished, like a meer savage.


That if I had killed a goat, or a fowl, by any contrivance, I had no way to flay or open them, or part the flesh from the skin, and the bowels, or to cut it up; but must gnaw it with my teeth, and pull it with my claws like a beast.


These reflections made me very sensible of the goodness of providence to me, and very thankful for my present condition, with all its hardships and misfortunes:


And this part also I cannot but recommend to the reflection of those, who are apt in their misery to say, is any affliction like mine!


Let them consider, how much worse the cases of some people are, and their case might have been, if providence had thought fit.


I had another reflection which assisted me also to comfort my mind with hopes; and this was comparing my present condition with what I had deserved, and had therefore reason to expect from the hand of providence.


I had lived a dreadful life, perfectly destitute of the knowledge and fear of God.


I had been well instructed by father and mother; neither had they been wanting to me, in their early endeavours, to infuse a religious awe of God into my mind, a sense of my duty, and of what the nature and end of my being, required of me.


But alas! falling early into the seafaring life, which of all the lives is the most destitute of the fear of God, though his terrors are always before them;


I say, falling early into the seafaring life, and into seafaring company, all that little sense of religion which I had entertained, was laughed out of me by my messmates, by a hardened despising of dangers; and the views of death, which grew habitual to me;


by my long absence from all manner of opportunities to converse with any hing but what was like myself, or to hear anything that was good, or tended towards it. So void was I of everything that was good, or of the least sense of what I was, or was to be,


that in the greatest deliverances I enjoyed, such as my escape from Sallee; my being taken up by the Portuguese master of the ship; my being planted so well in the Brasils; my receiving the cargo from England, and the like; I never had once the word Thank God, so much as on my mind, or in my mouth;


重点单词   查看全部解释    
reflection [ri'flekʃən]


n. 反映,映像,折射,沉思,影响

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可

recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

comfort ['kʌmfət]


n. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉
vt. 安慰,使

wilderness ['wildənis]


n. 荒野,荒地

distress [dis'tres]


n. 痛苦,苦恼,不幸
vt. 使痛苦,使苦恼

discontented [diskən'tentid]


adj. 不满意的 动词discontent的过去式和过

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

grind [graind]


vt. 磨,碾碎,挤压,压迫
vi. 磨得吱吱


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