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090 第四十六章:伊丽莎白得知丽迪雅和威科汉姆私奔了

来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Elizabeth had been a good deal disappointed in not finding a letter from Jane on their first arrival at Lambton; and this disappointment had been renewed on each of the mornings that had now been spent there; but on the third her repining was over, and her sister justified, by the receipt of two letters from her at once, on one of which was marked that it had been missent elsewhere.
  • 伊丽莎白刚到达兰姆屯时没有接到吉英的来信,便觉得有点儿沮丧,这种沮丧的心情一直持续了好几天。到了第三天早晨,她不再发牢骚,也不再生姐姐的气了,她一下子收到姐姐的两封信,一封信上还标有曾误投到其他地方的字样。
  • Elizabeth was not surprised at it, as Jane had written the direction remarkably ill.
  • 伊丽莎白看到姐姐把地址写得这么潦草,所以信件投错也不足为怪了。
  • They had just been preparing to walk as the letters came in; and her uncle and aunt, leaving her to enjoy them in quiet, set off by themselves.
  • 信送来时,他们正准备出去散步。于是她的舅父母留下她一个人安安静静地看信,他们自个儿出去了。
  • The one missent must first be attended to; it had been written five days ago.
  • 那封误投的信自然应该先读,它是五天前写的。
  • The beginning contained an account of all their little parties and engagements, with such news as the country afforded; but the latter half, which was dated a day later, and written in evident agitation, gave more important intelligence. It was to this effect:
  • 信的开始写的是一些小型的晚会和约会之类的事,还有一些乡下的小道新闻,信的后半部分是隔了一天写的,能看出写信人当时的心情很乱,给出的消息也很重要,下面便是信的主要内容:
  • “Since writing the above, dearest Lizzy, something has occurred of a most unexpected and serious nature; but I am afraid of alarming you--be assured that we are all well. What I have to say relates to poor Lydia.
  • 最最亲爱的丽萃,自从写了上面的内容后,发生了一件最为出乎人的意料的严重事情。可是我又怕吓着了你——放心吧,家里的人都好。我这里要说的是可怜的丽迪雅。
  • An express came at twelve last night, just as we were all gone to bed, from Colonel Forster, to inform us that she was gone off to Scotland with one of his officers; to own the truth, with Wickham! Imagine our surprise.
  • 昨天晚上十二点钟正在我们要去睡觉的时候,从弗斯特上校那里寄来一封快件,上面说丽迪雅和他部下的一个军官一起跑到苏格兰去了。老实说吧,就是跟威科汉姆!你可以想见我们当时的惊讶。
  • To Kitty, however, it does not seem so wholly unexpected. I am very, very sorry. So imprudent a match on both sides! But I am willing to hope the best, and that his character has been misunderstood.
  • 吉蒂对这件事倒似乎并不完全感到意外。我真是难过极了。这两个男女就这样鲁莽地走到了一块儿!可我还是愿意往最好的方面想,希望威科汉姆的人品并不像人们所想的那么坏。
  • Thoughtless and indiscreet I can easily believe him, but this step (and let us rejoice over it) marks nothing bad at heart. His choice is disinterested at least, for he must know my father can give her nothing. Our poor mother is sadly grieved. My father bears it better.
  • 我当然认为他是轻率和冒失的,不过,但愿这一步(让我们这样希望吧)不是他心有所谋而搞出来的。他选择了丽迪雅,至少不是为了有利可图,因为他当然知道父亲没有任何的东西给丽迪雅。可怜的母亲伤心得要命,父亲总算还挺得住。
  • How thankful am I that we never let them know what has been said against him; we must forget it ourselves. They were off Saturday night about twelve, as is conjectured, but were not missed till yesterday morning at eight.
  • 我真庆幸,我们没有告诉父母达西先生说威科汉姆的那些话。我们自己也必须忘掉它。据人们猜测,他们俩是在星期六晚上十二点左右动身的,可是直到昨天早晨八点才发现这两个人失踪了。
