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第一章 到阿鲁姆大叔身边去(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Chapter 1 Going up to the Alm Uncle
  • 第一章 到阿鲁姆大叔身边去
  • The little old town of Mayenfeld is charmingly situated.
  • 这是一个安详而古老的小镇,叫做玛伊恩菲尔特。
  • From it a footpath leads through green, well-wooded stretches to the foot of the heights which look down imposingly upon the valley.
  • 从小镇伸出一条小路,穿过长着一片片树丛的绿色大平原,一直蜿蜒到山脚下。远处的群山威风凛凛地瞧着这一片山谷。
  • Where the footpath begins to go steeply and abruptly up the Alps,
  • 当小路开始变得陡峭,沿着小路向阿尔卑斯山攀爬,就会看见一片荒野。
  • the heath, with its short grass and pungent herbage, at once sends out its soft plumage to meet the wayfarer.
  • 野地上长着矮小花草和茂盛的牧草,羽毛般柔软的草叶迎接着过路人。
  • One bright sunny morning in June, a tall, vigorous maiden of the mountain region climbed up the narrow path, leading a little girl by the hand.
  • 这是六月的早晨,天气晴朗,阳光灿烂。一个身材高大结实的山村姑娘牵着一个小女孩的手,正走在山坡的这条小路上。
  • The youngster's cheeks were in such a glow that it showed even through her sun-browned skin.
  • 小女孩脸热得通红,虽然皮肤被太阳晒黑了,也看得出这红晕。
  • Small wonder, though, for in spite of the heat, the little one, who was scarcely five years old, was bundled up as if she had to brave a bitter frost.
  • 这也难怪,在这么炎热的太阳底下,这个不到五岁的小女孩却穿着厚厚的衣服,像是要去迎接寒霜。
  • Her shape was difficult to distinguish, for she wore two dresses, if not three, and around her shoulders a large red cotton shawl.
  • 从外面看不出来她的身材,因为她就是没穿三层也是穿了两层衣服,而且肩膀上还围了条红色棉布大披肩。
  • With her feet encased in heavy hob-nailed boots, this hot and shapeless little person toiled up the mountain.
  • 她脚上穿着笨重的钉了掌的靴子,这个热汗直流、看起来圆滚滚的小女孩正费力地向山上爬去。
  • The pair had been climbing for about an hour when they reached a hamlet half-way up the great mountain called the Alm.
  • 就这样,两个人从向山上走,大约一个钟头之后,到了阿鲁姆山的半山腰的一个小村庄。
  • This hamlet was called "Im Durfli" or "The Little Village."
  • 这个村庄名叫德尔芙里,意思是“小村庄”。
  • It was the elder girl's home town, and therefore she was greeted from nearly every house; people called to her from windows and doors, and very often from the road.
  • 这儿是那位姑娘的家乡,所以一进了村,从窗边,从门口,从路旁,几乎每一户人家都冲她们俩打招呼。
  • But, answering questions and calls as she went by, the girl did not loiter on her way and only stood still when she reached the end of the hamlet.
  • 可是,她却一步也没停下脚来,不管别人向她打招呼还是问她些什么,直到两个人就走到了村庄最后边,她在停了下来。
  • There a few cottages lay scattered about, from the furthest of which a voice called out to her through an open door:
  • 这儿只有稀稀零零几户人家,从最远的一家窗口传来了招呼声。
  • "Deta, please wait one moment! I am coming with you, if you are going further up."
  • “等一会,蒂提,你要再往上走吧?我也一块去。”
  • When the girl stood still to wait, the child instantly let go her hand and promptly sat down on the ground.
  • 听见招呼,姑娘站住了脚。小女孩一下子挣开手,立刻坐在了地上。
  • "Are you tired, Heidi?" Deta asked the child. "No, but hot," she replied.
  • “累了吧,海蒂?”蒂提问她。“不是,太热了。”女孩答道。
  • "We shall be up in an hour, if you take big steps and climb with all your little might!"
  • “如果你能快点走,使出浑身力气往上爬,再有一个钟头我们就到了。”
  • Thus the elder girl tried to encourage her small companion.
  • 姑娘鼓励小女孩说。


Chapter 1 Going up to the Alm Uncle

第一章 到阿鲁姆大叔身边去

The little old town of Mayenfeld is charmingly situated.


From it a footpath leads through green, well-wooded stretches to the foot of the heights which look down imposingly upon the valley.


Where the footpath begins to go steeply and abruptly up the Alps,


the heath, with its short grass and pungent herbage, at once sends out its soft plumage to meet the wayfarer.


One bright sunny morning in June, a tall, vigorous maiden of the mountain region climbed up the narrow path, leading a little girl by the hand.


The youngster's cheeks were in such a glow that it showed even through her sun-browned skin.


Small wonder, though, for in spite of the heat, the little one, who was scarcely five years old, was bundled up as if she had to brave a bitter frost.


Her shape was difficult to distinguish, for she wore two dresses, if not three, and around her shoulders a large red cotton shawl.


With her feet encased in heavy hob-nailed boots, this hot and shapeless little person toiled up the mountain.


The pair had been climbing for about an hour when they reached a hamlet half-way up the great mountain called the Alm.


This hamlet was called "Im Durfli" or "The Little Village."


It was the elder girl's home town, and therefore she was greeted from nearly every house; people called to her from windows and doors, and very often from the road.


But, answering questions and calls as she went by, the girl did not loiter on her way and only stood still when she reached the end of the hamlet.


There a few cottages lay scattered about, from the furthest of which a voice called out to her through an open door:


"Deta, please wait one moment! I am coming with you, if you are going further up."


When the girl stood still to wait, the child instantly let go her hand and promptly sat down on the ground.


"Are you tired, Heidi?" Deta asked the child. "No, but hot," she replied.


"We shall be up in an hour, if you take big steps and climb with all your little might!"


Thus the elder girl tried to encourage her small companion.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
promptly [prɔmptli]


adv. 敏捷地,迅速地

companion [kəm'pænjən]


n. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶

vigorous ['vigərəs]


adj. 精力充沛的,元气旺盛的,有力的

spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

shapeless ['ʃeiplis]


adj. 无形状的,不象样的

distinguish [dis'tiŋgwiʃ]


vt. 区别,辨认,使显著

pungent ['pʌndʒənt]


adj. 刺鼻的,辛辣的,尖锐的,刻薄的

abruptly [ə'brʌptli]


adv. 突然地,莽撞地,陡峭地,不连贯地





