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- The next variation which their visit afforded was produced by the entrance of servants with cold meat, cake, and a variety of all the finest fruits in season;
- 她们来了不久,佣人们便送来了冷肉、点心、以及各种应时鲜果。
- but this did not take place till after many a significant look and smile from Mrs. Annesley to Miss Darcy had been given, to remind her of her post.
- 本来达西小姐一直忘了叫人端来,幸亏安涅斯雷太太频频向她做着眼色,装着微笑,方才提醒了她做主人的责任。
- There was now employment for the whole party; for though they could not all talk, they could all eat; and the beautiful pyramids of grapes, nectarines, and peaches soon collected them round the table.
- 这一下大家都有事情可做了。虽然不是每个人都健谈,可是每个人都会吃;大家一看见那大堆大堆美丽的葡萄、油桃和桃子,一下子就聚拢来围着桌子坐下。
- While thus engaged, Elizabeth had a fair opportunity of deciding whether she most feared or wished for the appearance of Mr. Darcy, by the feelings which prevailed on his entering the room;
- 吃东西的时候,达西先生走了进来,伊丽莎白便趁此辨别一下自己的心情,究竟是希望他在场,还是害怕他在场。
- and then, though but a moment before she had believed her wishes to predominate, she began to regret that he came.
- 辨别的结果,虽然自以为盼望的心情多于害怕的心情,可是他进来了不到一分钟,她却又认为他还是不进来的好。
- He had been some time with Mr. Gardiner, who, with two or three other gentlemen from the house, was engaged by the river, and had left him only on learning that the ladies of the family intended a visit to Georgiana that morning.
- 且说达西原先同自己家里两三个人陪着嘉丁纳先生在河边钓鱼,后来一听到嘉丁纳太太和她外甥女当天上午就要来拜望乔治安娜,便立刻离开了他们,回到家里来。
- No sooner did he appear, than Elizabeth wisely resolved to be perfectly easy and unembarrassed; --
- 伊丽莎白见他走进来,便临机应变,下定决心,促使自己千万要表现得从容不迫,落落大方。
- a resolution the more necessary to be made, but perhaps not the more easily kept,
- 她下定这个决心,确实很必要,只可惜事实上不大容易做到,
- because she saw that the suspicions of the whole party were awakened against them,
- 因为她看到全场的人都在怀疑他们俩;
- and that there was scarcely an eye which did not watch his behaviour when he first came into the room.
- 达西一走进来,几乎没有一只眼睛不在注意着他的举止。


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