  • The express was sent off directly. My dear Lizzy, they must have passed within ten miles of us. Colonel Forster gives us reason to expect him here soon. Lydia left a few lines for his wife, informing her of their intention.
  • 特快专递随即便寄来了。亲爱的丽萃,他们经过的地方一定离我们不到十里。弗斯特上校说威科汉姆很快便会来到这里。丽迪雅给弗斯特太太留了几行字,说明了他们的意图。
  • I must conclude, for I cannot be long from my poor mother. I am afraid you will not be able to make it out, but I hardly know what I have written.”
  • 我必须打住了,我不忍心丢下可怜的母亲这个时候一个人待着。我担心你看了我的信也不明白是怎么回事,我自己也不知道我写了些什么。
  • Without allowing herself time for consideration, and scarcely knowing what she felt, Elizabeth on finishing this letter instantly seized the other, and opening it with the utmost impatience, read as follows: it had been written a day later than the conclusion of the first.
  • 伊丽莎白在读完了这封信后,容不得让自己考虑,也没去体会她现在的心绪,便急忙拿起另一封信,迫不及待地打开了它,这封信比上一封的日期晚了一天。
  • “By this time, my dearest sister, you have received my hurried letter; I wish this may be more intelligible, but though not confined for time, my head is so bewildered that I cannot answer for being coherent.
  • 我最亲爱的妹妹,到这个时候,你一定收到我那封急急忙忙写成的信了吧?我希望这一封能把事情说得较为清楚一些。不过,虽然时间充裕了,可是我的脑子里仍然很乱,恐怕很难写得有条理。
  • Dearest Lizzy, I hardly know what I would write, but I have bad news for you, and it cannot be delayed. Imprudent as the marriage between Mr. Wickham and our poor Lydia would be, we are now anxious to be assured it has taken place, for there is but too much reason to fear they are not gone to Scotland.
  • 最最亲爱的丽萃,我简直不知道该给你写些什么,除了把倒霉的消息告诉你,并且还得事不宜迟。尽管威科汉姆和我们可怜的丽迪雅之间的婚姻是太莽撞了,可我们现在还是急切地希望这门婚事已经成了,因为有许多的理由让我们担心,他们俩并没有去苏格兰。
  • Colonel Forster came yesterday, having left Brighton the day before, not many hours after the express. Though Lydia’s short letter to Mrs. F. gave them to understand that they were going to Gretna Green, something was dropped by Denny expressing his belief that W. never intended to go there, or to marry Lydia at all, which was repeated to Colonel F., who, instantly taking the alarm, set off from B. intending to trace their route.
  • 弗斯特上校在寄出这封快件后没有几个小时就离开了布利屯,于昨天抵达了这里。虽然丽迪雅给弗斯特太太的短笺上说,他们准备是去格利那草原的,可是丹尼来透露说,他相信威科汉姆绝没有去那里的意思,也没有要与丽迪雅结婚的念头,我们把这一情况即刻告诉了弗斯特上校,他感到很吃惊,便马上从布利屯那里出发去追踪他们。
  • He did trace them easily to Clapham, but no further; for on entering that place, they removed into a hackney coach, and dismissed the chaise that brought them from Epsom. All that is known after this is, that they were seen to continue the London road. I know not what to think.
  • 他很容易地找到了他们两个去到克拉普汗的踪迹,可是线索到此也就断了。因为在抵达那儿后,他们把从艾普桑雇来的车子打发掉了,换乘了一辆出租马车。再以后的情况就是,有人看见他们继续朝伦敦的方向去了。我自己一筹莫展,不知该如何做想。
  • After making every possible enquiry on that side London, Colonel F. came on into Hertfordshire, anxiously renewing them at all the turnpikes, and at the inns in Barnet and Hatfield, but without any success--no such people had been seen to pass through.
  • 弗斯特上校在伦敦竭力地打听了一番以后,便来到哈福德郡,在沿途的关卡和巴纳特和汉特费尔德所有的旅馆里寻找了一遍,也没有结果,谁也没有看到有这样的一对男女打这里经过。
