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第十三章 三个沉睡的公爵(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


There were turkeys and geese and peacocks, there were boars' heads and sides of venison, there were pies shaped like ships under full sail or like dragons and elephants, there were ice puddings and bright lobsters and gleaming salmon, there were nuts and grapes, pineapples and peaches, pomegranates and melons and tomatoes.

上面有火鸡、鹅和孔雀, 有野猪头、鹿脯, 有馅饼, 有的形状像张开帆的大船, 有的像巨龙, 有的像大象。有冰镇布丁, 有鲜艳的龙虾、闪亮的鲑鱼, 有果仁、葡萄、菠萝, 有桃子、石榴、蜜瓜和番茄。

There were flagons of gold and silver and curiouslywrought glass; and the smell of the fruit and the wine blew towards them like a promise of all happiness.

还有金酒壶、银酒壶、制作奇巧的玻璃酒杯, 水果和美酒的香味向他们迎面扑来, 顿时他们觉得非常兴奋。

"I say !"said Lucy.


They came nearer and nearer, all very quietly.

他们越来越近, 大家都不说话了。

"But where are the guests ?"asked Eustace.


"We can provide that, Sir, "said Rhince.

"我们来凑个数, 阁下。"赖因斯说。

"Look !"said Edmund sharply. They were actually within the pillars now and standing on the pavement. Everyone looked where Edmund had pointed.


The chairs were not all empty. At the head of the table and in the two places beside it there was something-or possibly three somethings.

原来椅子不全是空座, 在桌子首席和左右两边座位上大概有三个什么东西。

"What are those ?"asked Lucy in a whisper. "It looks like three beavers sitting on the table. "

"那是什么?"露茜悄声问, "很像三个坐在席上的海狸。"

"Or a huge bird's nest, "said Edmund.


"It looks more like a haystack to me, "said Caspian.


Reepicheep ran forward, jumped on a chair and thence on to the table, and ran along it, threading his way as nimbly as a dancer between jewelled cups and pyramids of fruit and-ivory salt-cellars.

雷佩契普奔上前, 跳到椅子上, 再跳到桌子上, 顺着桌子跑过去, 像个舞蹈家一样灵活地穿行在镶珠嵌宝的酒杯和堆得像金字塔一样的水果和象牙盐瓶之间。

He ran right up to the mysterious grey mass at the end: peered, touched, and then called out:

一直跑到桌子尽头那堆灰不溜秋的神秘东西旁边, 东张西望, 还碰了几下, 然后叫道:

"These will not fight, I think. "


Everyone now came close and saw that what sat in those three chairs was three men, though hard to recognize as men till you looked closely.

这时大家都走近了, 看到那三个座位上坐着的是三个人, 不凑近还真看不出来呢。

Their hair, which was grey, had grown over their eyes till it almost concealed their, faces, and their beards had grown over the table, climbing pound and entwining plates and goblets as brambles; entwine a fence, until, all mixed in one great mat of hair, they flowed over the edge and down to the floor.

他们的头发灰白, 盖过眼睛, 几乎遮住了脸; 他们的胡子长得盖住桌子, 沿着桌子像荆棘绕篱笆似的盘绕着杯盘, 一大簇毛发垂在桌沿, 拖到地面上。

And from their heads the hair hung over the backs of their chairs so that they were wholly hidden. In fact the three men were; nearly all hair.

他们的头发丝还披散到椅背上, 把身体全遮住了, 实际上这三个人就像三团毛。

"Dead ?"said Caspian.


"I think not, Sire, "said Reepicheep, lifting one of their hands out of its tangle of hair in his two paws. "This one is warm and his pulse beats. "

"我看没死, 陛下。"雷佩契普说, 它两只爪抓起那簇毛发, 举起其中一个人的手, 说:"至少他的手是温热的, 脉搏在跳动。"

"This one, too, and this, "said Drinian.

"他也是, 还有他。"德里宁说。

"Why, they're only asleep, "said Eustace.

"好吧, 他们只是睡着了而已。"尤斯塔斯说。

"It's been a long sleep, though, "said Edmund, "to let their hair grow like this. "

"可是, 让头发长到这样, 他们已经睡了很久了啊。"爱德蒙说。

"It must be an enchanted sleep, "said Lucy.


"I felt the moment we landed on this island that it was full of magic. Oh !do you think we have perhaps come here to break it ?"

"我们一踏上这个岛, 我就感到这里充满了魔力。哦, 你们不认为, 我们到这儿来, 就是来破解这种魔法的吗?"

"We can try, "said Caspian, and began shaking the nearest of the three sleepers.


For a moment everyone thought he was going to be successful, for the man breathed hard and muttered, "I'll go eastward no more. Out oars for Narnia."

有那么一会儿大家以为他就要成功了, 因为那人拼命吸着气, 嘟囔:"我再也不往东了, 我准备划船到纳尼亚去。"

But he sank back almost at once into a yet deeper sleep than before: that is, his heavy head sagged a few inches lower towards the table and all efforts to rouse him again were useless.

可是说完一下子又睡着了, 而且睡得比之前还要沉。他的脑袋还往桌子下低下几英寸, 任你再怎么吵都吵不醒。

With the second it was much the same. "Weren't born to live like animals. Get to the east while you've a chance-lands behind the sun, "and sank down.

第二个人和第一个人如出一辙, 叨念了几句:"我们不是生来就得做牛做马才可以生活下去。你有机会就到东方去吧, 到太阳后面的陆地上去。"说着就不省人事了。

And the third only said, "Mustard, please, "and slept hard.


"Out oars for Narnia, eh ?"said Drinian.

"准备划船到纳尼亚去, 嗯?"德里宁说。

"Yes, "said Caspian, "you are right, Drinian. I think our quest is at an end. Let's look at their rings.

"是啊, "凯斯宾说, "你说得不错, 德里宁。我想, 我们的寻访快要结束了。我们来瞧瞧他们的戒指吧。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

salmon ['sæmən]


n. 鲑,大马哈鱼,橙红色的

whisper ['wispə]


n. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音
vi. 低声

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

tangle ['tæŋgl]


n. 缠结,混乱,海澡类
v. 使缠结,纠纷

fence [fens]


n. 栅栏,围墙,击剑术
n. 买卖赃物的人<

mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模

rouse [rauz]


v. 唤醒,鼓舞,激起
n. 觉醒,奋起

mysterious [mis'tiəriəs]


adj. 神秘的,不可思议的

quest [kwest]


n. 探索,寻求
v. 寻找,搜索


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  • 第十二章 噩梦岛(4) 2024-02-17
  • 第十二章 噩梦岛(5) 2024-02-18
  • 第十三章 三个沉睡的公爵(1) 2024-02-19
  • 发布评论我来说2句



