Their father had told them not to leave the house, but the porch steps, he decided, were still the house.
At the far end of the street, Jack perched on his own porch railing, chin propped on bent-up knees.
Ever since that day at the pool, Nath had not spoken to Jack, not even hi.
When they got off the school bus together, Nath tugged at the straps of his bookbag, walking home as fast as he could.
At recess, if he saw Jack coming toward him, he ran to the other side of the playground.
It was starting to be a habit, disliking Jack.
Now, though, as Jack turned his head and spotted him and bounded down the street, Nath stayed put.
Talking to anyone—even Jack—was better than more silence.
“Want one?” Jack asked when he reached the steps.
Nestled in his outstretched palm: a half-dozen red candies, fish-shaped, the size of his thumb.
Head to tail, tail to head, they glistened like jewels.
Jack grinned, and even the tips of his ears perked up.
“Got them at the five-and-dime. Ten cents a scoop.”
Instantly Nath was flooded with intense longing: for the shelves of scissors and paste and crayons, the bins of bouncy balls and wax lips and rubber rats, the foil-wrapped chocolate bars lined up at the front counter, and, by the register, the big glass jar of ruby-colored candy, the cherry scent wafting out the moment you lifted the lid.
Jack bit the head off one of the fish and held out his hand again.
“They’re good.” Close up, Jack’s eyelashes were the same sandy color as his hair, the tips golden where they caught the sunlight.
Nath slipped one of the candies into his mouth and let the sweetness seep into him and counted the freckles on Jack’s cheek: nine.
“You’ll be okay,” Jack said suddenly.
He leaned closer to Nath, as if he were telling a secret.
“My mom says kids only need one parent. She says if my dad doesn’t care enough to see me, it’s his loss, not mine.”
Nath’s tongue went stiff and thick, like a piece of meat.
Suddenly he could not swallow.
A trickle of syrupy spit nearly choked him, and he spat the half-chewed candy into the grass.
“Shut up,” he hissed.
“You—you shut up.” He spat again, for good measure, trying to expel the taste of cherry.
Then he stumbled to his feet and back inside, slamming the door so hard that the screen shook.
Behind him, Jack lingered at the bottom of the steps, looking down at the fish trapped inside his fist.
Later on, Nath would forget exactly what Jack had said to make him so angry.
He would remember only the anger itself, which smoldered as if it had always been there.
Then, a few days later, the most wonderful distraction arrived—for Nath, at least.