  • With the kindest concern he came on to Longbourn, and broke his apprehensions to us in a manner most creditable to his heart. I am sincerely grieved for him and Mrs. F., but no one can throw any blame on them. Our distress, my dear Lizzy, is very great. My father and mother believe the worst, but I cannot think so ill of him.
  • 出于深切的关心,他来到浪博恩,把他的担心诚心诚意地告诉了我们。我真心为他和他的太太难过,可谁又能责怪他们夫妇俩呢。我亲爱的丽萃,我们真是痛苦极了。父亲和母亲都觉得糟透了,不过我还不认为威科汉姆会那么坏。
  • Many circumstances might make it more eligible for them to be married privately in town than to pursue their first plan; and even if he could form such a design against a young woman of Lydia’s connections, which is not likely, can I suppose her so lost to everything? Impossible!
  • 也许出于种种原因,他们觉得在城里私下结了婚,比执行他们的第一个方案更为可行。即便他对丽迪雅不存好心,欺负她没有显贵亲戚(这是不大可能的),我也不相信丽迪雅会全然不顾及一切的,这是不可能的。
  • I grieve to find, however, that Colonel F. is not disposed to depend upon their marriage; he shook his head when I expressed my hopes, and said he feared W. was not a man to be trusted. My poor mother is really ill, and keeps her room.
  • 可是我却遗憾地发现,弗斯特上校并不相信他们会结婚。当我说出我的这一希望时,他摇了摇头说,威科汉姆并不是那种可信赖的男人。可怜的母亲真的给气病了,整天待在屋子里。
  • Could she exert herself, it would be better; but this is not to be expected. And as to my father, I never in my life saw him so affected. Poor Kitty has anger for having concealed their attachment; but as it was a matter of confidence, one cannot wonder.
  • 如果她稍稍出去活动活动,会好一点儿的,可是谁也劝不动她。至于父亲,我一生中还从来没有见到他这样难受过。可怜的吉蒂也很气自己没有能把他们两个的关系告诉家人。可是既然这是妹妹们之间的心腹话儿,家人也不能怪吉蒂。
  • I am truly glad, dearest Lizzy, that you have been spared something of these distressing scenes; but now, as the first shock is over, shall I own that I long for your return? I am not so selfish, however, as to press for it, if inconvenient.
  • 亲爱的丽萃,我真高兴你没有见到这些痛苦的场景。不过,既然最初的风波已经过去,我能坦率地告诉你,我很想叫你回来吗?如果你不方便,我也没有那么自私,非催促你回来不可。
  • Adieu! I take up my pen again to do what I have just told you I would not; but circumstances are such that I cannot help earnestly begging you all to come here as soon as possible.
  • 再见吧!请恕我又提起笔来做我刚刚告诉你我不愿做的事了,可情势是这么严重,我禁不住要恳求你尽可能快地回到家中来吧。
  • I know my dear uncle and aunt so well, that I am not afraid of requesting it, though I have still something more to ask of the former. My father is going to London with Colonel Forster instantly, to try to discover her.
  • 我对舅舅和舅妈太了解了,我知道他们不会怪我叫你回来的,另外,我还有别的事情请舅舅帮忙呢。父亲计划和弗斯特上校马上到伦敦去寻找丽迪雅了。
  • What he means to do I am sure I know not; but his excessive distress will not allow him to pursue any measure in the best and safest way, and Colonel Forster is obliged to be at Brighton again to-morrow evening.
  • 他到底想做什么,我也不大清楚。不过,父亲那痛苦万分的样子让他一定难以最明智、最妥当地处理这件事情。而且弗斯特上校必须在明天晚上赶回布利屯。
  • In such an exigence, my uncle’s advice and assistance would be everything in the world; he will immediately comprehend what I must feel, and I rely upon his goodness.”
  • 在这样紧急的情况下,我们睿智的舅舅的建议和帮助便是最为重要的了。他一定能理解我现在的心情,我真诚地信赖他的品格。
  • “Oh! where, where is my uncle?” cried Elizabeth, darting from her seat as she finished the letter, in eagerness to follow him, without losing a moment of the time so precious; but as she reached the door it was opened by a servant, and Mr. Darcy appeared.
