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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "How many wives does he have, truly?" Grenn asked.
  • “说真的,他到底有几个老婆啊?”葛兰问。
  • "More'n you ever will, brother. Well, it's not so hard when you breed your own. There's your beast, Snow."
  • “反正你是永远别想比啦,兄弟。是嘛,老婆自己生,要多少有多少。哦,雪诺,你那家伙回来啦。”
  • Ghost was trotting along beside Jon's horse with tail held high, his white fur ruffed up thick against the rain.
  • 白灵小跑着来到琼恩马边,尾巴高翘,一身白毛在大雨中显得厚实了许多。
  • He moved so silently Jon could not have said just when he appeared.
  • 他来去无声,琼恩也不知道是何时出现的。
  • Grenn's mount shied at the scent of him; even now, after more than a year,
  • 葛兰的马一闻到气息就惊得退开——即使现在,经过了一年多时间,
  • the horses were uneasy in the presence of the direwolf. "With me, Ghost." Jon spurred off to Craster's Keep.
  • 马儿们还是没能习惯冰原狼的存在。“跟我走,白灵,”琼恩朝卡斯特的堡垒骑去。
  • He had never thought to find a stone castle on the far side of the Wall,
  • 他不敢想像在离开长城这么远的地方还能发现石制城堡,
  • but he had pictured some sort of motte-and-bailey with a wooden palisade and a timber tower keep.
  • 所以便自顾自地勾勒出一幅树丛之中栏栅围着木楼的景象,
  • What they found instead was a midden heap, a pigsty, an empty sheepfold,
  • 没料到,事实却更为糟糕:这里只有一个垃圾堆,一间猪舍,一栏空虚的羊圈
  • and a windowless daub-and-wattle hall scarce worthy of the name.
  • 和一座枝条与泥土敷的厅堂,不值一提,连窗户都没有。
  • It was long and low, chinked together from logs and roofed with sod.
  • 大厅又长又矮,房木粗糙,屋顶上铺了草。
  • The compound stood atop a rise too modest to name a hill, surrounded by an earthen dike.
  • 这个“堡垒”建在一座简直不配称为山丘的小坡上,四周环绕着一道土堤。
  • Brown rivulets flowed down the slope where the rain had eaten gaping holes in the defenses,
  • 常年的雨水在堤防上蚀出无数小洞,棕色的水流随之溢下斜坡,
  • to join a rushing brook that curved around to the north,
  • 汇入一道向北蜿蜒的奔流小溪,
  • its thick waters turned into a murky torrent by the rains.
  • 因为暴雨,原本便水源丰富的溪涧已成黑暗的急流。


"How many wives does he have, truly?" Grenn asked.

"More'n you ever will, brother. Well, it's not so hard when you breed your own. There's your beast, Snow."
Ghost was trotting along beside Jon's horse with tail held high, his white fur ruffed up thick against the rain. He moved so silently Jon could not have said just when he appeared. Grenn's mount shied at the scent of him; even now, after more than a year, the horses were uneasy in the presence of the direwolf. "With me, Ghost." Jon spurred off to Craster's Keep.

He had never thought to find a stone castle on the far side of the Wall, but he had pictured some sort of motte-and-bailey with a wooden palisade and a timber tower keep. What they found instead was a midden heap, a pigsty, an empty sheepfold, and a windowless daub-and-wattle hall scarce worthy of the name. It was long and low, chinked together from logs and roofed with sod. The compound stood atop a rise too modest to name a hill, surrounded by an earthen dike. Brown rivulets flowed down the slope where the rain had eaten gaping holes in the defenses, to join a rushing brook that curved around to the north, its thick waters turned into a murky torrent by the rains.


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adj. 弯曲的;弄弯的 n. 倒弧角 vt. 弯曲(c

fur [fə:]


n. 毛皮,软毛,皮衣,毛皮制品
vt. 用毛

scarce [skɛəs]


adj. 缺乏的,不足的,稀少的,罕见的

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

uneasy [ʌn'i:zi]


adj. 不自在的,心神不安的,不稳定的,不舒服的

slope [sləup]


n. 倾斜,斜坡,斜面,斜线,斜率
vt. 使

brook [bruk]


n. 小河,溪
vt. (常用于否定句或疑问句

modest ['mɔdist]


adj. 谦虚的,适度的,端庄的

torrent ['tɔrənt]


n. 激流,山洪
adj. 奔流的,汹涌的

sod [sɔd]


n. (一块)草皮,草地 n. 鸡奸者 vt. 用草皮覆





