Now, America is experiencing another wave of social unrest and civil disobedience. We have little choice. Neither Minneapolis nor its police officers represent an American police anomaly. But the killing of Floyd has exposed an awful truth, and radical change is needed.
The almost casual nature of Floyd's violent arrest by Derek Chauvin, a veteran Minneapolis police officer criminally charged with his death, along with three other officers, reveals how black Americans continue to be targeted, brutalized, and often killed simply because their race renders them suspect. Being black is a pre-existing condition when it comes to law enforcement interaction. Sadly, that state of affairs isn't breaking news.

The news is the sustained intensity of the demand for systemic change being heard both here and abroad in the wake of Floyd's murder. The geographically and racially diverse protest furor gives guarded hope for meaningful social progress on the policing issues. As America remains firmly locked in a dangerously crowded intersection of pandemic health fears and unleashed anger against the criminal justice system, the focused rage has gone global.
When is the last time the police killing of an African-American man caused tens of thousands of protesters to march in Berlin, London, and Paris, in defiance of police emergency health orders? When is the last time young people from Middle Eastern countries held rallies under Black Lives Matter signs and banners?
The ubiquitous "I can't breathe" mantra could easily be applied to the more than 391,270 lives so far claimed worldwide by the monstrous COVID-19 pathogen. But the refrain has already been branded in protest lore against brutal policing. Indeed, it has become a solidarity chant -- a global response to the phenomenon of African American males self-eulogizing while gasping for air in police custody.