  • “哦,舅舅,我的舅舅现在在哪儿呢?”伊丽莎白在读完了信后一边喊着,一边从椅子上跳起来向外面跑,她渴望找到舅舅,不耽误这一分一秒的宝贵时间。可就在她到了门口的当儿,一个侍者把门打开了,达西先生出现在门口。
  • Her pale face and impetuous manner made him start, and before he could recover himself to speak, she, in whose mind every idea was superseded by Lydia’s situation, hastily exclaimed, “I beg your pardon, but I must leave you. I must find Mr. Gardiner this moment, on business that cannot be delayed; I have not an instant to lose.”
  • 她苍白的脸色和焦躁的举止让达西吃了一惊,还没待他反应过来该如何应答,满脑子里都装着丽迪雅糟糕处境的伊丽莎白着急地大声说:“请原谅,我现在必须离开一下。我得马上找到嘉丁纳先生,有一件紧急的事情要办。我一刻也不能耽搁。”
  • “Good God! what is the matter?” cried he, with more feeling than politeness; then recollecting himself, “I will not detain you a minute; but let me, or let the servant go after Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner. You are not well enough; you cannot go yourself.”
  • “天哪!发生什么事了?”达西喊着,担心之中便忘记了礼貌,随后他镇静下来说,“我一分钟也不愿意耽搁你,只是让我或是那位侍者去找嘉丁纳夫妇吧。你身体不适,不要自己去了。”
  • Elizabeth hesitated, but her knees trembled under her and she felt how little would be gained by her attempting to pursue them. Calling back the servant, therefore, she commissioned him, though in so breathless an accent as made her almost unintelligible, to fetch his master and mistress home instantly.
  • 伊丽莎白迟疑了一下,这时她的双膝已经在战栗,她觉得她想要找回舅父母来怕是力不从心了。于是,她叫回了侍者,让他赶快把他的主人和主妇带回来。她说话时上气不接下气,几乎叫人家听不清楚了。
  • On his quitting the room she sat down, unable to support herself, and looking so miserably ill, that it was impossible for Darcy to leave her, or to refrain from saying, in a tone of gentleness and commiseration, “Let me call your maid. Is there nothing you could take to give you present relief? A glass of wine; shall I get you one? You are very ill.”
  • 等仆人走了以后,她坐下来,见她这样的体力不支,脸色这么难看,达西不放心离开,他用一种温和体贴的声音说:“让我去把你的女佣唤来吧。你能不能喝点儿什么,让自己恢复一下?一杯酒?我去给你倒一杯吧?你好像病得很厉害。”
  • “No, I thank you,” she replied, endeavouring to recover herself. “There is nothing the matter with me. I am quite well; I am only distressed by some dreadful news which I have just received from Longbourn.”
  • “不用,谢谢你,”伊丽莎白回答说,极力想使自己平静下来,“我没有病,我身体很好。只是从浪博恩刚刚传来一个可怕的消息,让我心里一下子很乱。”
  • She burst into tears as she alluded to it, and for a few minutes could not speak another word. Darcy, in wretched suspense, could only say something indistinctly of his concern, and observe her in compassionate silence. At length she spoke again.
  • 伊丽莎白说到这里,禁不住哭了,有好几分钟再也说不出一句话。达西心里焦急可又弄不清楚是怎么回事,只能说些泛泛的安慰话儿,默默地望着她很是同情。末了,伊丽莎白说:
  • “I have just had a letter from Jane, with such dreadful news. It cannot be concealed from anyone. My younger sister has left all her friends--has eloped; has thrown herself into the power of--of Mr. Wickham. They are gone off together from Brighton. You know him too well to doubt the rest. She has no money, no connections, nothing that can tempt him to--she is lost for ever.”
  • “我刚收到吉英的一封信,告诉我一件非常不幸的消息。这件事是瞒不过任何人的。我最小的妹妹丽迪雅丢弃了她所有的朋友,已经私奔了。她将自己投进了威科汉姆的怀抱。他们俩从布利屯一块儿逃了。你对他那么了解,当然清楚这后果会是什么。她没有钱财,没有显贵亲戚,没有任何能够吸引住他的东西——丽迪雅完了。”


