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第一章 到阿鲁姆大叔身边去(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Adelheid was thrown into a violent fever with grief and fright, and never recovered from it.
  • 阿尔菲特又惊吓又悲痛,发了高烧,一直没再好。
  • She had never been strong and had often suffered from queer spells, when we did not know whether she was awake or asleep.
  • 我姐身体本来就不好,而且经常犯一种怪病,有时候分不出她是睡着还是醒着。
  • Only a few weeks after Tobias's death, they buried poor Adelheid.
  • 托比斯死后,也就过了几周,便又举行了阿尔菲特的葬礼。
  • People said that heaven had punished the uncle for his misdeeds.
  • 那之后,人们说这是大叔做了错事的报应。
  • After the death of his son he never spoke to a living soul.
  • 儿子死后,大叔再也没有和任何人说过话。
  • Suddenly he moved up to the alp, to live there at enmity with God and man.
  • 之后,他忽然搬到了山上的草场,和村里人和上帝都断绝了联系。
  • My mother and I took Adelheid's little year-old baby, Heidi, to live with us.
  • 阿尔菲特留下的孩子海蒂那时才一岁,我和妈妈就把她领回来养大。
  • When I went to Ragatz, I took her with me;
  • 我去拉加茨的时候,就带着她和我一起。
  • but in the spring, the family whose work I had done last year came from Frankfurt and resolved to take me to their town-house.
  • 但到了春天,去年服侍过的法兰克福一家人就来了,说让我一定过去他们在镇上的庄园。
  • I am very glad to get such a good position."
  • 有这么个好差事,我真是太高兴了。”
  • "And now you want to hand over the child to this terrible old man?
  • “所以,你就要把孩子送到山上那个可怕的老头儿那儿去吗?
  • I really wonder how you can do it, Deta!" said Barbara with reproach in her voice.
  • 我真不能理解你怎么能这样,蒂提。”芭尔贝丽带着责备的口气说。
  • "It seems to me I have really done enough for the child.
  • “我已经为这孩子尽力了。
  • I do not know where else to take her, as she is too young to come with me to Frankfurt.
  • 我不知道还能把她带到哪里去,她这么小,我总不能带她去法兰克福吧。
  • By the way, Barbara, where are you going? We are half-way up the Alm already."
  • 不过,芭尔贝丽,你这是去哪儿啊?去阿鲁姆的路可都走过一半了。”
  • Deta shook hands with her companion and stood still, while Barbara approached the tiny, dark-brown mountain hut, which lay in a hollow a few steps away from the path.
  • 蒂提和同伴芭尔贝丽握了握手,然后在那儿站住,芭尔贝丽向一座深棕色的山间小屋走去,小屋就在离小路几步远的一个洼地里。
  • Situated half-way up the Alm, the cottage was luckily protected from the mighty winds.
  • 这座小屋坐落在去往阿鲁姆的半路上,刚好幸运地吹不到强风。
  • Had it been exposed to the tempests, it would have been a doubtful habitation in the state of decay it was in.
  • 小屋破旧不堪,要是有暴风吹过来,它可能就没法住人了。
  • Even as it was, the doors and windows rattled and the old rafters shook when the south wind swept the mountain side.
  • 即使吹不到风,门、窗都会吱呀作响,当南风从山里吹来,老朽的屋梁都摇摇欲坠。
  • If the hut had stood on the Alm top, the wind would have blown it down the valley without much ado when the storm season came.
  • 如果小屋建在阿鲁姆山顶上,风暴季节来临时,风就会毫不费力地把它吹下山谷。
  • Here lived Peter the goatherd, a boy eleven years old,
  • 那是羊倌彼特的家,这个男孩儿今年11岁,
  • who daily fetched the goats from the village and drove them up the mountain to the short and luscious grasses of the pastures.
  • 每天下山到德尔芙里牵了羊,然后把羊赶到山上,让它们吃牧场上新鲜的嫩草。
  • Peter raced down in the evening with the light-footed little goats.
  • 傍晚,他才和腿脚轻捷的山羊们一起跑下山。
  • When he whistled sharply through his fingers, every owner would come and get his or her goat.
  • 到了德尔芙里,他用手指吹起响亮的口哨,于是山羊的主人都出来领回山羊。
  • These owners were mostly small boys and girls and, as the goats were friendly, they did not fear them.
  • 出来领羊的一般都是小男孩或小女孩,山羊们个个老老实实,所以小孩们都不怕这些山羊。


Adelheid was thrown into a violent fever with grief and fright, and never recovered from it.


She had never been strong and had often suffered from queer spells, when we did not know whether she was awake or asleep.


Only a few weeks after Tobias's death, they buried poor Adelheid.


People said that heaven had punished the uncle for his misdeeds.


After the death of his son he never spoke to a living soul.


Suddenly he moved up to the alp, to live there at enmity with God and man.


My mother and I took Adelheid's little year-old baby, Heidi, to live with us.


When I went to Ragatz, I took her with me;


but in the spring, the family whose work I had done last year came from Frankfurt and resolved to take me to their town-house.


I am very glad to get such a good position."


"And now you want to hand over the child to this terrible old man?


I really wonder how you can do it, Deta!" said Barbara with reproach in her voice.


"It seems to me I have really done enough for the child.


I do not know where else to take her, as she is too young to come with me to Frankfurt.


By the way, Barbara, where are you going? We are half-way up the Alm already."


Deta shook hands with her companion and stood still, while Barbara approached the tiny, dark-brown mountain hut, which lay in a hollow a few steps away from the path.


Situated half-way up the Alm, the cottage was luckily protected from the mighty winds.


Had it been exposed to the tempests, it would have been a doubtful habitation in the state of decay it was in.


Even as it was, the doors and windows rattled and the old rafters shook when the south wind swept the mountain side.


If the hut had stood on the Alm top, the wind would have blown it down the valley without much ado when the storm season came.


Here lived Peter the goatherd, a boy eleven years old,


who daily fetched the goats from the village and drove them up the mountain to the short and luscious grasses of the pastures.


Peter raced down in the evening with the light-footed little goats.


When he whistled sharply through his fingers, every owner would come and get his or her goat.


These owners were mostly small boys and girls and, as the goats were friendly, they did not fear them.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
decay [di'kei]


v. (使)衰退,(使)腐败,腐烂
n. 衰退

exposed [iks'pəuzd]


adj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,

companion [kəm'pænjən]


n. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶

grief [gri:f]


n. 悲痛,忧伤

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

doubtful ['dautfəl]


adj. 可疑的,疑心的,不确定的

fever ['fi:və]


n. 发烧,发热,狂热
v. (使)发烧,(使

hollow ['hɔləu]


n. 洞,窟窿,山谷
adj. 空的,虚伪的,

violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的

mighty ['maiti]


adj. 强有力的,强大的,巨大的





