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第一章 到阿鲁姆大叔身边去(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Deta, standing still, looked about her everywhere, but no one was on the path, which--except for a few curves--was visible as far down as the village.
  • 蒂提站住脚,到处张望起来。小路弯弯曲曲,除了几个转角,能一直望见德尔芙里,可是路上连一个影子都没有。
  • "There she is! Can't you see her there?" exclaimed Barbara, pointing to a spot a good distance from the path.
  • “啊,在那儿!你看到她在那儿了吗?”芭尔贝丽叫起来,一边把手指向距山路很远的地方。
  • "She is climbing up with the goatherd Peter and his goats. I wonder why he is so late to-day.
  • “她跟羊倌彼特和那些山羊一起上山呢。怎么彼特今天这么晚才带羊上山?
  • I must say, it suits us well enough; he can look after the child while you tell me everything without being interrupted."
  • 不过,这正好,他可以帮着照看那孩子,你也能把所有事都跟我讲讲,没人来打扰我们。”
  • "It will be very easy for Peter to watch her," remarked Deta; "she is bright for her five years and keeps her eyes wide open.
  • “彼特要照看她可太简单了,”蒂提说,“那孩子别看才五岁,可机灵着呢,她什么都懂。
  • I have often noticed that and I am glad for her, for it will be useful with the uncle.
  • 我一直注意着,也为她高兴,因为跟老头待在一起需要机灵点。
  • He has nothing left in the whole wide world, but his cottage and two goats!"
  • 不过,老头那儿现在只剩下两只山羊和那座山上的小屋了。”
  • "Did he once have more?" asked Barbara.
  • “以前有过更多的东西吗?”芭尔贝丽问。
  • "I should say so. He was heir to a large farm in Domleschg.
  • “嗯,我想肯定有过很多。他曾是托姆列休克一个大户农家的继承人。
  • But setting up to play the fine gentleman, he soon lost everything with drink and play.
  • 但是为了扮演绅士,他吃喝玩乐,很快就失去了一切。
  • His parents died with grief and he himself disappeared from these parts.
  • 他的父母悲痛欲绝,他也从这些地方消失了。
  • After many years he came back with a half-grown boy, his son, Tobias, that was his name, became a carpenter and turned out to be a quiet, steady fellow.
  • 许多年后,他带着一个挺大的男孩回来了,那是他的儿子,叫托比斯。他成了一名木匠,变得安静稳重。
  • Many strange rumors went round about the uncle and I think that was why he left Domleschg for Durfli.
  • 关于大叔有许多奇怪的传言,我想这就是他离开托姆列休克去德尔芙里的原因。
  • We acknowledged relationship, my mother's grandmother being a cousin of his. We called him uncle,
  • “因为我妈的奶奶和他的奶奶是表姊妹,我们家同他还保持着亲戚的交往,所以我们当然叫他‘大叔’。
  • and because we are related on my father's side to nearly all the people in the hamlet, they too all called him uncle.
  • 而且,德尔芙里大部分人都是我父亲那边的亲戚,因此村里的人也都叫他‘大叔’。
  • He was named 'Alm Uncle' when he moved up to the Alm."
  • 后来,他搬到阿鲁姆山上,就叫‘阿鲁姆大叔’了。”
  • "But what happened to Tobias?" asked Barbara eagerly.
  • “那托比斯后来怎么样了?”芭尔贝丽关心地问。
  • "Just wait. How can I tell you everything at once?" exclaimed Deta.
  • “别急,我又不能一口气全说完。”蒂提说。
  • "Tobias was an apprentice in Mels, and when he was made master, he came home to the village and married my sister Adelheid.
  • “托比斯去麦尔斯当过学徒,学成后回到德尔芙里,娶了我姐姐阿尔菲特。
  • They always had been fond of each other and they lived very happily as man and wife. But their joy was short.
  • 他们两个很久以前就开始要好了,后来结了婚,也很和睦幸福。可是,好景不长啊。
  • Two years afterwards, when Tobias was helping to build a house, a beam fell on him and killed him.
  • 结婚才两年,托比斯帮忙建房子时,屋梁掉下来,把他砸死了。


Deta, standing still, looked about her everywhere, but no one was on the path, which--except for a few curves--was visible as far down as the village.


"There she is! Can't you see her there?" exclaimed Barbara, pointing to a spot a good distance from the path.


"She is climbing up with the goatherd Peter and his goats. I wonder why he is so late to-day.


I must say, it suits us well enough; he can look after the child while you tell me everything without being interrupted."


"It will be very easy for Peter to watch her," remarked Deta; "she is bright for her five years and keeps her eyes wide open.


I have often noticed that and I am glad for her, for it will be useful with the uncle.


He has nothing left in the whole wide world, but his cottage and two goats!"


"Did he once have more?" asked Barbara.


"I should say so. He was heir to a large farm in Domleschg.


But setting up to play the fine gentleman, he soon lost everything with drink and play.


His parents died with grief and he himself disappeared from these parts.


After many years he came back with a half-grown boy, his son, Tobias, that was his name, became a carpenter and turned out to be a quiet, steady fellow.


Many strange rumors went round about the uncle and I think that was why he left Domleschg for Durfli.


We acknowledged relationship, my mother's grandmother being a cousin of his. We called him uncle,


and because we are related on my father's side to nearly all the people in the hamlet, they too all called him uncle.


He was named 'Alm Uncle' when he moved up to the Alm."


"But what happened to Tobias?" asked Barbara eagerly.


"Just wait. How can I tell you everything at once?" exclaimed Deta.


"Tobias was an apprentice in Mels, and when he was made master, he came home to the village and married my sister Adelheid.


They always had been fond of each other and they lived very happily as man and wife. But their joy was short.


Two years afterwards, when Tobias was helping to build a house, a beam fell on him and killed him.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

grief [gri:f]


n. 悲痛,忧伤

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

carpenter ['kɑ:pintə]


n. 木匠
v. 做木工活

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

related [ri'leitid]


adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的

interrupted [intə'rʌptid]


adj. 中断的;被打断的;不规则的 vt. 打断;中断

apprentice [ə'prentis]


n. 学徒 v. 使当学徒

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固

beam [bi:m]


n. 光线,(光线的)束,(横)梁,桁条