Elizabeth had been a good deal disappointed in not finding a letter from Jane on their first arrival at Lambton; and this disappointment had been renewed on each of the mornings that had now been spent there; but on the third her repining was over, and her sister justified, by the receipt of two letters from her at once, on one of which was marked that it had been missent elsewhere.


Elizabeth was not surprised at it, as Jane had written the direction remarkably ill.


They had just been preparing to walk as the letters came in; and her uncle and aunt, leaving her to enjoy them in quiet, set off by themselves.


The one missent must first be attended to; it had been written five days ago.


The beginning contained an account of all their little parties and engagements, with such news as the country afforded; but the latter half, which was dated a day later, and written in evident agitation, gave more important intelligence. It was to this effect:


Since writing the above, dearest Lizzy, something has occurred of a most unexpected and serious nature; but I am afraid of alarming you--be assured that we are all well. What I have to say relates to poor Lydia.


An express came at twelve last night, just as we were all gone to bed, from Colonel Forster, to inform us that she was gone off to Scotland with one of his officers; to own the truth, with Wickham! Imagine our surprise.


To Kitty, however, it does not seem so wholly unexpected. I am very, very sorry. So imprudent a match on both sides! But I am willing to hope the best, and that his character has been misunderstood.


Thoughtless and indiscreet I can easily believe him, but this step (and let us rejoice over it) marks nothing bad at heart. His choice is disinterested at least, for he must know my father can give her nothing. Our poor mother is sadly grieved. My father bears it better.


How thankful am I that we never let them know what has been said against him; we must forget it ourselves. They were off Saturday night about twelve, as is conjectured, but were not missed till yesterday morning at eight.


The express was sent off directly. My dear Lizzy, they must have passed within ten miles of us. Colonel Forster gives us reason to expect him here soon. Lydia left a few lines for his wife, informing her of their intention.


I must conclude, for I cannot be long from my poor mother. I am afraid you will not be able to make it out, but I hardly know what I have written.”


Without allowing herself time for consideration, and scarcely knowing what she felt, Elizabeth on finishing this letter instantly seized the other, and opening it with the utmost impatience, read as follows: it had been written a day later than the conclusion of the first.


By this time, my dearest sister, you have received my hurried letter; I wish this may be more intelligible, but though not confined for time, my head is so bewildered that I cannot answer for being coherent.


Dearest Lizzy, I hardly know what I would write, but I have bad news for you, and it cannot be delayed. Imprudent as the marriage between Mr. Wickham and our poor Lydia would be, we are now anxious to be assured it has taken place, for there is but too much reason to fear they are not gone to Scotland.


Colonel Forster came yesterday, having left Brighton the day before, not many hours after the express. Though Lydias short letter to Mrs. F. gave them to understand that they were going to Gretna Green, something was dropped by Denny expressing his belief that W. never intended to go there, or to marry Lydia at all, which was repeated to Colonel F., who, instantly taking the alarm, set off from B. intending to trace their route.


He did trace them easily to Clapham, but no further; for on entering that place, they removed into a hackney coach, and dismissed the chaise that brought them from Epsom. All that is known after this is, that they were seen to continue the London road. I know not what to think.


After making every possible enquiry on that side London, Colonel F. came on into Hertfordshire, anxiously renewing them at all the turnpikes, and at the inns in Barnet and Hatfield, but without any success--no such people had been seen to pass through.


With the kindest concern he came on to Longbourn, and broke his apprehensions to us in a manner most creditable to his heart. I am sincerely grieved for him and Mrs. F., but no one can throw any blame on them. Our distress, my dear Lizzy, is very great. My father and mother believe the worst, but I cannot think so ill of him.


