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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Jon remembered how he'd felt the day they had left the Wall: nervous as a maiden,
  • 琼恩还记得从长城出发当天自己的感受:纵然紧张得像个出嫁的少女,
  • but eager to glimpse the mysteries and wonders beyond each new horizon.
  • 却也心怀渴望,期待前方不断升起的陌生地平线后有怎样的神秘和奇迹。
  • Well, here's one of the wonders, he told himself, gazing about the squalid, foul-smelling hall.
  • 好啊,现在总算是发现了一个,他看着这间又脏又臭的大厅,一边告诉自己。
  • The acrid smoke was making his eyes water. A pity that Pyp and Toad can't see all they're missing.
  • 辛辣的烟雾熏得他眼睛流泪。真可惜,派普和陶德错过了这么精彩的事儿。
  • Craster sat above the fire, the only man to enjoy his own chair.
  • 卡斯特靠在火盆边,他是屋内惟一一个有椅子坐的人。
  • Even Lord Commander Mormont must seat himself on the common bench, with his raven muttering on his shoulder.
  • 连莫尔蒙司令都只能挤在长凳上,他的乌鸦在他肩上嘀咕着。
  • Jarman Buckwell stood behind, dripping from patched mail and shiny wet leather,
  • 贾曼·布克威尔站在他身后,打补丁的盔甲和湿得发亮的皮衣不住淌水,
  • beside Thoren Smallwood in the late Ser Jaremy's heavy breastplate and sable-trimmed cloak.
  • 索伦·斯莫伍德也站在旁边,身穿以前属于杰瑞米爵士的胸甲和黑貂皮斗篷。
  • Craster's sheepskin jerkin and cloak of sewn skins made a shabby contrast,
  • 相较之下,卡斯特一身羊皮背心和兽皮拼成的斗篷显得寒酸了许多,
  • but around one thick wrist was a heavy ring that had the glint of gold.
  • 然而在他粗大的手腕上,却带有一只手镯,分量颇重,金光闪闪。
  • He looked to be a powerful man, though well into the winter of his days now,
  • 他看上去虽已进入人生末途,头发由灰转白,时日应该不多,但毋庸置疑,仍旧是个很有力量的人。
  • his mane of hair grey going to white. A flat nose and a drooping mouth gave him a cruel look,
  • 扁平的鼻子和下垂的嘴唇让他的模样带有几分凶残,
  • and one of his ears was missing. So this is a wildling.
  • 他还缺了一只耳朵。这就是活生生的野人。
  • Jon remembered Old Nan's tales of the savage folk who drank blood from human skulls.
  • 琼恩想起老奶妈口中用头骨饮血的蛮人。
  • Craster seemed to be drinking a thin yellow beer from a chipped stone cup.
  • 但眼前的卡斯特喝的是淡黄啤酒,用的是琢石杯子。
  • Perhaps he had not heard the stories.
  • 也许他根本不知道那些故事哩。


Jon remembered how he'd felt the day they had left the Wall: nervous as a maiden, but eager to glimpse the mysteries and wonders beyond each new horizon. Well, here's one of the wonders, he told himself, gazing about the squalid, foul-smelling hall. The acrid smoke was making his eyes water. A pity that Pyp and Toad can't see all they're missing.

Craster sat above the fire, the only man to enjoy his own chair. Even Lord Commander Mormont must seat himself on the common bench, with his raven muttering on his shoulder. Jarman Buckwell stood behind, dripping from patched mail and shiny wet leather, beside Thoren Smallwood in the late Ser Jaremy's heavy breastplate and sable-trimmed cloak.

Craster's sheepskin jerkin and cloak of sewn skins made a shabby contrast, but around one thick wrist was a heavy ring that had the glint of gold. He looked to be a powerful man, though well into the winter of his days now, his mane of hair grey going to white. A flat nose and a drooping mouth gave him a cruel look, and one of his ears was missing. So this is a wildling. Jon remembered Old Nan's tales of the savage folk who drank blood from human skulls. Craster seemed to be drinking a thin yellow beer from a chipped stone cup. Perhaps he had not heard the stories.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
bench [bentʃ]


n. 长凳,工作台,法官席
vt. 坐(

squalid ['skwɔlid]


adj. 肮脏的,悲惨的

commander [kə'mɑ:ndə]


n. 司令官,指挥官

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯

savage ['sævidʒ]


adj. 野性的,凶猛的,粗鲁的,荒野的

leather ['leðə]


n. 皮革,皮制品
adj. 皮革制的

wrist [rist]


n. 手腕,护腕

contrast ['kɔntræst,kən'træst]


n. 差别,对比,对照物
v. 对比,成对照<





