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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Edwards had gathered herself and spent more than an hour — or was it days, time lost all sense — fighting off rioters or helping other officers on the lower west terrace of the Capitol.
  • 爱德华兹已经振作起来,花了一个多小时——或者是几天,时间失去了意义——在国会大厦西边的下层平台上击退暴徒或帮助其他警察。
  • She was positioned near a friend from her shift, Brian Sicknick, when they were hit with chemical spray directly in their faces.
  • 当他们被化学喷雾直接击中脸部时,她正位于她轮班的朋友布莱恩·希尼克的附近。
  • Edwards’s hands flew to her eyes as she bowed down in pain and stumbled.
  • 爱德华兹的手飞快地按在她的眼睛上,此时,她痛苦地弯着腰,踉跄着。
  • Sicknick retreated to wash out his eyes, then returned to the fight.
  • 希尼克退到一边,洗了洗眼睛,然后又继续搏斗。
  • Another officer escorted Edwards, her lungs searing from toxic spray, away from the scene to get medical treatment.
  • 另一名警官护送爱德华兹离开现场接受治疗,她的肺部因吸入毒喷雾而灼伤。
  • Anton, a 34-year-old Navy veteran in Gonell’s unit, had been ordered, along with the rest of the officers on the west front, to retreat into the Capitol.
  • 安东是戈内尔分队的一名34岁的海军老兵,他和西线的其他军官接到命令,撤退到国会大厦。
  • Inside, a friend grabbed his tactical vest, screaming, “They’re in the building!”
  • 在大厦里,一个朋友抓住他的作战背心,尖叫着,“他们在大楼里!”
  • They realized that if the rioters came down the interior stairs near the lower west terrace entrance, they would attack, from behind, Gonell and other officers who were fending off the crowd at that door.
  • 他们意识到,如果暴徒从靠近低层西阳台入口的内部楼梯下来,他们就会从后面攻击戈内尔和其他在门口挡住人群的警察。
  • Anton (who asked to be identified by only his middle name to protect his privacy) ran up two flights, using his shield to shove clusters of rioters back up the stairs.
  • 安东(为了保护自己的隐私,他要求只透露他的中间名)跑上两层楼,用他的盾牌把成群的暴徒推到了楼梯上。
  • Arriving two floors up, at the Rotunda, amid paintings of American generals courteously accepting their enemies’ surrender, he joined a melee that was savage, without rules or limits.
  • 他上了两层楼,来到圆形大厅,周围是美国将军彬彬有礼地接受敌人投降的绘画,他加入了一场野蛮的、没有规则和限制的混战。
  • By then, the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police had arrived in force as allies in the fight, its only audience the presidential statues encircling the room: a beaming Ronald Reagan, a fierce Andrew Jackson, Dwight Eisenhower in a pose of resolve.
  • 那时,哥伦比亚特区大都会警察局已经作为战斗盟友赶到了这里,这场战斗唯一的观众是环绕在房间周围的总统雕像:笑容满面的罗纳德·里根,气势汹汹的安德鲁·杰克逊,摆出坚定姿态的德怀特·艾森豪威尔。
  • Anton took none of it in: He was punching, his fists bloody, hitting men, women, equipment, trying to push the crowd back.
  • 安东没有置身事外:他挥拳出击,拳头沾满了鲜血,拳打男人,女人,器械,试图把暴徒推开。
  • Even as he fought, his mind was flooding with questions: Was he going to die here?
  • 即使在战斗的时候,他的脑海里也充斥着各种问题:他会死在这里吗?
  • And if he did, would these demonic faces be the last thing he saw?
  • 如果他死了,这些恶魔的脸会是他最后看到的东西吗?
  • What would it take for him to actually use his gun?
  • 他要怎样才能真正使用他的枪?
  • And — what the hell happened to Hoyte?
  • 霍伊特到底怎么了?
  • He had been separated from his friend, Lennox Hoyte, a 32-year-old U.S. Army veteran who served in the military police in Afghanistan.
  • 他与战友霍伊特失散了。霍伊特今年32岁,是美国陆军老兵,曾在阿富汗担任宪兵。
  • Only later did Anton learn, stricken with guilt, just how badly the day had gone for him.
  • 直到后来,充满愧疚的安东才明白,这一天对他来说是多么的糟糕。
  • Hoyte was pulled into the crowd, yanked so hard that his gear ripped.
  • 霍伊特被拉进暴徒中,猛地用力,他的装备都被扯破了。
  • Someone beat his hand with a pipe; another rioter swung a piece of scaffolding at him before he was able to tear himself free.
  • 有人用管子打他的手; 另一名暴徒在他还没来得及挣脱之前就挥舞着一块脚手架砸向他。
  • He ended up trapped with another officer in an enclosure beneath the inaugural stage, its doors, embedded with electric circuitry, serving as their barricade.
  • 最后,他和另一名警官被困在就职典礼台下的围栏里,那里的门上嵌有电路,充当着他们的路障。
  • Injured, he spent hours there surrounded by a mob that kept trying to break through those doors, unable to leave as chemical spray rained down between the planks of wood overhead.
  • 受伤后,他在那里待了几个小时,周围是一群一直试图破门而入的暴徒,由于化学喷雾从头顶的木板间倾泻而下,他无法离开。


