The video of Floyd pleading for air, as officers watched his descent into unconsciousness, is the 21st-century visual needed to unleash the sort of historical rage and righteous focus that has led to change in the past. It's our Emmett Till moment.
In many ways, the haunting visuals provided by Floyd's wicked demise contain the same power for meaningful change that were deliberately choreographed in the death and burial of Emmett Till. The two black males share a similar legacy. The criminal justice system viewed them as less than human.

Now America is again being forced to confront its history of brutal inequality when it comes to policing of African Americans. This time lasting change must come.
As long as the protests stay smartly focused on advancing lasting social change, and remain vigilant against anarchists and opportunists who would hijack a just movement, progress will occur. We already bear witness to some of the self-policing that's happening at protest rallies. Some marchers have forcibly confronted those with nefarious purpose, and pointedly worked to protect the integrity of their justice goals.
That's important. These proctors understand that winning the hearts and minds of Americans committed to justice will require discipline and uniformity in purpose.