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- By Mrs. Hurst and Miss Bingley, they were noticed only by a curtsey; and on their being seated, a pause, awkward as such pauses must always be, succeeded for a few moments.
- 赫斯脱太太和彬格莱小姐只对她们行了个屈膝礼。她们坐定以后,宾主之间许久不曾交谈,实在别扭。
- It was first broken by Mrs. Annesley, a genteel, agreeable looking woman, whose endeavour to introduce some kind of discourse proved her to be more truly well bred than either of the others; and between her and Mrs. Gardiner, with occasional help from Elizabeth, the conversation was carried on.
- 后来还是安涅斯雷太太第一个开口说话。这位太太是个和蔼可亲的大家闺秀,你只要瞧她竭力想出话来攀谈,便可以知道她确实比另外两位有教养得多。全靠她同嘉丁纳太太先攀谈起来,再加上伊丽莎白不时地插几句嘴助助兴,谈话才算没有冷场。
- Miss Darcy looked as if she wished for courage enough to join in it; and sometimes did venture a short sentence, when there was least danger of its being heard.
- 达西小姐好像想说话而又缺乏勇气,只是趁着人家听不见的时候支吾一两声,也总算难得。
- Elizabeth soon saw that she was herself closely watched by Miss Bingley, and that she could not speak a word, especially to Miss Darcy, without calling her attention.
- 伊丽莎白立刻发觉彬格莱小姐在仔细地看着她,注意她的一言一语,特别注意她跟达西小姐攀谈。
- This observation would not have prevented her from trying to talk to the latter, had they not been seated at an inconvenient distance;
- 如果伊丽莎白跟达西小姐座位隔得很近,攀谈起来很方便,她决不会因为畏忌彬格莱小姐而就不和达西小姐攀谈,
- but she was not sorry to be spared the necessity of saying much.
- 可是既然毋须多谈,所以也并不觉得遗憾。


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