Having big UK meat-eaters cut some of it out of their diet would be like taking 8 million cars off the road. That's just one of the findings of new research that scientists say gives the most reliable calculation yet of how what we eat impacts our planet. The Oxford University study is the first to pinpoint the difference high- and low-meat diets have on greenhouse gas emissions, researchers say.
1.meat-eaters 食肉派,肉食主义者
2.cut something out of one's diet 不让某人吃某物
3.high- and low-meat diet 多肉和少肉饮食
4.greenhouse gas emissions 温室气体排放
The meat industry said the analysis overstated the impact of eating meat.
Prof Peter Scarborough, of Oxford University, who led the new research, told BBC News: ''Our results show that if everyone in the UK who is a big meat-eater reduced the amount of meat they ate, it would make a really big difference." "You don't need to completely eradicate meat from your diet."
5.meat industry 肉类行业
6.overstate the impact of 夸大……的影响
7.eradicate something from one's diet 日常饮食中完全不吃某物