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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • On the southwest, he found an open gate flanked by a pair of animal skulls on high poles:
  • 土堤西南方,有一扇开着的小门,门边有一对插着动物头骨的长竿:
  • a bear to one side, a ram to the other. Bits of flesh still clung to the bear skull,
  • 一边是熊头,一边是羊头。琼恩加入进门的大队伍,发现熊头上还有一点残存的血肉。
  • Jon noted as he joined the line riding past. Within, Jarmen Buckwell's scouts and men
  • 里面,贾曼·布克威尔的侦察兵与
  • from Thoren Smallwood's van were setting up horse lines and struggling to raise tents.
  • 索伦·斯莫伍德的前卫部队已经把马排成行,忙着搭帐篷了。
  • A host of piglets rooted about three huge sows in the sty. Nearby, a small girl
  • 猪圈里,一大群小猪偎在三头肥母猪身边。旁边,一个小女孩
  • pulled carrots from a garden, naked in the rain, while two women tied a pig for slaughter.
  • 一丝不挂地蹲在雨中的菜园里拔萝卜,另两个女人正准备屠宰一头猪。
  • The animal's squeals were high and horrible, almost human in their distress.
  • 牲畜尖声惨叫,高亢而恐怖,好似悲苦万分的人所发出的哭喊。
  • Chett's hounds barked wildly in answer, snarling and snapping despite his curses,
  • 齐特的猎狗们疯狂咆哮回应,且不管齐特怎么咒骂制止,它们还是吠个不休,
  • with a pair of Craster's dogs barking back. When they saw Ghost, some of the dogs broke off and ran,
  • 惹得卡斯特养的一群狗也叫喊着回应。不过它们一见白灵,便纷纷住嘴,夹着尾巴逃走,
  • while others began to bay and growl. The direwolf ignored them, as did Jon.
  • 只有少数几只还在低声抱怨,不肯认输。冰原狼对它们不理不睬,琼恩也一样。
  • Well, thirty of us will be warm and dry, Jon thought once he'd gotten a good look at the hall.
  • 好吧,现在我们之中大概有三十人能暖暖和和,烘干衣服了,琼恩仔细打量房子一眼得出结论,
  • Perhaps as many as fifty. The place was much too small to sleep two hundred men,
  • 说不定能容纳五十人。然而这地方太小,绝对不够两百人睡,
  • so most would need to remain outside. And where to put them?
  • 所以多数人肯定还得待在外面。可要他们住哪儿呢?
  • The rain had turned half the compound yard to ankle-deep puddles and the rest to sucking mud.
  • 在这个杂乱的院落里,除了及踝深的水坑,就是湿漉漉的泥泞。
  • Another dismal night was in prospect.
  • 看来,又一个阴郁的夜晚等在眼前。


On the southwest, he found an open gate flanked by a pair of animal skulls on high poles: a bear to one side, a ram to the other. Bits of flesh still clung to the bear skull, Jon noted as he joined the line riding past. Within, Jarmen Buckwell's scouts and men from Thoren Smallwood's van were setting up horse lines and struggling to raise tents. A host of piglets rooted about three huge sows in the sty. Nearby, a small girl pulled carrots from a garden, naked in the rain, while two women tied a pig for slaughter. The animal's squeals were high and horrible, almost human in their distress. Chett's hounds barked wildly in answer, snarling and snapping despite his curses, with a pair of Craster's dogs barking back. When they saw Ghost, some of the dogs broke off and ran, while others began to bay and growl. The direwolf ignored them, as did Jon.


Well, thirty of us will be warm and dry, Jon thought once he'd gotten a good look at the hall. Perhaps as many as fifty. The place was much too small to sleep two hundred men, so most would need to remain outside. And where to put them? The rain had turned half the compound yard to ankle-deep puddles and the rest to sucking mud. Another dismal night was in prospect.