Edwards had gathered herself and spent more than an houror was it days, time lost all sensefighting off rioters or helping other officers on the lower west terrace of the Capitol.


She was positioned near a friend from her shift, Brian Sicknick, when they were hit with chemical spray directly in their faces.


Edwardss hands flew to her eyes as she bowed down in pain and stumbled.


Sicknick retreated to wash out his eyes, then returned to the fight.


Another officer escorted Edwards, her lungs searing from toxic spray, away from the scene to get medical treatment.


Anton, a 34-year-old Navy veteran in Gonells unit, had been ordered, along with the rest of the officers on the west front, to retreat into the Capitol.


Inside, a friend grabbed his tactical vest, screaming, “Theyre in the building!”


They realized that if the rioters came down the interior stairs near the lower west terrace entrance, they would attack, from behind, Gonell and other officers who were fending off the crowd at that door.


Anton (who asked to be identified by only his middle name to protect his privacy) ran up two flights, using his shield to shove clusters of rioters back up the stairs.


Arriving two floors up, at the Rotunda, amid paintings of American generals courteously accepting their enemiessurrender, he joined a melee that was savage, without rules or limits.


By then, the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police had arrived in force as allies in the fight, its only audience the presidential statues encircling the room: a beaming Ronald Reagan, a fierce Andrew Jackson, Dwight Eisenhower in a pose of resolve.


Anton took none of it in: He was punching, his fists bloody, hitting men, women, equipment, trying to push the crowd back.


Even as he fought, his mind was flooding with questions: Was he going to die here?


And if he did, would these demonic faces be the last thing he saw?


What would it take for him to actually use his gun?


Andwhat the hell happened to Hoyte?


He had been separated from his friend, Lennox Hoyte, a 32-year-old U.S. Army veteran who served in the military police in Afghanistan.


Only later did Anton learn, stricken with guilt, just how badly the day had gone for him.


Hoyte was pulled into the crowd, yanked so hard that his gear ripped.


Someone beat his hand with a pipe; another rioter swung a piece of scaffolding at him before he was able to tear himself free.

有人用管子打他的手; 另一名暴徒在他还没来得及挣脱之前就挥舞着一块脚手架砸向他。

He ended up trapped with another officer in an enclosure beneath the inaugural stage, its doors, embedded with electric circuitry, serving as their barricade.


Injured, he spent hours there surrounded by a mob that kept trying to break through those doors, unable to leave as chemical spray rained down between the planks of wood overhead.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
guilt [gilt]


n. 罪行,内疚

resolve [ri'zɔlv]


n. 决定之事,决心,坚决
vt. 决定,解决

gear [giə]


n. 齿轮,传动装置,设备,工具
v. 使适应

barricade [.bæri'keid]


n. 路障,街垒,障碍物,栅栏 (复数)barricad

toxic ['tɔksik]


adj. 有毒的
n. 有毒物质

separated ['sepəreitid]


adj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开

shield ['ʃi:ld]


n. 盾,防卫物,盾状物
vt. 保护,遮蔽

surrender [sə'rendə]


v. 投降,让与,屈服
n. 投降,屈服,放弃

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景