Many circumstances might make it more eligible for them to be married privately in town than to pursue their first plan; and even if he could form such a design against a young woman of Lydias connections, which is not likely, can I suppose her so lost to everything? Impossible!


I grieve to find, however, that Colonel F. is not disposed to depend upon their marriage; he shook his head when I expressed my hopes, and said he feared W. was not a man to be trusted. My poor mother is really ill, and keeps her room.


Could she exert herself, it would be better; but this is not to be expected. And as to my father, I never in my life saw him so affected. Poor Kitty has anger for having concealed their attachment; but as it was a matter of confidence, one cannot wonder.


I am truly glad, dearest Lizzy, that you have been spared something of these distressing scenes; but now, as the first shock is over, shall I own that I long for your return? I am not so selfish, however, as to press for it, if inconvenient.


Adieu! I take up my pen again to do what I have just told you I would not; but circumstances are such that I cannot help earnestly begging you all to come here as soon as possible.


I know my dear uncle and aunt so well, that I am not afraid of requesting it, though I have still something more to ask of the former. My father is going to London with Colonel Forster instantly, to try to discover her.


What he means to do I am sure I know not; but his excessive distress will not allow him to pursue any measure in the best and safest way, and Colonel Forster is obliged to be at Brighton again to-morrow evening.


In such an exigence, my uncles advice and assistance would be everything in the world; he will immediately comprehend what I must feel, and I rely upon his goodness.”


Oh! where, where is my uncle?” cried Elizabeth, darting from her seat as she finished the letter, in eagerness to follow him, without losing a moment of the time so precious; but as she reached the door it was opened by a servant, and Mr. Darcy appeared.


Her pale face and impetuous manner made him start, and before he could recover himself to speak, she, in whose mind every idea was superseded by Lydias situation, hastily exclaimed, “I beg your pardon, but I must leave you. I must find Mr. Gardiner this moment, on business that cannot be delayed; I have not an instant to lose.”


Good God! what is the matter?” cried he, with more feeling than politeness; then recollecting himself, “I will not detain you a minute; but let me, or let the servant go after Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner. You are not well enough; you cannot go yourself.”


Elizabeth hesitated, but her knees trembled under her and she felt how little would be gained by her attempting to pursue them. Calling back the servant, therefore, she commissioned him, though in so breathless an accent as made her almost unintelligible, to fetch his master and mistress home instantly.


On his quitting the room she sat down, unable to support herself, and looking so miserably ill, that it was impossible for Darcy to leave her, or to refrain from saying, in a tone of gentleness and commiseration, “Let me call your maid. Is there nothing you could take to give you present relief? A glass of wine; shall I get you one? You are very ill.”


No, I thank you,” she replied, endeavouring to recover herself. “There is nothing the matter with me. I am quite well; I am only distressed by some dreadful news which I have just received from Longbourn.”


She burst into tears as she alluded to it, and for a few minutes could not speak another word. Darcy, in wretched suspense, could only say something indistinctly of his concern, and observe her in compassionate silence. At length she spoke again.


I have just had a letter from Jane, with such dreadful news. It cannot be concealed from anyone. My younger sister has left all her friends--has eloped; has thrown herself into the power of--of Mr. Wickham. They are gone off together from Brighton. You know him too well to doubt the rest. She has no money, no connections, nothing that can tempt him to--she is lost for ever.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
pardon ['pɑ:dn]


n. 原谅,赦免
vt. 宽恕,原谅

misunderstood [,misʌndə'stud]


adj. 被误解的 v. 误解,误会(misunders

assured [ə'ʃuəd]


adj. 确实的,保障的,有自信的 动词assure的过

excessive [ik'sesiv]


adj. 过多的,过分的

creditable ['kreditəbl]


adj. 可称誉的,声誉好的,可信的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

disinterested [dis'intəristid]


adj. 不感兴趣的,无私欲的,公平的 动词disint

measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

tone [təun]


n. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调
vt. 使

route [ru:t]


n. 路线,(固定)线路,途径
vt. 为 .





