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国家地理:为了改变世界 我们必须进行抗议(6)

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  • True and lasting police reform will involve much more than legal consent decrees enforced by the U.S. Department of Justice.
  • 真正持久的警察改革涉及的范围,将远远超过美国司法部强制执行的法律同意令。
  • It will also involve more than police doing a much better job of policing their own.
  • 也不仅仅是警察在警务方面要做得更好。
  • Ultimately, the power for change rests with the people. It always has. That's the lesson of history.
  • 归根结底,变革的力量在于人民。一直都是如此。这是历史的教训。
  • The bloodless revolution that swept through the Middle East during the 2011 Arab Spring
  • 在2011年阿拉伯之春期间席卷中东的不流血的革命,
  • was triggered and sustained by young people and university students willing to march and raise their voices in unison,
  • 是由年轻人和大学生发起并维持的,他们愿意团结一致地游行并发出自己的声音,
  • while using social media to advance their concerns and aims.
  • 同时利用社交媒体来推进他们的关注和目标。
  • This remains the path forward to progress.
  • 这仍然是前进的道路。
  • A 15-year-old Portland, Oregon, girl named Kellen S. created a petition called Justice For George Floyd
  • 俄勒冈州波特兰市一位叫凯伦·S的15岁女孩,创建了一个Change.org请愿书,名为《弗洛伊德正义》,
  • that became the most signed petition in's history, with now more than 16 million signatures.
  • 这成为了Change.org网站历史上签名最多的请愿书,现在有超过1600万个签名请愿。
  • Kellen said in an interview that she realized the daunting challenge for people her age to become social leaders in times of great social upheaval and crisis.
  • 凯伦在接受采访时表示,她意识到在社会剧变和危机时期,和她一样的同龄人成为社会领导者的艰巨挑战。
  • Her age was actually the asset.
  • 她的年龄实际上是她的财产。
  • She recognized that social media would be the most effective tool to reach teens and spread awareness about police brutality and racism.
  • 她认识到社交媒体将是影响青少年、并传播有关警察暴行和种族主义意识的最有效工具。
  • Now, she has become a sterling example of how young leadership can foment and foster change.
  • 现在,她已成为年轻领导者如何激发和促进变革的绝佳典范。
  • Kellen is far from alone in representing change agents on the world stage.
  • 在世界舞台上,凯伦并不是唯一代表变革者的人。
  • Greta Thunberg, a 17-year-old Swedish environmental activist,
  • 17岁的瑞典环保主义者格蕾塔·桑伯格
  • who was named Time magazine's Person of the Year in 2019, is a leading international voice on the environment.
  • 在2019年被《时代》杂志评为年度人物,她是环境问题的国际领袖。
  • She routinely challenges global leaders to address climate change as an existential crisis that threatens humanity.
  • 她经常挑战全球领导人,以应对气候变化这一威胁人类的生存危机。
  • Her interest and voice aren't limited to the environment.
  • 并且她的关注点和发言也不仅局限于环境问题。


True and lasting police reform will involve much more than legal consent decrees enforced by the U.S. Department of Justice. It will also involve more than police doing a much better job of policing their own.

Ultimately, the power for change rests with the people. It always has. That's the lesson of history. The bloodless revolution that swept through the Middle East during the 2011 Arab Spring was triggered and sustained by young people and university students willing to march and raise their voices in unison, while using social media to advance their concerns and aims. This remains the path forward to progress.

为了改变世界 我们必须进行抗议

A 15-year-old Portland, Oregon, girl named Kellen S. created a petition called Justice For George Floyd that became the most signed petition in's history, with now more than 16 million signatures. Kellen said in an interview that she realized the daunting challenge for people her age to become social leaders in times of great social upheaval and crisis. Her age was actually the asset. She recognized that social media would be the most effective tool to reach teens and spread awareness about police brutality and racism. Now, she has become a sterling example of how young leadership can foment and foster change.

Kellen is far from alone in representing change agents on the world stage. Greta Thunberg, a 17-year-old Swedish environmental activist, who was named Time magazine's Person of the Year in 2019, is a leading international voice on the environment. She routinely challenges global leaders to address climate change as an existential crisis that threatens humanity. Her interest and voice aren't limited to the environment.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sustained [səs'teind]


adj. 持久的,经久不衰的

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

foster ['fɔstə]


vt. 养育,培养,促进,鼓励,抱有(希望等)

external [ik'stə:nl]


adj. 外部的,外面的,外来的,表面的

daunting ['dɔ:ntiŋ]


adj. 令人畏惧的

brutality [bru:'tæləti]


n. 残忍,无慈悲,野蛮的行为

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

superficial [.su:pə'fiʃəl]


adj. 表面的,肤浅的

petition [pi'tiʃən]


n. 祈求,请愿书,诉状
vi. 请愿,祈求<

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的





