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  • Like almost every set of new parents, Bryan and Elizabeth Shaw started snapping pictures of their son, Noah, practically from the moment he was born.
  • 像几乎每对新做父母的人一样,布莱恩·肖和伊丽莎白·肖从儿子诺亚出生的那一刻起就开始为他拍照。
  • When he was about three months old, Elizabeth noticed something odd when she took his picture.
  • 当他大约三个月大的时候,伊丽莎白在给他拍照时注意到了一些奇怪的事情。
  • The flash on their digital camera created the typical red dot in the center of Noah's left eye,
  • 他们的数码相机上的闪光灯在诺亚左眼的中心形成一个典型的红点,
  • but the right eye had a white spot at the center, almost as if the flash was being reflected back at the camera by something.
  • 但右眼的中心却是一个白点,几乎就好像是闪光灯被什么东西反射回相机一样。
  • When Elizabeth mentioned the strange phenomenon to their pediatrician, she shined a light into Noah's eye,
  • 伊丽莎白向他们的儿科医生提起这个奇怪的现象时,儿科医生把一束光照进诺亚的眼睛,
  • saw the same white reflection, and immediately sent the family to an ophthalmologist.
  • 看到了同样的白色反光,于是她立刻把这家人送到眼科医生那里。
  • A white reflection instead of a red one is a telltale sign of retinal cancer, and that is exactly what Noah had.
  • 白色的反射而不是红色的反射是视网膜癌的信号,这正是诺亚出现的症状。
  • He endured months of chemotherapy and radiation, but doctors ultimately could not save his eye.
  • 他忍受了数月的化疗和放疗,但医生最终还是无法挽救他的眼睛。
  • Retinoblastoma, the scientific name of Noah's tumor, is treatable if caught early.
  • 视网膜母细胞瘤是诺亚所患癌症的学名,如果早期发现是可以治疗的。
  • Bryan Shaw couldn't help but wonder whether there were signs he'd missed.
  • 布莱恩·肖忍不住想知道是否他错过了某些迹象。
  • He went back over every baby picture of Noah he could find— thousands of them—
  • 他把能找到的每一张诺亚婴儿时的上千张照片都翻了一遍,
  • and discovered the first white spot in a photo taken when Noah was 12 days old. As time went on, it appeared more frequently.
  • 他在诺亚12天大时拍摄的照片中发现了第一个白点。随着时间的推移,白点出现得越来越频繁。
  • "By the time he was four months old, it was showing up in 25 percent of the pictures taken of him per month," Bryan,
  • 得克萨斯州贝勒大学的化学教授布莱恩告诉《人物》杂志说:
  • a chemistry professor at Baylor University in Texas, told People.
  • “在他四个月大时,每月给他拍的照片中,有25%的照片上都出现了这种现象。”。
  • It was too late for Noah's eye, but Bryan was determined to put his hard won insights to good use.
  • 对诺亚来说为时已晚,但布莱恩决心好好利用他来之不易所了解到的情况。
  • He created a database that charted the cancer's appearance in every photo.
  • 他创建了一个数据库,把每张照片中癌症的表现都记录下来。
  • He also collected photos and compiled the data from eight other children with retinoblastoma.
  • 他还收集了其他8名视网膜母细胞瘤患儿的照片和数据。
  • Armed with that data, he began to work with colleagues in Baylor's computer science department to develop a smartphone app
  • 有了这些数据,他开始与贝勒计算机科学部的同事合作,开发出一款智能手机应用,
  • that can scan the photos in the user's camera roll to search for white eye and can be used as a kind of ophthalmoscope.
  • 可以扫描用户相机胶卷中的照片,搜索白色的眼球,并将其用作一种检眼镜。
  • Called White Eye Detector, it is now available for free on Google Play and in Apple's App Store.
  • 这款名为“白眼探测器”的应用现在可以在谷歌Play和苹果应用商店免费使用。
  • "I just kept telling myself, I really need to do this," Bryan told People.
  • “我一直告诉自己,我真的需要这么做,”布莱恩告诉《人物》杂志,
  • "This disease is tough to detect. Not only could this software save vision, but it can save lives."
  • “这种病很难发现,这款软件不仅能拯救视力,还能拯救生命。”


Like almost every set of new parents, Bryan and Elizabeth Shaw started snapping pictures of their son, Noah, practically from the moment he was born.


When he was about three months old, Elizabeth noticed something odd when she took his picture.


The flash on their digital camera created the typical red dot in the center of Noah's left eye,


but the right eye had a white spot at the center, almost as if the flash was being reflected back at the camera by something.


When Elizabeth mentioned the strange phenomenon to their pediatrician, she shined a light into Noah's eye,


saw the same white reflection, and immediately sent the family to an ophthalmologist.


A white reflection instead of a red one is a telltale sign of retinal cancer, and that is exactly what Noah had.


He endured months of chemotherapy and radiation, but doctors ultimately could not save his eye.


Retinoblastoma, the scientific name of Noah's tumor, is treatable if caught early.


Bryan Shaw couldn't help but wonder whether there were signs he'd missed.


He went back over every baby picture of Noah he could findthousands of them



and discovered the first white spot in a photo taken when Noah was 12 days old. As time went on, it appeared more frequently.


"By the time he was four months old, it was showing up in 25 percent of the pictures taken of him per month," Bryan,


a chemistry professor at Baylor University in Texas, told People.


It was too late for Noah's eye, but Bryan was determined to put his hard won insights to good use.


He created a database that charted the cancer's appearance in every photo.


He also collected photos and compiled the data from eight other children with retinoblastoma.


Armed with that data, he began to work with colleagues in Baylor's computer science department to develop a smartphone app


that can scan the photos in the user's camera roll to search for white eye and can be used as a kind of ophthalmoscope.


Called White Eye Detector, it is now available for free on Google Play and in Apple's App Store.


"I just kept telling myself, I really need to do this," Bryan told People.


"This disease is tough to detect. Not only could this software save vision, but it can save lives."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

typical ['tipikəl]


adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的

determined [di'tə:mind]


adj. 坚毅的,下定决心的

reflection [ri'flekʃən]


n. 反映,映像,折射,沉思,影响

ultimately ['ʌltimitli]


adv. 最后,最终

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

radiation [.reidi'eiʃən]


n. 辐射,放射线

phenomenon [fi'nɔminən]


n. 现象,迹象,(稀有)事件





