Mikhail Gorbachev, who was lauded in the West as the man who helped bring down the Berlin Wall and end the Cold War without bloodshed, but was widely despised at home,
has died, Russian news agencies reported. He was 91.
After decades of Cold War tension and confrontation, Gorbachev -- the last soviet president with a distinctive port-wine birthmark on his head -- broke with the past.
He helped to remove the Iron Curtain that had divided Europe and bring about the reunification of Germany.
He struck nuclear arms deals with the United States and brought the Soviet Union closer to the West than at any point since World War Two.
Gorbachev struck up a rapport with the West and with Ronald Reagan, the hawkish U.S. president who had called the Soviet Union "the evil empire".

Together they negotiated a landmark deal in 1987 to scrap intermediate-range nuclear missiles.
Gorbachev, though, was not able to prevent the Soviet Union's collapse.
When pro-democracy protests swept across the Soviet bloc nations of communist Eastern Europe in 1989, he refrained from using force.
But those protests fueled aspirations for autonomy in the 15 republics of the Soviet Union, which disintegrated over the next two years in chaotic fashion.
Gorbachev became general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party in 1985 at age 54.
He was a reformer -- setting out to revitalize the system by introducing limited political and economic freedoms.
While he was celebrated in the west, many Russians never forgave Gorbachev for the turbulence that his reforms unleashed, believing it was too high a price to pay for democracy.