I scratched the door. I chewed on some shoes. I ripped up my dog bed.
I found a trash bag full of clothing, tore it open the way Mother had when we were scavenging for garbage, and strewed the clothes around the garage.
I peed in one corner and pooped in the other corner.
I tipped over a metal container and ate some pieces of chicken and some spaghetti and a waffle, and licked out a can of fish that smelled like Smokey’s breath.
I ate some paper. I knocked over my water dish and chewed on it. There was nothing to do.
After what seemed like the longest day of my life, I heard Mom’s car pull into the driveway.
Her car door slammed, and I heard running feet pound through the house.
“Bailey!” the boy shouted, opening the door.
I tackled him, overjoyed that we had ended this madness forever.
But he stood staring at the garage.
“Oh, Bailey,” he said, sounding sad.
Full of manic energy, I burst past him and skittered around in the house, leaping over furniture.
I spotted Smokey and took off in pursuit, chasing him up the stairs and barking when he dove under Mom and Dad’s bed.
“Bailey!” Mom called to me sternly.
“Bad dog, Bailey,” the boy said crossly.
I was astounded at this false accusation. Bad? I’d been accidentally locked in the garage but was more than willing to forgive them.
Why were they scowling at me like that, shaking their fingers at me?